Liberty Ridge Elementary Newsletter
Upcoming Events
12/11/21 Free Community Dinner SHS
12/13-12/17 Spirit Week
12/13-1/21 Waiver application window
12/20-12/31 No School Winter Break
1/3/22 School Resumes
19th Annual Free Community Dinner
When: Saturday, December 11th 12:00 - 3:00 PM
Where: Sumner High School sponsored by SHS ASB
Who: ANYONE in the Sumner-Bonney Lake community
This year’s theme, Walk Through Winter Wonderland, speaks to the new format for the free event, which includes walking through the gym to various grab-and-go stations that include a holiday meal, gifts for children, photos with Santa, and a limited supply of non-perishable food and clothes.
If you know a family who would like to enjoy this experience, please spread the word. The event is open to the entire Sumner-Bonney Lake community.
Preparing for Winter Weather
At Recess-
Please make sure kids have warm clothes for going outside when it is cold. Hats, gloves and jackets are recommended. Also, please consider labeling their items with names in case they get misplaced.
Our predictably unpredictable Pacific Northwest weather changes frequently. If and when it snows or we experience power outages, here are reminders to help you prepare for possible changes to bus and school operations.
Refer to inclement weather procedures for an outline of what to expect regarding communications and operations.
Become familiar with the service area your child’s bus route falls within. There may be a need to offer limited transportation for safety reasons.
Follow us on social media for updates: Facebook, @SumnerSchoolDistrict; Twitter @SumnerSchools; Instagram, @SumnerBonneyLakeSD.
Yearbooks Are On Sale
Yearbooks are on sale! $18 until January 2nd. Price will go up to $20 until May 21st. Forms were sent home, you can send it the form (checks payable to LRE PTO) or you may order online at
Waiver Window Opens Soon!
Keep Your Child Home When:
- There has a close contact with anyone confirmed to have, or suspected to have COVID-19
- The Student has tested positive for, or is waiting on a test for COVID-19
- The student has been told to self isolate or quarantine by public health or a medical professional
- Any of these symptoms are present:
Fever of 100.4 or higher
Cough- frequent and persistent
Loss of taste or smell
Shortness of breath
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea, diarrhea or vomiting
Liberty Ridge Elementary
Location: 12202 209th Ave Ct E, Bonney Lake, WA, USA
Phone: (253) 891-4800