The Weekly Update #4
November 14th, 2023

November 17th
We hope everyone enjoys a much-needed fall break! No school for students, November 20-24. Please encourage your student to keep a similar bedtime so Monday the 27th isn't a rude awakening! 🙂Enjoy time with your loved ones. This week, our 6th grade language arts teachers--across buildings--met to unit plan. Our 8th grade math teachers gathered to check in about Q1 and Amplify Math, go over the projection map for units covered this year and collaboratively plan units for the end of Q1 and Q2.
As always, don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need anything.
A HUGE thanks to our incredible PTSA. Thank you for organizing a wonderful 6th Grade Game Night. Above, Dennis Dixon, talked to our students about the importance of education and working toward their goals. He graciously signed something for everyone who wanted it, and took several photos!
Our Beginning Band, Concert Band, and Symphonic Band were the first group to use our beautiful gym/stage space. Congrats Mr. Uldall and Mr. Denton!
Congrats to our 8th grade football team!
Saturday's (November 11th) championship at Tigard High School was a great victory.
Canned Food Drive!
Our amazing Athey students and families brought in canned food, paper towels, personal items, etc. to donate. The grade-level winners will be announced at today's assembly!
We need your input! Our Parent Education committee is beginning to work. Bring interesting and relevant topics together. We want the topics to be interesting and relevant for you. Help us by completing this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/NXYKJ65
A big thank you to Barbara S, Melissa G, Angie H. for planning a wonderful community building event for our 6th graders. 6th grade Game Night would not have been magical without their planning and all the volunteers that afternoon!
Looking to the next two months, we're working on getting the student store open, an evening Family Movie Night, and showering our teachers with more appreciation with a winter potluck.
Get involved by becoming a PTSA member and/or volunteering. You can engage as much or as little as you have capacity for. Let us know you'd like to volunteer via this google form: https://forms.gle/Q1YPRwEehqERYu5Q8 Become an Athey Creek PTSA member for 2023- 2024 here: https://atheycreek.memberhub.com/
Questions? Email the PTSA at AtheyCreekPTSA@gmail.com
Middle School Wrestling
West Linn Middle School Wrestling is back!!
Please join the team January 4th- February 29th, 2024.
Registration packets are available in the office (see Sasha Wood).
If you have any questions, please email Michelle at wrestling.wlms@gmail.com
Support West Linn High's Substance-free grad party!