Tumbleweed Press
First Day Reminders Edition: 2023-2024
A Message from Mrs. Haymark
We are so excited to welcome you and your children tomorrow. Please read the important information below for all things first day!
Looking forward to an incredible year ahead!
Christa Haymark, Principal
First Day of School Reminders
Walking students to class: Parents are welcome to come inside on the first day and walk their child to class. Visitor stickers will be handed out upon entry of the building. Please ensure the sticker is visibly worn on your clothing while inside our building.
Student Smart Tags
Car Rider Line
Afternoon Transportation
Vogel Cell Phone Policy
- Students are allowed to have cell phones at school, however, phones must be turned off and in the student’s backpack while at all times.
- Students bring their cell phones to school at their own risk.
- Text messaging, Social Media and using phones to take pictures during school is strictly prohibited.
- If a student is in violation of the cell phone policy, the first offense will result in a warning.
- Each offense after will result in the cell phone being taken up and brought to the front office.
- An adult will need to come to school to pick up the phone.
Thank you for helping support a positive educational environment in our school.
2023-2024 Cafeteria Prices
Breakfast Meal Prices
o Student Breakfast $2.00
o Student Reduced Breakfast $0.30
o Non-student Breakfast/2nd Student Breakfast $3.00
Lunch Meal Prices
o Student Lunch $3.20
o Student Reduced Lunch $0.40
o Non-student Lunch/2nd Student Lunch $4.60
School Messenger
All SMS messages received from the Conroe ISD District Office and your child's campus will begin with "Conroe ISD:" and come from the subscribe code 67587. If you have not yet opted-in to receive SMS messages, you can do so at any time throughout the school year by texting "Y" to 67587.
Vogel Intermediate
Email: cghaymark@conroeisd.net
Website: http://vogel.conroeisd.net
Location: 27125 Geffert Wright Dr, Spring, TX 77386, USA
Phone: (832) 663-4300
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.