Monroe Memo
February, 2024
A Message From Mr. Callen
I am excited to be working alongside Mr. Bertsche as the interim principal at Monroe for the remainder of the school year. I think I speak for everyone in saying 'Thank You' to Mr. Bertsche for his leadership and willingness to support the Monroe Learning Community in a time of need. Mr. Bertsche and I will be sharing the interim principal role. Mr. Bertsche will be in the building Monday - Wednesday and I will be in the building Wednesday - Friday. Please don't hesitate to reach out to either one of us with questions or concerns.
Upcoming Conferences
Conferences will be held on Thursday, February 15th from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. Your child's conference time will be scheduled at the same time as their fall conference. A note from your child's teacher was sent home with specific information regarding their conference time and type of conference on Friday, January 26th. Please return the form as soon as possible to ensure your time slot. If you were unable to make the fall conference date, there is still time to make arrangements for February 15th by contacting your child's teacher! Please call the school office if you have not received the form mentioned above or if you have any questions. 920.663.9550
Standard Response Protocol of the Month- "HOLD"
In the month of February Monroe students will be practicing a "HOLD" drill. A "HOLD" is the protocol used when hallways need to be kept clear of occupants. It will be business as usual in the classroom while the "HOLD" is in progress. Students will remain in the classroom until the "All Clear" is given.
Monroe PTA News
Monroe Elementary School
2502 South 14th Street, Manitowoc WI
920-663-9666 attendance line