Challenger Weekly
November 28th - December 2nd
Challenger Elementary School
Location: 9600 Holly Drive, Everett, WA, USA
Phone: (425) 366-2500
Math- What are we looking for?
October – Beginning of December 2022
As Tara and I take learning walks, we will be looking for the following resources and strategies at each grade level that our teachers are trying on:
(Unit 2 –
5-Groups I Numbers
Daily Routines and Quick Practices with a student leader, 120 Poster, Giant Yellow Number Cards
The use of Math Expressions Counting Mats with the red, blue, green, and purple tiles to help students gain number sense and counting skills.
5-groups in Numbers 6-10
1st Grade
(Unit 2 – Addition and Subtraction Strategies)
Daily Routines and Quick Practices with a student leader,
120 Poster, Number Patterns poster
Circle drawings to show partners and totals
Grade 1 Math Expressions whiteboards and Secret Code Cards
Story problems – students retelling to partners, and using Math Mountains to show what is happening in story problems
2nd Grade
(Unit 2 – Addition within 200)
Daily Routines and Quick Practices with a student leader,
120 Poster, Money Flip Chart, Coins in Quick Practice
Make-a-Ten Cards
Base 10 Blocks to represent addition concretely
Multiple Strategies for 2-digit addition (Proof Drawings, Show All Totals, New Groups Below, New Groups Above)
Students reading/retelling word problems several times, using Math Mountains
Grade 2 Math Expressions whiteboards and Secret Code Cards - students using the number path on the front, and dot array on the back of
the whiteboards so they can see the entire quantity of the numbers
3rd Grade
(Unit 2 – Multiplication and Division with 6s, 7s, 8s, and Multiply with Multiples of 10)
Quick Practices with a student leader – saying multiples and showing on fingers
Fact Fluency with derived strategies: multiples, 5s shortcut, repeated addition
Students using the 3rd Grade Math Expressions whiteboards to show their thinking – using the number path on the front to build number sense and fact fluency with multiples, and the dot array on the back and/or grid paper to find area and to draw arrays
Identifying Problem Types such as Equal Groups, Equal Shares, Arrays, and using models to tell the story
Situation and Solution Equations: Situation equations tell the story as it is written; Solution equations solve the problem
4th Grade
(Unit 2 – Multiplication with Whole Numbers)
Quick Practices with a student leader – using place value language, e.g. “3 times 4 tens equals 12 tens or 120”
Students using the 4th Grade Math Expressions whiteboards to show their thinking – using the dot array on the back of the whiteboards to build concrete area models for multiplication
Base Ten Blocks to model multiplication equations so that students can see the total quantities
2 x 20 =
Students reading story problems several times, and then retelling the story, possibly without numbers or names – just telling the gist of the story.
Students using their hands to tell a story to aid in understanding, and then drawing models to represent the problem type
Multiplication of 1 digit by up to 4 digits, or 2 digits by 2 digits using Place Value Strategies such as Area Models or Place Value Sections
5th Grade
(Unit 2 – Addition and Subtraction with Decimals)
Quick Practices with a student leader
Using Place Value Language when reading and comparing decimals,
e.g. 0.5 > 0.005 = “5 tenths is greater than 5 thousandths”Students using the 5th Grade Math Expressions whiteboards and Green Decimal Secret Code Cards. The front of the whiteboard has a decimal bar on the top that students can use to create number lines below with corresponding values. The green secret code cards have the money amounts on the back that students can use to prove their thinking.
Using Math Mountains to relate addition and subtraction with decimals
Students Building and Writing Decimals in as many ways as they can
(Fractions, Decimals, Word Name, Money, etc.)