Shorewood Hills Shark Tooth
October 20th, 2023
We will develop a welcoming school community of global citizens through: Anti-racist practices, strong relationships, and high academic expectations.
I hope everyone had a good day off of school today! We had a productive and engaging morning of collaboration here at school.
A big thank you for the support with our Fall Clean-Up last weekend. Our grounds look much better! The costume giveaway/exchange was also a success. We have our annual Fall Festival next weekend. It is always a fantastic time for kids and families. Here is the sign-up again to volunteer. There are just a few spots left where we'll need some help! If you can offer an hour of your time it would be greatly appreciated!
In partnership,
Anne Gillespie
Fall Festival
Our Fall Festival is right around the corner. See the flyer below for info and SHESPTO.org volunteer sign-up information.
8th graders from Hamilton performed one-person adaptations of children's books!
The Madison Fire Department sharing fire safety information!
Future Problem Solving After School Club
Please see the image below for info on our Future Problem Solving Club!
Save the Date: Book Fair!
Save the Date: Scholastic Book Fair is coming back to Shorewood Hills Elementary School!!
Students will be able to shop at the Scholastic Book Fair after school on Tuesday 10/31-Thursday 11/2 and during Parent Teacher Conferences Thursday evening and Friday 11/3. Sales from the Book Fair will benefit the Shorewood Hills Elementary LMC.
More information and specific details, including how to pre-pay for your child’s books by setting up an e-wallet and donating funds or books for your child’s classroom, will come via school email next week. Follow us on Facebook, and check the PTO website for updates.
Use this link to preview our school’s Book Fair homepage: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/shorewoodhillselementary
*note that fair dates have been moved to 10/31-11/3.
Can you volunteer during the book fair? We need help at the registers and restocking books. Time commitments are 2 hours. We appreciate your consideration. Use the SignUpGenius below if you are interested in helping.
From the School Nurse
Health Office Requests
The Health Office is looking for donations of gently used gender neutral pants, sweat pants, athletic pants, or leggings (not jeans), sized 5-12. We will also happily take any donations of snow pants, sized 5 or larger as you are cleaning out your storage and preparing for winter. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Reminder to check for Nits/Lice
We have been notified of a couple of cases within the school community and a targeted email has gone out to the class(es) impacted, but everyone should be periodically monitoring their students for lice. We had a nice break from this nuisance with the pandemic but thankfully kids are back to regularly scheduled activities, sleepovers and playdates and with that comes increased incidence of lice. Please report any cases of head lice to your teacher and the Health Office. The school will not identify any students that have had lice, but we do encourage families to tell the families of their student's close contacts/friends. Early detection and treatment is the best way to stop an outbreak.
Here is the CDC's website on Lice FAQ
and MMSD's What Parents Need to Know About Lice
MMSD Instructions for Head Lice Treatment
Please reach out to the school nurse with any questions,
lgmccluskey1@madison.k12.wi.us or call the Health Office at 608-204-1204.
Thank you and good health wishes,
Becoming an Approved Volunteer
We would love to have as many family members as possible become approved volunteers! The process is quite easy.
Here are links with more information:
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Please find food service menus linked here. There is also an option to subscribe to the menus on iCal or Google calendar.
Resources and Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Dates:
- Friday, October 27th: 3:30 Popcorn sale
- Saturday, October 28th: 1:00-4:00 Fall Festival
- Monday, October 30th: Winter gear collection starts
- Tuesday, October 31st: **Mid-day Release at 11:30**
- November: Native American Heritage Month
- Thursday, November 2nd: Evening Family Conferences (Winter Gear Give-a-Way and Book Fair)
- Friday, November 3rd: No school--Family Conferences (Winter gear Give-a-Way and Book Fair)
Help Lines:
Text “HOPELINE” to 741741
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 608-280-2600 or 1-800-273-8255
Briarpatch Helpline: 1-800-798-1126
Trevor Lifeline for LGBTQ+: 1-866-488-7386 or click here for Trevor Text & Trevor Chat
24/7 SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline - 1-800-985-5990
24/7 Parental Stress Line - 1-800-632-8188
- Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) Help Line: 608-251-4445 or 800-747-4045, If you are in immediate danger, call 911.