Transition Tidbits
January 2023
Southeast Ohio Transition Council (SOTC)
Southeast Ohio Transition Council is a network of educators and providers in collaboration to promote successful transitions for students with disabilities from high school to post-secondary
education, employment, and independent living. The council will incorporate professional development, compliance/ODE updates, sharing of evidence-based practices and predictors, opportunities for networking/collaboration to increase partnerships, and strategies for
implementing meaningful transition plans.
The next SOTC Networking hour will be virtual on January 31 from 2:30-3:30 pm. Please register using this link. Here is the Zoom link to join the meeting.
We are exited to get to meet in person on March 2, 2023, from 8:30 am-2:30 pm. Please register here so we can prepare a meeting place to accommodate our group.
Did you know that transition can be addressed as early as pre-k or Kindergarten? The Career Connections Framework is a planning tool for districts to provide students with opportunities to develop a vision and realistic plan for their futures. This framework aligns the many efforts around college and career readiness to support students in becoming productive and engaged citizens. Elementary through 5th-grade students should have the opportunity for career awareness, middle school (6-8) should participate in career exploration & interests and high school students (9-12) focus on career planning, decision making & transition.
Career Connection Learning Strategies help educators connect student learning to future work. Here are examples of how the model curriculum for Ohio’s New Learning Standards incorporates strategies beginning in kindergarten through high school.
Attention Middle School Teachers!
Want to get a jump start on transition planning? Did you know that FREE resources are available for Early Transition Planning through Ohio Employment First? Caregivers and professionals can access and will be led to resources, supports, and activities that will actively engage young learners to help them start thinking about what a fulfilling adult life can look like. After you have had the opportunity to "Start Talking" and "Connect for Support" you can take a survey to better support the work that is happening around early transition planning.
Graduation Requirements Update
ODE has recently released an updated flier explaining the long-term graduation requirements, a page with information about Graduation and Students with IEPs, and a website called Unlock Your Future geared toward students and families.
The Office of Graduate Success is dedicated to helping answer questions and provide guidance regarding Ohio's graduation requirements. Office hours take place through May alternating on Wednesday afternoons from 3:30-4:30 PM and Friday mornings. Sign up here!
Alternate Assessment for Students with Cognitive Disabilities (AASCD)
The 2023 AASCD test administration window is Feb. 27-April 21. To prepare for the AASCD, districts should ensure that test coordinators and test administrators have reviewed the 2023 AASCD administration manuals available on the AASCD test portal before the test window opens. The revised course is slated to be released Fri., Jan. 13, 2023.
Career Tech Corner: Serving Students with Disabilities in Career Tech Pathways
Your regional Career Tech Consultants have hosted two state-wide CTE/Special Education Meetings so far this year. Here is a link to a folder with meeting minutes, links to presenters' presentations, and a recording of the meeting. These meetings include a lot of important information for not only CTE schools, but any school providing CTE Pathways to students!
Statewide CTE/Special Education Meetings 2022-2023. The winter meeting will be held on February 16th. Here are the registration link and flier. February CTE/Special Education Meeting We hope to see you there!
Quality Program Review, Information
If your district offers Career Tech Pathways and you have programs that will be under the Quality Program Review, here are dates you need to be aware of: Thursday, January 5th at Washington State Community College is the Southeast Region date and location. To see dates and locations for other regions use this link: QPR Workshops. The Equity Lab Work the Office of Career Technical Education has offered in the past will be embedded in the QPR Workshops at this time. If we learn any additional information, we will pass it along!
Career Based Interventions and Job Training Coordinator Programs
If you have an interest in learning more about Career Based Interventions and Job Training Coordinator Programs, please watch the information session that was recorded on the website. (Click on Continuous Improvement and then click on Recorded Network Meetings.) A CTE 26 application must be completed to offer these programs, and the application window is open. Southeast Ohio Tech Prep will offer two work sessions to assist with these applications: January 18 CTE-26 Submission Workshop @ Washington State Community College: and January 25 CTE-26 Submission Workshop @ Belmont College:
Work Based Learning Experiences
Is your district looking for business partners to provide Work Based Learning Experiences for your students? Businesses are eligible for a tax credit for providing Work Based Learning Experiences for students. The work experience must be associated with an approved career-technical education (CTE) pathway in which the eligible employee is enrolled. New and current work-based learning experiences may be eligible for this tax credit. Businesses can learn more by attending this webinar on at 11:00 AM on December 7th: Tax Credit Certificate for Work-Based Learning Experiences.
Contact: Sherri Lawrence, Career Technical Planning District Consultant
Great Meetings for Schools and Families: A Professional Resource for School Staff
Over the years we have heard families say that meetings with teachers/staff at their child's school can be intimidating. We want families to walk into meetings ready to collaborate and to feel comfortable participating collaboratively. This professional resource includes a video presentation and accompanying toolkit that will guide your school-based team through what it takes to have great meetings with families.
Low Incidence Sensory Disabilities (LISD) Grant Funded Programs
Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI) or those with a Hearing Impaired Licensure (THI) are difficult to access in Southeast Ohio. Might you be a good match for these additional licensures and have additional expertise that could then benefit students in our region? Check out these grant-funded programs from Shawnee State and please pass them along to anyone who may be interested and/or who may not even know these opportunities exist!