ROE 53 Newsletter
January 2023
Youth Mental Health First Aid
- January 24 (registration closes SOON!)
- April 21
6.5 PD hours - 2 hours of online pre-work + 4.5 hours in person workshop
April 3 - Understanding and Teaching Children Affected by Poverty
More Information and Registration - HERE
- 6.5 PD Hours available
- Lunch Provided
SEL Article Highlight
This insightful article from author and founder of Equity Literacy Institute, Paul Gorski
Additional PD Activities
Illinois Elevating Special Educators (IESE): In partnership with ISBE and OSEP, IESE offers monthly professional learning on topics for special education teachers. The next sessions:
Jan 10, 2023: Co-teaching
Jan 26, 2023: Brain Breaks & De-escalation Ideas
Integrating STEM Learning with K-4 Literacy Instruction: Bradley University is offering five sessions, starting Jan 19, 2023, for K-5 educators to learn ways to integrate STEM into their literacy instruction. Learn more and register here!
Computational Skills & Coding with Culture: Rescheduled for Jan 23, 2023. This free, online session will include strategies to enhance students' computational skills in all subject areas. ROE 53 welcomes Victor 'Coach' Hicks from Coding with Culture as he shares some new ways to get students engaged in learning. Register here!
Dyslexia Seminar: Join ROE 53 & 48 on Jan 26, 2023 at 5 Points Washington to learn more about the origins of dyslexia, myths, screening, and ideas for literacy practices which support students with dyslexia. Learn more & register here!
AA 1448 Teacher Evaluator Competency Skill Building: Feb 17, 2023 at 5 Points, Washington; register here!
Other Information from ROE 53
Substitute Licensure
On Jan. 1, 2023, Public Act 102-0711 will allow a student enrolled in an Illinois approved educator preparation program with 90 semester hours of coursework to qualify for the substitute license. Anyone interested will need to submit an application within their ELIS account. To determine eligibility for licensure under this new law, ISBE will confirm that a candidate's ELIS account shows a professional educator license (PEL) in "pre-completion" status and will verify that the candidate has completed the requisite semester hours of coursework from the entitling institution of higher education (as listed on the pre-completion PEL).
PreK-8 Paraprofessionals
Public Act 102-0711 will allow paraprofessionals to be 18 years of age and serve in a prekindergarten through Grade 8 classroom only, effective Jan. 1, 2023. Districts will be responsible for placing paraprofessionals under the age of 19 at the appropriate grade level.
Lapsed Licenses
As a reminder, all licenses issued prior to July 1, 2022, that have not yet been registered will lapse on Jan. 1, 2023. Please remind educators that their license must be registered in order to be valid for employment.
ROE 53 Cohorts
Technology Roundtable: ROE 53 partners with LTC and meets monthly to brainstorm, troubleshoot, and share information. The next meeting is January 13. You can register here!
Instructional Coaches: meets monthly to discuss and share coaching strategies and approaches used in schools; next one is January 19. Sign up here!
World Language: meets quarterly to informally discuss and share about teaching world languages; next one is January 25. All are welcome! Sign up to join us here!
Self-Paced Book Studies available through ROE 53
- Emotional Poverty in All Demographics: How to Reduce Anger, Anxiety, and Violence in the Classroom by Ruby Payne
- The Burnout Cure: Learning to Love Teaching Again by Chase Mielke
If interested register here!
SEL PD and Resources Website
- articles and videos
- FREE PD opportunities
- FREE audiobooks for educators
- and much more!
Click here to complete the SEL Hub Interest form for your school or district
FREE SEL Professional Learning - Online
Click on the HERE to register on the REACH Learning and Resource Hub.
The REACH Learning and Resource Hub provides free, virtual on-demand learning and education resources to help educators, clinicians, parents, and caregivers better support the mental health and resilience of the children and youth in their communities.
Community / Area Resources
- U of I Extension has various events planned for Teacher Tuesdays! The next one is Jan 10, 2023 at Jump Simulation Center. Learn more here.
- Learning Technology Center (LTC) Monthly Tech Tip -- Check out 6 tips to improve your workflow with Gmail!
- IL Central College is accepting applications for College for Kids Instructors for the 2023 Summer CFK Season. ICC’s College for Kids is looking for instructors who want to share their passion of subjects to kids in Grades 4-12. To apply please go to this link: College For Kids Instructor Application
Contact Regional Office of Education #53
Regional Superintendent: Jeff Ekena
Assistant Regional Superintendent: Jon Smith
Professional Development Coordinator: Kelli Ballard
Social Emotional Learning Specialist: Theresa Olsen
Email: office53@roe53.net
Website: https://www.roe53.net/
Location: 414 Court Street, Pekin, IL, USA
Phone: (309) 477-2290
Facebook: facebook.com/mtwroe53
Twitter: @mtwroe53