Central Emerson Elementary
Home of the Tigers - December 8, 2022
Music Concerts - 3rd & 4th Grades - December 8
3rd and 4th grade concerts are tonight!
All 3rd and 4th Grade students are expected to attend their concert and will need to arrive 15 minutes before the concert starts. Come enjoy your child’s performance in a great night of music!
Thursday, December 8 in the Emerson Gym
3rd Grade Concert: This is America – 6 p.m.
4th Grade Concert: A Holiday of Music – 7 p.m.
If your child is unable to attend, please let Mr. Beal know by email, phone or note.
justin.beal@sno.wednet.edu or 360-563-7182
Holiday Spirit Week, December 12-16
Tuesday, December 13 - Holiday Head Wear - wear your Santa hat, reindeer antlers or any other holiday hat or headband
Wednesday, December 14 - Candy Cane Day - wear red and white or green and white
Thursday, December 15 - Holiday Cheer - wear a holiday sweater/shirt or red & green
Friday, December 16 - Holiday Stuffed Animal - bring your festive stuffy to school
"Jammies and Jingle Bells" for K-2 Families - A Cozy Holiday Family Night
Attention all Central families!!! Come dressed in your favorite jammies for holiday games and crafts. You will be able to take a family photo in our holiday booth (bring your camera) and enjoy a cookie. Stop by the library for a winter scavenger hunt and cozy up to read a book with your family. The library will be open for Family Check Out. Make sure and look for additional books you can enjoy together over the break!
Come and “Jingle in your Jammies” as we sing festive songs throughout the night.
Who: Kindy-2nd Grade Families
When: Tuesday, December 13th
Time: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Where: Central Campus
Counselor's Corner
Hello Central Emerson Families and Happy Holidays!
As part of our jobs as school counselors, each year we run a series of small groups for 6-8 weeks that help teach social/emotional and behavioral skills to students. The groups will start in January and will be held once a week for 30 minutes. This year, we plan to run the following small groups:
- Friendship Group (How to be a good friend, make a friend, values to look for in a friend, how to solve conflicts with friends)
- Social Thinking/Social Skills Group (How to think about others and the thoughts they get about us based on our behavior, perspective taking, appropriate/expected social skills)
- Expected Behaviors for Learning Group (Expected behavior for school such as following directions, being part of a group, "whole body" listening, focusing on schoolwork)
- Feeling Identification/Coping Skills Group (How to pay attention to our bodies/sensations to notice and name our feelings, using coping skills to self-regulate)
- Grief Group (Learning what grief is and the grief cycle, helps support students knowing they're not alone and other experience grief at times too, coping skills)
- Family Changes Group (Learning what divorce/separation/family change is and how it's not the student's fault and that others experience it too, coping skills)
Please reach out to us if you have questions about small groups or would like your child to participate in a group. The groups are made by grade level and are generally made of anywhere from 2-5 students.
Thank you,
Crystal Williams
Central Campus Counselor
(360) 563-4612
Jamie Walton
Emerson Campus Counselor
(360) 563-7179
Winter Weather
As we head into winter, a reminder regarding school closures, delayed starts and limited transportation (snow) routes and schedules. If inclement weather conditions occur, the district office will decide whether to:
- Hold school (regular hours)
- Hold school (delayed start) - All schools will start two hours late
- Close school
Important links:
- District weather info - www.sno.wednet.edu/weather
- Limited transportation (snow) bus routes & schedules - www.sno.wednet.edu/snowroutes
- FlashAlert - http://www.flashalertseattle.net/closures-cats.html
- Puget Sound Energy outage map - https://pse.com/accoun.../servicealert/pages/outage-map.aspx
- Snohomish County PUD outage map - https://outagemap.snopud.com/
- Snohomish County road closure information - https://snohomishcountywa.gov/518/Road-Closures
- Snohomish County snow and ice response - https://snohomishcountywa.gov/2113/Snow-and-Ice-Response
Why does attendance even matter?
- Starting in kindergarten, too many absences can cause children to fall behind in school.
- Missing 10% can make it harder to learn to read.
- Students can still fall behind if they miss just a day or two every few weeks.
- Being late to school may lead to poor attendance.
- Absences can affect the whole classroom if the teacher has to slow down learning to help catch children up.
Reporting Absences
If your child is absent or going to arrive late, please let us know:
Central Attendance Line: 360-563-4602
Central Attendance Email: CPC-Attendance@sno.wednet.edu
Emerson Attendance Line: 360-563-7156
Emerson Attendance Email: EM-Attendance@sno.wednet.edu
Skyward/Family Access: https://www2.nwrdc.wa-k12.net/scripts/cgiip.exe/WService=wsnohoms71/seplog01.w
Upcoming Dates
8 - 3rd Grade Concert, 6 p.m., Emerson Gym
8 - 4th Grade Concert, 7 p.m., Emerson Gym
9 - Dudes & Doughnuts, Central Gym, 7:45-8:15 a.m.
12-16 Holiday Spirit Week
12 - Stadium Flowers Pick Up at Central, 3-6 p.m.
13 - K-2 Central Jammie & Jingle Bells Family Night, 5:30-7 p.m., Central Gym
20 - Early Dismissal/11:30 @ Central & 11:45 @ Emerson
21- Jan. 3 Winter Break/No School
4 - School Resumes
13 - MLK Assembly, Emerson Campus 8:45
16 - MLK Holiday/No School
30 - Non Student Day/No School
Yearbook Coordinator
Central Emerson PTA
High Trek Adventures: If you received a High Trek Adventures voucher for reading from last year, please note that they expire on February 28, 2023. The vouchers were sent directly to the student's email. Use them over Winter Break for some fun!
Dudes and Doughnuts: The PTA is partnering with and bringing back Watch Dogs for Central and Emerson. Join us December 9 in Central's Gym from 7:45 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. to share a doughnut with your child and learn about volunteering for Watch Dogs. This is a program that focuses on bringing fathers and father figures into the school and classrooms. There will be another informational meeting at Emerson in January.
PTA and ArtWise NW: Central Emerson PTA and ArtWiseNW are partnering up again to bring a holiday crafting workshop to Central and Emerson. Central art workshop was held this week. Emerson will host a 3-day camp on December 13, 14 and 15 in the gym after school. Spots are still available for the Emerson Art Workshop. Register today. All the information is on the flyer below. Email ptacentralemerson@gmail.com ASAP for interest in scholarship.
Stadium Flower Orders: All orders were placed last week and will be delivered to Central on December 12. Pick up will ONLY be at Central from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. If unable to pick up that day, please contact the PTA to schedule a time. The PTA is looking for volunteers to help with sorting and picking up orders on the December 12, click here for the SignUpGenius to volunteer, https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4BABAC2CABFDC16-stadium.
Please email ptacentralemerson@gmail.com for more information or to schedule a different pick-up time. Thank you to everyone who ordered, and we raised over $1,000 for our school.
Food Bank Donation: THE FOOD DRIVE IS IN FULL SWING! FILL UP THOSE CRATES! The PTA wants to give back to our community this holiday season with a food donation drive. We have partnered with the Snohomish Food Bank to make this happen. The Food Drive will run from December 1 to 15. Each class will have a crate to fill for the food bank. The class that collects the greatest number of items will win a class doughnut party from the PTA. There will be one winning class at Central and one winning class at Emerson. Start collecting today!
Here is a list of most needed items from the Snohomish Food Bank: Canned frosting for cakes, Apple Sauce, Canned Pasta Sauce, Jell-O, Canned fruit- peaches, pears or mandarin oranges, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Cornbread Muffin Mix, Boxes of tea, Canned dog or cat food, Baby wipes, Soups- Cream of mushroom, vegetable, chicken noodle or tomato, and Canned Vegetables. They will also accept monetary donations- cash or check made out to the Snohomish Food Bank with name and address in an envelope. This will ensure they will send you a card stating they received the donation and follow up with a tax letter in January. $1 will equal 1 item in our competition. Just a reminder no expired food or opened items. They will have to throw them away.
Thank you so much from the Snohomish Food Bank and the PTA!
Be sure to look at our FB page for all news at Central-Emerson PTA.
Click here for Central Emerson PTA on Facebook.
If you have any questions – please contact ptacentralemerson@gmail.com.
PTA Flyers
ArtWise: 3rd - 6th
Gift Making Workshop for 3rd-6th at Emerson
Dec. 13, 14 and 15 from 3:15-4:30 p.m.Donuts with Dudes
Central Gym
District Approved Community Flyers
- Affordable Connectivity Program
- Allergy & Asthma Network - Do you have peanut allergy? Do you care for a child who has peanut allergy? The Allergy & Asthma Network is looking for parents/guardians and families of children who have peanut allergies for a paid research study. Learn more at https://allergyasthmanetwork.org/news/do-you-have-peanut-allergy/.
- Basketball Cheer Clinic - SHS December 9
- BridgeWhiz for Youth
- Camp Fire - Discover Club Program
- Civil Air Patrol
- Climb the Mountain Free Online Speech and Debate Programs
- COVID-19 Study Conducted by UW and the Center for Health Research at Kaiser Permanente Northwest - You and your family are invited to join a research study to help understand more about COVID-19. You do not need to be vaccinated to participate. You will receive free weekly COVID-19 PCR tests delivered to and picked up from the convenience of your home. Learn more at cascadiastudy.org.
- Cub Scouts Pack 193 and Calendar
- Girl Scouts Daisy Troop 41623 - Cathcart Elementary
- Girls Snolax Lacrosse Try if for Free! - January 7
- Girls Lacrosse - Try Us Out
- GPHS Swing Dance - January 21
- JK Martial Arts - November 2022
- Join Girl Scouts at Dutch Hill
- Native American and First Nations Night - UW Volleyball vs. Utah
- Reflections School of Dance - December 2022
- Santa Slam (Youth Basketball) - December 20 and 21
- Seattle Children's Chorus Registration
- Sno-Isle Libraries - November and December 2022
- Snohomish Community Food Bank
- Snohomish for Equity Youth Committee Application
- STEMTree
- Strategic Kids Chess at Totem Falls Elementary
- Strategic Kids LEGO at Totem Falls Elementary
Fliers are typically posted on Tuesdays during the months of August through June. For additional flier program details and/or to complete a request for distribution, please click here.
Central Emerson Elementary - Contact Us
Central Campus (Grades K-2)
Sam Hanson, Principal
Alice Dailey, Assistant Principal
221 Union Avenue, Snohomish, WA 98290
Classroom Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:20 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Early dismissal every Friday 8:20 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Contact Us
Main Number: 360-563-4600
Attendance Line: 360-563-4602
Attendance email: CPC-Attendance@sno.wednet.edu
Emerson Campus (Grades 3-6)
Sam Hanson, Principal
Alice Dailey, Assistant Principal
1103 Pine Avenue, Snohomish, WA 98290
Classroom Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:35 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Early dismissal every Friday 8:35 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Friday 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Contact Us
Main Number: 360-563-7150
Attendance Line: 360-563-7156
Attendance email: EM-Attendance@sno.wednet.edu
Non-Discrimination Notice
The Snohomish School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator, Title IX Coordinator and ADA – Darryl Pernat, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290, 360-563-7285, darryl.pernat@sno.wednet.edu; Section 504 Coordinator and Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying – Shawn Stevenson, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290, 360-563-7282, shawn.stevenson@sno.wednet.edu.