Translation Instructions

Translate Newsletters & videos into your preferred language
Step 1: Translate the Newsletter
Para traducir esta pagina, favor de hacer click en "translate" or el "insert icon" y escoja su idioma, y listo! https://www.smore.com/3kyt7
لترجمة هذه الصفحة ، يرجى النقر فوق "ترجمة" أو "إدراج رمز" واختيار لغتك ، وهذا كل شيء! https://www.smore.com/3kyt7
Begin at Step 2 to translate videos
Step 2: Click play on the video then follow the steps below
1. Click on the "CC" button
2. Next, click the "gear" shaped button
3. Then click “Subtitles" from the list of choices
4. Last, click “auto-translate” and find your preferred language
The video will now play captions for your preferred language.
Lone Star Online Academy
Translation Instructions for Families Newsletter