The Rockville Times
January 2023
Happy New Year!
Upcoming Events
- January 2- No School
- January 11- Advisory Day
- January 16- No School; Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- January 18-23 Semester Exams
- January 23- End of the Quarter
- January 25- Advisory Day
- January 26- Grade 8 Open House, 6:00pm
Looking back on December
ASTE Hosts Successful Holiday Sale
The ASTE department hosted a Holiday Sale open to the public on December 1st. They sold crafts, pet treats, jewelry and more items handmade by students. They also had a beautiful assortment of wreaths, center pieces, and trees!
PJ Day for CCMC
RHS students and staff wore their PJ's on Friday December 9th and raised $621!
Mr. RHS Crowned
Mr. RHS - A new Mr. RHS was crowned on Friday, December 9th. His talent and poise won over the judges and won the hearts of audience members. Our new Mr. RHS is Abdullah Chaudhry!
Thank you to all who supported this event and made it possible.
Winter Band and Choir Concert
The Rockville band and choir had an incredible concert on the 15th! The audience enjoyed performances from the RHS Marching Ram Band, the jazz band, the symphony band, and the RHS choir! Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy this night of music, and be sure to look out for more upcoming music events!
Student Council Blood Drive
RHS Student Council and the Allied Health Program sponsored a Blood Drive with the American Red Cross. Student Council helped to check in donors and the Allied Health Students helped to escort donors to the canteen area. 37 units were collected. Student Council and Allied Health are planning another Blood Drive for May 2023.
Rockstars of the month!
December Winners
Rockstars of the Month are nominated by teachers at RHS and then selected from a committee. These students worked hard, played hard, and owned it in the month of December. Students received a certificate and a personalized T-shirt!
Congratulations to...
9th grade: Meredith Ross & Luke Yencho
10th grade: Cortney Maddox & Mah Noor
11th grade: Katherine Larson & Olivia Clemons
12th grade: Claire Zess & Nathan Kay
Winter Spirit Week!
Monday: Rock Paper Scissors Tournament!
Tuesday: Twinkle/Holiday Lights
Wednesday: Flannel Day
Thursday: Candy Cane Day
Friday: Ugly Sweater Day
Students and staff enjoyed a fun week before break. They started the week with a Rock Paper Scissors Tournament and then wore festive outfits all week long.
Door Decorating
The Winners are...
Grade 9- Mrs. Langan's Advisory
Grade 10- Mrs. Majersky's Advisory
Grade 11- Mrs. Maskell's Advisory
Grade 12- Mrs. Oaks Advisory
These advisories have earned donuts on our next advisory day!!!
Congratulations!!! 😊
Creative Writing Holiday Cards
The RHS Creative Writers participated in a holiday card lock-in spread cheer to seniors at the Pitkat Center. Check out their designs!
RHS News
Yearbook- Order a Recognition Ad for the RHS Yearbook
RHS Writing Center
Need help on any writing assignments? The RHS Writing Center is now open to assist! It is located in room 228 in English hall and will be open during block 2 and 3. Use the QR code below to sign up for a slot!
Young Writers Twisted Tales Flash Fiction Competition
Fourteen RHS Creative Writers were winners in the Young Writers Twisted Tales Flash Fiction Competition. Their pieces were selected for publication from over 8,000 entries from across the nation. Congratulations to Emma Millett, Joey Gorski, Natalie Crowley, Madison Bruce, Mihailee Constantopoulos, Abigail Aggarwala, Morgan Fischer, Clarissa Halpryn, JC Castro, Atara Quick, Ali Columbo, Nathan Kay, Poppet Brouillard, and Finn Bartolotta!
Poetry Rocks Featured Poets
Caitlin Chatterton and Anaya Tolton were featured poets at Arts Center East on Sunday, Dec. 4th. Poetry Rocks is a quarterly series that gives RHS Creative Writers the opportunity to read with established CT authors. Caitlin and Anaya shared the stage with Suzanne Frischkorn and Steve Straight.
International Renee Duke Youth Award Poetry Contest Winner
Senior Tovah Oslovich took 1st place in the 2022 International Renee Duke Youth Award Poetry Contest which celebrates the 74th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The theme of this year’s youth award poetry contest was “Human Rights Hero” – living or dead, famous or unknown. Tovah received $500.00 and their work will be published online. You can read the winning poem below.
1st Prize – But if that’s really true, then why do we need Malala? by Tovah Oslovich (Vernon, CT)
Classroom Spotlight
Conteporary World Issues (CWI) Students Thrive with Semester Long Research Projects
In December and January CWI students are finishing up a semester long research project. They started by choosing a topic based on one of their four units. They then created their own research questions, compiled, organized, and analyzed information into notecards, and then presented their work with a poster and another creative outcome- podcast, documentary, newsletter, or art work!
The classes will display their projects in a showcase on Thursday January 12th and Friday January 13th in the Library Media Center. Come check them out and support our students hard work!
Library Media Center
Library Media Club Hosts Winter Read-A-Thon
Starting on January 9th, The Library Media Club is hosting the annual RHS Winter Read-a-Thon. In the Read-a-Thon, you will read 4-5 books to complete a “Bingo” on a Book Bingo Card. Each “Bingo” you complete will earn you an entry into a gift card raffle! ALL entries will earn a small prize. In order to participate, visit the Library Media Center to pick up your materials and learn more. All entries must be turned in on or before March 31st. There is PLENTY of time to read! ALL students and staff are invited to participate!
RAMS Athletics
Our winter sports teams have begun playing games this week. Best of luck to all teams!
Click here for winter schedules.
Spring sports registration is now open. The deadline for registration is March 6th. Don’t wait! You can register here.
Live Streaming- We live stream all of our Home events in the gym and on the turf. Here is the link to watch if you cannot make the games.