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November 2022 Newsletter (posted 11/1/22)
Cocoa High School Monthly News and Information
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School Report Card Notification
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires that a Local Educational Agency prepare and disseminate an annual Local Educational Agency report card and provide information on state, local, and school performance and progress in an understandable and uniform format. Use the links provided below to view either the 2021-2022 Brevard School District Report Card or Cocoa High School Report Card. If you would like a printed copy or need translation assistance, please notify the front office. These reports can be translated into Spanish and Haitian Creole by using the Select Language option at the top left of each page. Select the preferred language from the drop-down menu.
Cocoa High School Report Card Link:
District Report Card Link:
La Ley de Educación Primaria y Secundaria de 1965 (ESEA), enmendada por la Ley Cada Estudiante Triunfa (ESSA), requiere que una Agencia Educativa Local prepare y difunda una boleta de calificaciones anual de la Agencia Educativa Local y proporcione información sobre el estado, local y escuela desempeño y progreso en un formato comprensible y uniforme. Utilice los enlaces que se proporcionan a continuación para ver el Boletín de calificaciones del distrito escolar de Brevard 2021-2022 o el Boletín de calificaciones de la escuela de Cocoa High School. Si desea una copia impresa o necesita ayuda con la traducción, notifique a la oficina principal. Estos informes se pueden traducir al español y al criollo haitiano usando la opción Seleccionar idioma en la parte superior izquierda de cada página. Seleccione el idioma preferido en el menú desplegable.
Cocoa High School Vínculo de la boleta de calificaciones:
Enlace a la boleta de calificaciones del distrito:
Descargo de responsabilidad: Goggle Translate le ha traducido este documento. Cualquier error en la traducción es involuntario.
Jacob Dailey
Emma Dance
Emily Daniel
Kaela Daniel
Nicholas Deans
Aniya Fusco
Breauna Happel
Autumn Hill
Catriona McDonald
Brock Mueller
Rachel Reyes
Kailey Spurlock
Laila Thompson
William Varner
Lillian Vonderharr
Middle School students earning straight A's and AB Honor Roll in Quarter 1
8th Grade students earned Straight A's:
Antonio Colon
Gabriella Diaz Jimenez
Aiden Drew
Angelina Elsner
Sawyer Feather
Joshua Howard
Za'Niyah Howard
Jaimee Markossy
Cristal Martinez
Mary McCoy
Fiona McDonald
Brianna Puga
Yesmi Quiroz Rodriguez
Elyssa Rosenberg
Sydney Troutman
Lucas Winn
8th Grade students earned AB Honor Roll:
Anderson Alvarado Reyes
Jayden Arcilla
Aurora Bailey
Lisa Mae Bangthrongsack
Zaid Benabdelouahab
Emily Brock
John Carbonetta-Lebron
Zane Carr
Kaitlin Cook
Clayton Deckert
Logan Diaz
Laycee-Lynn Dye
Sayda Garcia
Annie Gaulding
Aurora Gibson
Tyler Green
Sakhia Harris
Brayden Johnson
Zoey Maloney
Mikaela Mathis
Cody McGowan
Ender Merida Garcia
Izaiah Morales
Emmalee Olds
Osman Osorio-Paz
Nadia Parker
Kailany Perrusquia
Brenda Perrusquia-Rodriguez
Shakim Pierce
Jazz Porter
Avery Price
Alex Sagastume
Madison Seals
Ryley Seymour
David Sharp
Princess Simmons
Alvin Sims
Melanis Sosa Basulto
Payton Wood
7th grade students earned straight A's:
Javanni Brown
Terrance Chan
Savannah Clark-King
Jacob Gonzalez-LEP
Draven Kestel-Friend
Camille Keys
Jake Leos
Bryce Mueller
Ja'Dore Pratt
Sarah Rigby
Gage Rymer-Nestor
Austin Smith
Wade Sturgill
Abdul-Malik Thomas
7th grade students earned AB Honor Roll:
Jessica Bradley
Caleb Byrd
Joseph Carranza Bautista
Kelly Caudill
Gabriel Corado
Emanuel Espinoza-Rabanales
Sebastian Fernandez Pacheco
Brandon Garcia Lopez
Isacc Gilmore
Gregory Graham
T'Laysia Grimes
Ardenai Hall
John Howard
Janell James-Hernandez
Roxana Juarez Ramirez
MJ Linsinbigler
Anyelin Lopez-Geronimo
Ray-Ray Lovett
Galilea Machado Henriquez
Eliseo Mendoza
Jayden Minick
Aileen Miranda
Jo'Leeia Mixon
Naomi Murariu
Xavier Patuano
Ingrid Perez Luna
Joseph Pierce
Jerriana Pollard
Chauncey Rhynes
Bella Rivera-Rodriguez
Ashli Rodriguez-Lopez
Saphira Sage
Orlando Santiago
Colt Sharp
Javier Shivers
Andrew Vanmarlin
- City of Cocoa Chief of Police Evander Collier came and shared with Mr. Hamlett's 3rd and 4th period Digital Design students.
- Digital Design students are creating all kinds of works of art in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator
- Digital Information Technology classes have been studying entrepreneurship and small business and have had a number of guest speakers from the business world.
Guest Speaker
Guest Speaker
City of Cocoa Chief of Police Evander Collier shared with 3rd and 4th period Digital Design students.
Digital Design work of art
Design by Brooke Bailey
Digital Design work of art
Fantasy Landscape Zumfelde
Digital Design work of art
Ugly celeb Frankensteen Chase
Digital Design work of art
Ying Yang Alex Wallace
8th grade students debating for and against the ratification of the US Constitution.
7th grade and 8th grade PreAlgebra
Math for College Algebra and College Liberal Arts
Cocoa High School Athletics had a great Fall sports season.
The Volleyball team finished 12-10 with the second best record in school history.
Jade Hedren, Thomas Makela and Cameron Graves all advanced to the Regional Golf Tournament and performed well at the Cape Coast Conference Tournament with great scores and their best team finish in 10 years.
Breauna Hapel advanced to Regional Cross Country Meet and ran her personal best time.
Varsity Football earned a District Championship and will compete in the upcoming playoffs beginning on 11/11/2022.
Austin Jordan and Sammy Jenkins performed well during our Swim/Dive season.
Cocoa High Bowling team finished 8th in the Cape Coast Conference Tournament.
We look forward to a successful Winter season with those sports already starting practice.
B & B Candles and Soaps in Cocoa Village
A huge thank you to Bethany, at B & B Candles and Soaps for hosting Cocoa High School’s first school wide fundraiser!
B & B Candles and Soaps also sponsored our faculty and staff’s October birthday cake and provided amazing birthday gifts to those staff members celebrating an October birthday.
Bethany also joined us for our Family Math Night!
Please join us again November 11, 12, or 13th at B & B Candles and Soaps in Cocoa Village when 10% of all sales during this weekend will be donated to Cocoa High School’s Girls Volleyball team.
B & B Candles and Soaps is independently owned and operated since 2013. B & B creates handcrafted natural soaps and quality home fragrance candles.
Community Credit Union
Thank you to Julie Dimmig with Community Credit Union for joining our families and students for our Math Night. Mrs. Dimmig presented educational material and a generous raffle prize!
Quattrocchi Real Estate
Dan Quattrocchi of Quattrocchi Real Estate donated Hershey Kisses to support our Class of 2025 Friendship Grams fundraiser.
Financial Cornerstone Group
Sandy Myers with Financial Cornerstone Group graciously donated a beautiful desert rose and pot to replace a teacher’s memorial on campus. The memorial has been moved to the front of our campus by Ms. Stewart’s office.
We appreciate Jennifer Yoli with Waste Pro and her generosity and donation of much needed hoodies to our students’ clothing closet. The Basket Brigade Food Drive runs now through November 15.
November 15th – Spirit Night at Texas Roadhouse in Viera from 5pm to 8pm to support Cocoa High School Girls Volleyball Team. 10% of all receipts that are collected will be donated to our Girls Volleyball Team to assist with purchasing uniforms and new equipment.
AVID Fundraiser
AVID will be having a fundraiser at Time Out in Cocoa Village on Tuesday, November 8th from 5-9 PM.
Tiger Pride Diversity Club
Tiger Shack
The Tiger Shack will begin distributing food on Wednesday, October 19th, starting off with the monthly distribution of fresh fruits and vegetables that day! Non perishable foods will be available every Friday at dismissal in the car loop by building 6 & 7.
November Tiger Shack Dates:
Friday 11/4 - Non-perishables
Thursday 11/10 - Non-perishables
Wednesday 11/16 - Produce
Week of Thanksgiving Date TBD - Non-perishables
Distribution will be available in the building 6&7 car loop at dismissal while supplies last. Please keep in mind that no food is allowed on the bus this year.
Big Library Read 2022 is a Global Free Book Read across the world. The book will be available on BPS Sora Launchpad 11/2 - 11/16
Cocoa High School Dress Code Reminder
Parents/guardians, we could use your help in reminding your child(ren) of the dress code policy at CHS.
Pride is taken in the appearance of Cocoa High School students. School is the student's place of business where appropriate dress and hygiene are important. Students must dress in good taste out of respect for each other and their school. Students must dress in a manner that would not constitute a disruption, safety hazard, or impropriety. The responsibility for the dress and appearance of each student properly rests with the student and his/her guardian(s). The dress code is subject to the discretion of the administration.
- Garments must be of a length and fit that are suitable to the build and stature of the student and must not expose undergarments or be otherwise immodest.
- Clothing, jewelry, and accessories shall not convey messages that are crude, vulgar/profane, violent/death-oriented (Gothic), gang related, sexually suggestive, and/or promoting weapons, alcohol, drugs, or tobacco.
- Pierced jewelry shall be limited to the ear. Dog collars, tongue rings, wallet chains, large hair picks, chains that connect one part of the body to another, or other jewelry/accessories that pose a safety concern for the student or other shall be prohibited. Clear plastic spacers or retainers may be worn in facial piercings. Band-aids cannot cover a piercing.
- Hats, curlers, scarves, bandanas, and sweat bands are not to be worn in buildings or outside in hallways. Extreme hair styles or hair colors are prohibited.
Thank you