Be Tech Aware, Mindful, & Safe
Volume 1 - Issue 4
While one might say, we are in the business of education, in truth, we are in the business of people - more specifically students. Our number one priority being the health and safety of the children entrusted to us because we know that when students (as is the case with most people) feel welcomed, safe, and secure, they learn better. Still, we do not want to forget this particular business is a special one, as it is a partnership between us, the educators, and you, the parents and guardians. We hope this resource will help all of us keep the young members of our community safe and healthy, particularly as our world grows ever bigger with technology and social media.
Our goal is to have three installments over each month:
- "Be Aware" where we focus on an app or technology and some of the things we should know before our children begin using them.
- "Be Mindful" where we focus on technology or other mediums that can assist us and our children with social emotional wellbeing.
- "Be Safe" where we focus on ways to minimize our digital footprint and protect our children from social media and general practices that could lead to unsafe situation and circumstances.
So what should you “Be Tech Aware” about with Roblox?
Technically no minimum age requirement
Age recommendation is 13+; this equates to starting between 7th and 8th grade
Chat feature monitors and filters inappropriate and sensitive information
Content generated by other users is accessible to all users and can contain inappropriate content
In app currency cost real money
What can parents do to counteract some of this?
Assure your child’s date of birth is accurate within the app
Review privacy settings with your child
Familiarize yourself with parental controls
Have open discussions about what is being shared
Talk about when to report and block content and/or a person
Mental Health
So what do you need to know to “Be Tech Mindful” with Mental Health?
Set boundaries: Limit the amount of time you spend on technology and designate certain times of day for device-free activities. This can include reading a book, going for a walk, or simply spending time with loved ones.
Practice self-care: Take regular breaks, engage in physical activity, and pursue activities that bring you joy and relaxation. This can include meditation, yoga, or simply taking a relaxing bath.
Connect with others: Spend face to face time with friends and family, and reach out to loved ones or trusted adults for support when needed. Having a strong support system is key to maintaining good mental health.
Be mindful of your online habits: Try to avoid comparing yourself to others on social media, and limit your exposure to negative content. Instead, focus on positive and uplifting content that supports your mental wellbeing.
Utilize technology for mental health: Use virtual phone numbers and other technology resources to access support and resources for mental health. This can include online therapy, support groups, and educational resources.
Adolescent Mental Health in the United States: Facts for Policymakers – NCCP
Mental Health By the Numbers | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness
Adolescent Mental Health Rates, Statistics, and Treatment Options
Is Your Teen Addicted to Tech? How to Stop Panicking and Create Healthy Solutions - Mindful Schools
Parenting in the Digital Age: How To Teach Our Kids Healthy Tech Habits - Freedom Matters
Digital Citizenship
When talking about being safe with technology, often it is done as a warning or a list of don’ts for tweens/teens. At the same time, we must realize that there is a power in utilizing technology as a thoughtful, empathetic digital citizen. (Sources)
So how can you “Be Tech Safe” when through digital citizenship?
Talk with your child about how they can Use technology to make the community better.
Share how to Engage respectfully online with people who have different beliefs than you.
Teach them how to advocate by using technology to make their voice heard by public leaders and shape public policy.
Make sure they understand they need to determine the validity of online sources of information, as not everything they see online is true.