Jackson Jaguars ROAR!
---------------------May 2023-------------------------
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From the Principal...
This has been a really great year! Thank you to the entire Jackson community for making it one of the best we have had in many years.
What Jackson Students Have Accomplished this Year:
PreK students not only learned how to interact with each other during play and learning, but also enjoyed learning how to code robots. Kindergarten saw what it was like to turn 100, on the 100th day of school. First graders went on their first field trip to the ENT Center to watch "Annie, Jr. the Musical". Second graders learned through a flipped classroom model. Jackson third graders practiced and executed a wonderful Recorders concert. Fourth graders earned their way to our CMAS Dance and danced the night away. Fifth graders persevered through a challenging year. They learned math in an accessible way and even spent time with Superintendent Gaal. Our students PreK-5 walked in the annual Coronado Homecoming Parade, learned and excelled at playing Ga-Ga Ball, and showed off their AVID strategies during our first ever AVID Revealed Event. Parents/Guardians/Families trick or treated in our Trunk or Treat, played games during Game Night, and participated in conferences and activities. Overall, our students rediscovered what it means to GROW while being an AVID Successful Student. What a year!
Thank You!
On behalf of the Jackson staff, I would like to sincerely thank each and every one of you for your support of the Jackson community. Jackson is a very special place and I am honored to be able to be a part of not only our students' and staff's lives, but also yours! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with your children each and every day!
Thank you for a truly amazing year!
Sara Miller, Principal
Upcoming Events
May 4, 2023
- 6:00pm Willy Wonka
May 5, 2023
- 8:00-11:00 Field Day
- 1:30 Willy Wonka
May 12, 2023
- ALL Library books are due!
- 1:45 & 6:00pm Band/Orchestra Concert
May 17, 2023
- 9:10 Coronado High School Graduate Walk
May 18, 2023
- Grade level Awards Assemblies
May 22, 2023
- 9:00 5th grade Continuation
- 10:30 Kindergarten Celebration
May 23, 2023
- Last Day of School
June 5-30, 2023
- Summer Bridge (Summer School) at Chipeta Elementary
August 16, 2023
- First Day of the 2023-2024 school year
CMAS Dance
Students in 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade earned their invitation to the CMAS School Dance by coming to school every day and on time during CMAS testing. They worked so incredibly hard and we couldn't be more proud of them!
Summer Bridge
June 5-30 7:30am-1:00pm
Please let your child's teacher know ASAP if you would like to have your child(ren) attend Summer Bridge. This year, we will hold our Summer Bridge at Chipeta Elementary. There will be transportation available. Breakfast and Lunch will be provided.
May 5, 2023-Field Day
Field Day will be on Friday, May 5th from 8:15am to 10:55am.
Many students look forward to this day all year! The purpose of Field Day is for students to play and compete, but mostly have fun! Students are encouraged to wear sunscreen, dress in layers, wear a hat, bring a water bottle, etc.
Students have practiced very hard in Physical Education this year to develop their skills, and now it’s time to show off a little! Parents are encouraged to attend, model good sportsmanship, and cheer on all of our Jaguar competitors. This day is a whole lot better when the “fans” show up!
Robert Morris
Jackson Elementary Physical Education
Counseling Corner with Mrs. Kisler
Hello Jackson Families,
Can you believe May is here?? What a year of learning and growth here at Jackson. Lessons with the School Counselor have included topics such as friendship, growth mindset, coping skills, personal interests, career interests and more. As you anticipate summer break and having your kids at home, I want to encourage you to talk with them about ways of coping when they are feeling disappointed, angry, sad, or confused. It is helpful for them to learn how to calm down even when they are feeling overly excited and energized about various things too.
Coping Skills
Please see the list of coping skills we discussed this year and discuss with your child any other things they can do if they are feeling overwhelmed, angry, sad, or excited. Depending on our energy levels (high energy or low energy), there are different things we can do to help ourselves get to a more peaceful state as needed.
-Talk to someone
-Ask for help
-Go to a quiet place
-Ask for a hug
-Go for a walk
-Write down in a notebook how you are feeling
-Take three deep breaths
-Say three kind things to yourself
-Name what emotion you are feeling
Time for Reflection
Another activity that might be helpful for your kids as they anticipate summer break but look forward to another school year is to reflect on how the school year has gone and what they might want to do differently next year.
How to practice reflection: (May depend on age of child)
1. Play some fun or calming music in the background
2. Choose a room in your home to write or talk about the school year or take a walk together.
3. Choose one thing you liked and one thing you did not like.
4. Write or discuss one thing you might like to do differently next year. (at school or at home)
5. Choose two simple steps to help you achieve your goal next year.
6. Keep goals somewhere visible as a reminder of this activity.
Example: If one goal is to make new friends, maybe talk with your child about what it means to be a good friend. Ask them how they can practice including other kids or standing up for new friends. How might you want a friend to treat you?
It has been a magical year for me as I have gotten to know each of your kids this year at Jackson. I have enjoyed seeing them in the hallways, in their classrooms, at recess, and in the lunchroom. I look forward to what next year has in store here at Jackson.
Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything. I am only a phone call or email away.
Warm regards,
Jan Kisler
School Counselor
Jackson Elementary School
Time with the School Social Worker
Jackson Family,
Can you believe summer is right around the corner? We know that this can be both a joyful and stressful time of the year for children and families. Probably not a coincidence that May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Here is a message from CareSolace:
"Chances are that you know someone who is struggling with their mental health. People experiencing mental health challenges aren’t broken — they need support and care. And that begins with a conversation. This month we have an opportunity to break the stigma around mental health by talking openly, compassionately, and kindly to each other. No one should ever struggle alone. If you want to quickly be connected to a mental health care provider, contact Care Solace, a complimentary and confidential mental health care coordination service provided by Colorado Springs School District 11:
· Call 888-515-0595. Multilingual support is available 24/7/365.
· Visit www.caresolace.com/d11 and either search on your own OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
Don’t hesitate to ask for help, use the resources around you, and never give up hope."
Also, with that in mind, remember that many other resources are available in our community.
Please call 2-1-1 for any of your needs (food, rental assistance, housing, recreation, etc)
Leslie Clinite Ruiz, LCSW, MA
School Social Worker
Jackson Elementary School
Se Habla Español
(719) 328-5836 Desk
(719) 328-5800 Jackson Main office
(719) 328-5813 Attendance
Thank you!
If you need anything, do not hesitate to call or email!
Mrs. Leslie Clinite-Ruiz
(719) 328-5836
Media Moments with Mrs. Sobecki
All library books need to be returned by Friday, May 12th
Summer Reading Program
Be sure and check out the free summer reading program – Summer Adventure at the Pikes Peak Library District. Children from early childhood through elementary school track their reading time, earn prizes, and explore all kinds of fun at library events. This super program will start on June 1st. Have a great summer reading!
Kids Collect
I would like to thank Marlowe S, Diamond L, and Lily J for sharing their artistic talents in the Media Center display cases. If your student would like to share their collections/art work next year, just let me know.
Summer Book Giveaway
We hope your children enjoy the books they will select from the Book Giveaway. The students have a great time choosing two books to take home. Having books available to read in the home is one of the indicators for reading success with all students – so keep on reading!
Tips for Summer Reading with Your Child
Here are some tips to make reading fun and enjoyable this summer.
- Connect read-aloud choices to summer activities. For example, read your child books about camping before or after a camping trip. When you read and discuss books about things your child has experienced, you help your child learn important vocabulary and extend understanding of experiences.
- Allow your child to choose books for summer reading. It is important for your children to read about topics that interest them, whether it is insects, dinosaurs, LEGOs, Barbie’s or a favorite fiction series.
- Encourage your child not to limit summer reading to books. Encourage your child to read the sports page to check up on a favorite baseball team or to read children’s magazines such as Kids Discover, Ranger Rick Jr., or comic books. These magazines and similar ones are available at the public library.
- Read a book and watch the movie together. When you finish reading and viewing, discuss the similarities and differences and talk about which version you prefer. Many books, including Stuart Little, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, How to Eat Fried Worms, and The Wind in the Willows are available along with their movie versions at the public library.
Take books along on your outings. Pack books in your picnic basket or backpack and bring a stack on long car rides to visit relatives. You and your child can enjoy books together anywhere you go this summer.
Mrs. Sobecki
Library Technology Educator
Jackson Elementary School
Principal: Sara G. Miller
Email: sara.miller@d11.org
Website: https://www.d11.org/Domain/37
Location: 4340 Edwinstowe Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-328-5800