Tiger Update
Information/Updates about Pickerington High School Central
Message from Mr. Lanier
Tiger Nation
Students, I hope you enjoyed a little extra time at home this weekend. We come back Monday, February 12, and will start the course registration process for our returning high school students. Registration activities will take place February 12, 13, and 14 which also means that Central will use an AM Survey Bell schedule to extend 2nd period. Students should make a note of the adjusted times on those days.
The registration process is a time when students should consult their families and teachers to choose the courses that meet both their graduation needs, but, more importantly, align with their ideas for their post high school plans. Students who have a purpose and understand their 'why' will find more success in their school experience.
We have incredible students at Central!!
Let's keep the positive momentum going this week.
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Lanier
Important Dates
Important Dates
Feb. 12, 13, 14: 2024-25 Course Registration Sessions. Central will be on an AM Assembly Bell Schedule all 3 days to facilitate the registration process.
Feb. 12: Graduation RSVP/Diploma Presenter Form Due (see information in the Senior Corner found below).
Feb. 15 & 20: Parent Teacher Conferences. Please contact your student's teacher if you would like
to set up a Parent Teacher Conference. Conferences will be virtual unless in-person is
Feb. 15-Mar. 16: Central School Counselors will meet with all students in grades 9-11 to discuss their course choices for 2024-25.
Feb. 19: No School, President's Day
Mar. 6: ACT Test for Juniors (please review the information for the test day below). Juniors report to PHSC for testing; ALL other students will learn from home that day.
Mar. 8: Senior Slide Show Baby picture submission is due (see information in the Senior Corner found below).
Black History Month Events
Black History Month Spirit Week is February 12-16
2/12 Monday: Music Video/Celeb day
2/13 Tuesday: Twin Tuesday
2/14 Wednesday: Culture Day
2/15 Thursday: Throwback Thursday
2/16 Friday: Pan African color day - (Seniors: Black, Juniors: Red, Sophomores: Green, Freshmen: Yellow)
AM Survey Bell Schedule Feb. 12, 13, 14 for Scheduling
Course Registration for 2024-25 Starts February 12
High School Information Night Presentations and Handouts
Please review the materials below carefully prior to scheduling starting next week on Monday, February 12.
Counselor Update
Update for the week of February 12
PHSC School Counselor Weekly Update 2/9/24
Seeing your School Counselor
Students may request an appointment to see their school counselor, using the same form linked above, for a variety of reasons including:
•Struggling academically, socially or emotionally
•Career and College Counseling
•Conflict resolution
•Any general concerns
Starting the Week of Feb. 12th, the PHSC will begin the registration process for the 24-25 academic school year. We will provide all of you and your students with with the information needed to make informed decisions regarding the registration process. Also, from Feb. 15-Mar 7, your student’s assigned school counselor will meet individually with them during the school day to look over their requests and answer any questions.
Please use the PHSC Scheduling HUB to find all of the information regarding registration for the 24-25 academic school year. The HUB will provide you with information ranging from the Program of Studies, videos on how to schedule, scheduling worksheets and much more.
Eastland Fairfield Career Center Applications
Application Reminder
If you are ready to apply for one of our programs for next school year, you can apply online at this link. The priority application deadline was February 6th, so be sure to submit your application before that date!
Important information about the ACT Test on March 6
The ACT test will be given to all JUNIORS on Wednesday, March 6. There will be NO SCHOOL for all Freshman, Sophomores, and Seniors on March 6. Freshman, Sophomores, and Seniors will be required to complete work at home on March 6 and turn it into their teachers when they return to school. ALL JUNIORS should report to school by 7:45 a.m. on March 6.
Attention Seniors! - Seniors - Requesting Transcripts or Mid-Year reports
If you are a Senior and need to request a transcript before you meet with your counselor. Please follow these directions: How to Request your transcript. The Counseling Office requires 10 school days to process your transcript request, so please be watching your application deadlines closely.
As 2023 comes to a close, we wanted to remind our Seniors that the FAFSA has been delayed to open until sometime this month. A specific date has still not been provided but the Federal Government has a deadline of opening the FAFSA by December 31, 2023.
Typically in the past, the FAFSA opened up on October 1st during a student's Senior year but that has been delayed so changes to the FAFSA can be completed to match current legal requirements.
As a result of this update, there are some significant changes to the FAFSA application and some new requirements to complete it. Please check this link out from Kent State University to review additional information about national FAFSA changes. These changes are not unique to Kent State and will be required for any family completing the FAFSA.
The image above can be found in the senior hub (Class of 2024) under College Comparison and Tracker Worksheet (click to make a copy). This will help you stay organized during the college admissions process!
You can view our Senior HUB. Here you will find answers to many of our FAQs.
Here is a Senior year timeline that we’ve put together for our Seniors and their parents. We will be scheduling time to meet with all Seniors during the month of September to go over the following information.
- College Applications
- Career Planning
- Scholarship Applications
- Financial Aid process
- Transcript Request process
Attention Juniors and Seniors! Let’s Taco Bout College and Careers!
Meet college admissions representatives and learn about different college options.
College Admissions Representatives will be coming in for visits on Tuesday’s this school year.
To register to attend a college visit Log in to Naviance (in Classlink).
Once logged in → Colleges → College Visits (under Research Colleges) → Register for a visit(s)
Upcoming College Visits
Bowling Green State University (2nd visit for this year!)
Seniors and Juniors
Meet college admissions representatives and learn about different college options.
College Admissions Representatives will be coming in for visits on Tuesday’s this school year.
To register to attend a college visit Log in to Naviance (in Classlink).
Once logged in → Colleges → College Visits (under Research Colleges) → Register for a visit(s)
February 27 Hocking College (5th period)
March 12 University of Toledo
School-Based Health Clinic
Pediatric Associates has an office located at Tussing Elementary that is available to all PLSD students and the community of Pickerington. The clinic offers the following services: helping with sore throat, headaches, earache, bad cough, strep test, immunizations, blood work, physicals, well check-ups, sports physicals, medication, asthma, etc.
The clinic is open on Monday and Wednesday from 9:00 - 3:30 and closed from 1:00 - 2:00 for lunch. Walk-ins are welcome or to schedule an appointment call 614-864-3222.
AP Students & Families
We have now passed the November 1 exam registration deadline. Please reach out to Ms. Hoffman if you did not make elections for your AP exams. A $40 late cancellation or registration fee may apply. To see the Initial AP Communication click here. These updates are being sent directly to AP students and their guardians via email
Career Center Students
Mr. Peirano and Ms. Hoffman are the counselors who work with Eastland and Fairfield Career Centers, respectively. We will make in-person visits to each career center on a regular basis to keep you connected with Central events and happenings. We will also send weekly homeschool updates via your EFCTS email and Remind101 texts. Please use the information below to join our Remind texts as a parent or student:
Eastland: Text @h7fagae to 81010
Fairfield: Text @ebaaad to 81010
Satellite: Text @a9kc8hd to 81010
Please join the School Counselor’s Google Classrooms
The Counseling office will be keeping you informed of important information regarding your future plans and events and deadlines that the School Counselors work with. If you have not already done so, please join our google classrooms to stay informed:
Class of 2024 ss7fbpv
Class of 2025 wo4rnz6
Class of 2026 rugnepm
Class of 2027 6plgntd
ACT Test for all Juniors is set for March 6
Important information about the ACT Test on March 6
The ACT test will be given to all JUNIORS on Wednesday, March 6. There will be NO SCHOOL for all Freshman, Sophomores, and Seniors on March 6. Freshman, Sophomores, and Seniors will be required to complete work at home on March 6 and turn it into their teachers when they return to school. ALL JUNIORS should report to school by 7:45 a.m. on March 6.
ACT Test Prep Support
Workforce Exploration Opportunity
Career Expo for Juniors and Seniors March 21st 9am -12pm
What is a Career Expo? (also known as a career fair) is an opportunity for Juniors and Seniors to visit with over 75 employers who offer job opportunities for summer, part time, full time work and apprenticeships after graduation. It will be held at the Workforce Center on Coonpath Road.
Who should attend? Anyone who is interested in finding out more about careers for their future as well as those who would like full time, part time or summer employment. Students interested in attending the Workforce Center next year should also attend.
Juniors AND Seniors may sign up to attend here by March 5th. All students going must ride the bus.
What should I wear to a career expo? Business casual is appropriate. This means khakis or dress pants and shirts with a collar. Skirts should be of appropriate length. (No flip flops or sneakers, yoga pants or sweatpants)
Students should bring copies of their resumes as well as a notebook/pen or pencil.
Athletics Corner
Athletic Department:
Lisa Morelli - Athletic Director (lisa_morelli@plsd.us)
Evan Doughty - Assistant Athletic Director (evan_doughty@plsd.us)
Mary Jo Carlisle - Athletic Secretary (maryjo_carlisle@plsd.us)
Office Number - (614) 548-1827
Tigers in Action
Purchase Students Tiger Pass for $53.00
This pass allows you to attend ALL home games, ALL sports, ALL year
2023 - 2024 PHSC YEARLY PASSES(adults)
Pickerington High School Central for $103.00
Get the latest Tiger Teams information visit our new
PHSC Athletic Website
All Teams, ALL Seasons
Final Forms for Parent/Athlete Registration
NFHS Live Streaming Link for all Home Events
Boys Basketball Hosts North on Tuesday, February 13
Get your tickets now for the crosstown rivalry game between Central and North in boys basketball on Tuesday, February 13. Wear your white shirt to support the Tigers and show some love for our Seniors final home game.
PHSC Students Enjoy the Aviation Program at Eastland Career Center
Casey Lee and Cora Russel pose next to a plane in the Eastland CC Aviation Hangar
The Eastland/Fairfleld Career Centers are the PLSD partners for career and technical education. They have numerous programs that engage their students in training for work after high school. The Aviation program is unique and very popular as it offers its students the opportunity to get first hand experience in all things aviation.
Central PTSO Information
Coming Meetings
March 13, 6:30 p.m. @ Central
PTSO Meetings and Membership Information
PTSO T-Shirt and Carnation Sale Monday 2/12, Tuesday 2/13 AND Wednesday 2/14
The Central PTSO will be holding a spirit t-shirt sale for the Pickerington North game. The 'Beat North' t-shirt are $15 and can be purchased February 5-13 during lunches (cash or card accepted). There is a limited number of shirts for this sale.
In addition to the t-shirt sale, PTSO is holding a Valentines Day carnation sale on February 13 and 14 at Central during lunches as well. Be sure to buy a flower for someone special and brighten their day.
Zap Team is in Need of more Tutors
Check out this video that features the great work of our student tutoring program called the Zap team. We have a dedicated team of students who have gotten this program off the ground...they would love to get more help in the form of more student volunteers. Please consider giving some time to help your fellow Tigers!!
Announcing the Purple Heart Club
Senior Corner: Vital Information for the Class of 2024
Senior Event Calendar for the Class of 2024
Senior Event Calendar Coming in January
Click here for the Class of 2024 Senior Event calendar. Please regularly check this calendar as it will be updated throughout the spring.
Graduation RSVP/Teacher Diploma Selection Form: Due by Feb. 12
It's Senior Baby Photo Submission Time: Deadline is March 8
Cap and Gown Ordering Information
Hey Seniors!! Check it Out!! It's Time to Order Your Cap and Gown!!
Senior Tributes in Yearbook Due 2/29
A Message for Senior Families from Yearbook
Greetings Tiger Senior Families, the yearbook Advisor would like to remind families that the last day to submit senior tributes for the yearbook is 2/29. Tributes are always due on the last day of February every year.
If you are interested in purchasing a senior tribute for the yearbook. Please go to www.yearbookforever.com before the deadline. You can still purchase the book until the last day of school before sales will be suspended until next fall.
Please reach out to Michelle_Jago@plsd.us with any questions or concerns.
SALT Team in Action
The Student Athlete Leadership Team Visited Toll Gate Elementary This Past Week
The Tiger SALT team took time to visit classrooms to read to students at Toll Gate Elementary this past week. Our student athletes are leaders on and off their competition space and the elementary students loved having them visit. Lisa Morelli, Central's Athletic Director, formed the SALT team this year to provide leadership development and opportunities for our student athletes to hone their leadership skills. Tigers are striving to be Champions on the field and in the community.
Global Scholars Field Trip
PHSC Administrators and School Counselors
Administrators: Tom Lanier, Principal
A-D - Carly Wells, Assistant Principal
E-K - Tom Lombardi, Assistant Principal
L-Ri - Roshawn Parker, Lead Assistant Principal
Ro-Z - LaToya DeJesus, Assistant Principal
A-Co - Jennifer Dashner
Cr-Ha - Maria Perez
He-Me - Ashlee Hoffman
Mi-Sh - Chris Peirano
Si-Z - Marieca Mattox
Click below if you have a question for your Counselor:
Dashner - Students with Last Names A ~ Co
Perez - Students with Last Names Cr ~ Ha
Hoffman - Students with Last Names He ~ Me
Pickerington High School Central
300 Opportunity Way
Pickerington, Ohio 43147
Pickerington High School Central Principal