Dear Parents,
November 2022 was another testimony of what Bodhi stands for - “Holistic Development”. STEAM Fest set the tone for the month with interesting scientific displays along with robotics, mathematics, and arts. Hands-on learning was on display with interesting project ideas from students. We followed that with Children's Day celebrations where learners across grades had interesting activities under teacher supervision. The senior classes had a cricket match with the Bodhi staff and of course, the staff team won much to the amazement of the students. We celebrated Mother's Day Out on 19th November, with learners presenting poems, songs and dances as a token of gratitude to their mothers. It was a day well spent with the mothers with various sports and arts activities. Thanksgiving Day was celebrated by the PYP team to show their learning in action. Learners from seedling to Grade 12 are practicing rigorously for the annual day. I request our parents to mark Dec 2 24, 2022 as it is going to be a revelation. The academic focus of the senior grades was improved with paper-solving sessions for the board classes, where learners were in a simulated examination milieu to get them acclimatized to the rigors and needs of the examination. This was followed by a pre-mock examination for grades 10 to 12.
We are beginning December with subject selection seminars for our Grade 8 and 10 students, with Coordinators, HODs, and career guidance professionals addressing learners and parents. It only gets better here in Bodhi.
Brahmam Bodhi
Mr. Chander Dev
We urge the parent body to visit our social media handles on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube using the QR code below to get daily updates on the interesting activities which make Bodhi a learning abode.
The U-12 Football Team of Bodhi Sports Academy won a Football Fest Tournament held at EURO INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL from 18-21 November. In the finals Bodhians defeated Ratanada FC by 1-0.
V.V. John Memorial Inter-School Debate Competition
Our students from Grade 9 participated in V. V. John Memorial Inter-School Debate competition at St. Anne’s School, Jodhpur on November 19, 2022. Preksha Jain from CBSE Grade 9 and Anandalekshmi S from CAIE Grade 9 expressed their view and counter-view on the topic ‘Family is the incubator of gender injustice’ respectively. The students competed with the learners of the prestigious schools of Jodhpur. Although they gave a tough competition to their opponents, they missed the trophy by a few points.
It was a great learning experience for them as most of the competitors were from senior grades. Bodhians delivered their arguments with confidence, conviction and passion.
First time ever in Rajasthan - A PSA level Tournament with World No. 1 and India No.2 Players competing.
Bodhi became the host for the first ever PSA level tournament organized in Jodhpur, Rajasthan and it was also the first time in the history of squash that a game happening at a heritage site like Umaid Bhawan palace. Players from more than 9 countries took part in this tournament like Hong Kong, Egypt, Malaysia, Germany etc.
STEAM 2022-23
Bodhi International School Shikargarh, Jodhpur, organised STEAM fest on 11th November, 2022 in school premises. The theme of the exhibition was ‘RISEN INDIA: Innovative Solutions’. The opening ceremony was held where middle school students performed a Science walk and Ganesh Vandana. A music performance was also given by them explaining the science behind it. The highlight of the opening was presentation of periodic table elements by Kritin, a student of primary wing. With an endeavour to promote scientific attitude among budding young students, this exhibition was one of its kind in Bodhi International School.
The intra school competition had participatory exhibits of Science and Maths from grades 6 to 11 in the front courtyard. These exhibits comprised of over 50 innovative working models and investigation based projects.
The eminent judges comprising of Dr. Rishabh Maloo (Neurologist, Manidhari Hospital and Maloo Neuro Centre) and Col. Yogesh Chouhan (Alumunus of Sainik School Ghorakhal, Nainital), gave their judgement after inspecting each project thoroughly. The Executive Director, Ms. Nitu Bothra applauded the students for their novel ideas and she also thanked the participating teams for making the event successful. Mr. Chander Dev, Principal of the school was very impressed by the presentations and congratulated the participants.
Children aren't just our future. They are our present too. - Ricky Martin.
Setting them free to overcome their fear and attain their goals at will is what elders can do the most for children. Bodhians of grades 6-9 had a great time experiencing the adrenaline rush while engaging themselves into different adventure sport activities at Kites Adventure World, Jodhpur.
The beauty of motherhood is not a certain capability but willingness to include - Sadhguru
Kudos to the high spirits of the mothers who turned up to make the day a special one for the children and themselves. In your company, the kids had the most splendid moments for themselves. In your zest to compete and show that age can't stop mothers from taking up the challenges, children were the ones who've learnt. Your songs, poems, sketches all made the hearts melt.
Bodhi family can't 'THANK YOU' enough for making this Mother's Day Out a memorable one for both the mothers and the children.
Flipped classroom is a pedagogical approach that creates an interactive learning environment for students. It shifts the teaching learning process from the group to the individual where students gain knowledge and develop critical thinking and higher order thinking skills (HOTS). For the teacher, it’s an opportunity to organize appropriate learning activities for developing comprehensive knowledge and maximize learning outcomes.
Bodhi believes in bringing modern pedagogical approaches in classrooms and flipped classroom is just one of them. English teachers use it frequently across the grades from 6 to 12. Learners of Grade 6 as part of their Flip classroom activity taught rhetorical techniques. Many learners researched and prepared presentations on the same topic. Going one step forward learners also included a questionnaire round to assess the understanding of their peers.
CBSE Grade 9 students expressed their understanding of the prose ‘The Beggar’ by Anton Chekov through the ppt. The beggar is the story of the transformation of a beggar into a good person. Children were able to explain the moral of the story very well. CAIE Grade 9 students also presented their understanding of the concepts of different text forms of writing.
Group discussions help participants explore and interpret a subject on a deeper level. They provide an opportunity for critical thinking in the classroom and participants get a chance to share their experiences and defend their opinions. GDs increase long-term retention, help increase participants’ attention and help maintain their focus by involving them in the learning process. In addition, group discussions provide feedback to instructors on participant comprehension.
As part of their classroom activity on 'How to persuade', the learners of Grade 6 A and B discussed the subject. The topic of discussion was "Should we ban zoos?" They learnt how to initiate a discussion, how to make an effective contribution to group discussion, how to involve others and how to conclude a discussion.
In senior classes, it is an effective strategy to broaden the perspective on major global issues for essay writing. The students of Grade 12 brainstorm a variety of ideas and learn to respect others’ views through group discussions on a regular basis. The generated ideas are then referred to for writing cogent essays.
Progressive Language Enrichment Programme (PLEP)
To improve learners’ verbal and written skills, Bodhi International School began with its Progressive Language Enrichment Programme (PLEP) this month. It encompasses classes in grammar, vocabulary, reading, synonyms, antonyms, phrases, writing and much more. The classes are led by teachers who focus on building students’ skills through practical classes and presentations.
Grade 8 - PLEP
The learners have started with the basic vocabulary activities based on the reading comprehension content. Peer analysis, review, support and presentation are the strategies followed in the classroom. Within two weeks of learning time, students have done Think-Pair-Share activity, cross checked the peer work etc. Short answer questions, crosswords, letter writing etc are the tasks for the current week.
Vocabulary plays a pivotal role in moulding the learners’ four language skills, reading, writing, listening and speaking. Among the many teaching approaches, the use of crossword puzzles seems to offer potential and a solution for the problem of learning vocabulary.
Considering vocabulary mastery as the first priority in English language learning, the students of middle and secondary phase are provided a crossword puzzle every day to solve and learn. The learners are found to be taking keen interest in the interactive activity and solving the puzzle in the first half an hour of the day. The puzzle is changed on a daily basis with a different set of words. The plan is to start at the beginner’s level with easy words and move on to complex words gradually.
Students’ response is very encouraging. Success words, investigation words and writing words have been completed by students so far.
Chemistry Practicals
Scientists use evidence gained from prior observations and experiments to build models and theories. Their predictions are tested with practical work to check that they are consistent with the behavior of the real world. Learners who are well-trained and experienced in practical skills will be more confident in their own abilities. At Bodhi, teachers are consistently trying to develop practical skills. The skills developed through practical work provide a good foundation for those wishing to pursue science further, as well as for those entering employment or a non-science career. Grade 11 performed chemistry experiments to strengthen their subject understanding.
In essence, art is the way of expressing emotions in a non-generic way. However, a technique is no good until admirers can actually see and understand it. An art exhibition is essentially the best way to establish the fundamentals for branding, self-understanding, fundraising, networking, future development, public awareness, breaking ground, and so on.
To foster these lessons into our learners, Bodhi International school exhibited an art exhibition where artworks from various classes were displayed.
Art installation on the concept of color theory grabbed attention of the onlookers. Where young artists of PYP had their Picasso Portrait and Madhubani art displayed,the students of Art and Design presented the portraits of honorable freedom fighters using various mediums and techniques, and presented their artworks based on various topics chosen.
There were art activities for the visitors and art enthusiasts which helped them connect with their creative side.
When it comes to learning we have to ensure that our teachers are well-versed in different aspects. The Head of the French Department at BIS attended the B2 correction program. This program organised by the French Embassy in India at Alliance Française Jaipur was one great opportunity where many French Language experts were invited.
Through this training, we are not only well versed with Cambridge curriculum requirements but also with DELF curriculum. Our teachers can now also assist students in writing DELF examination, which is the only certification course accredited world wide as proficiency in the French language.
The learners were taught material names in French. To make learning a fun process, each of them was asked to bring some materials and assemble them in class. All of them wrote French names using their prior class learning.
Karthik Kalla (Grade 7A) who has spent some time in Africa shared his experiences and encounters with the language and French natives while traveling to different parts of the continent.
The learners were made aware of how French is not only spoken in France but also around the globe.
French flip classroom by Divyanshi Singh Grade 7 B on les articles contractés
The objective of this activity was to make the learners independent, confident and well versed with the language to help them enhance their speaking and communication skills.
The recent STEAM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Arts-Math) festival organized on 11th Nov ‘22 by Bodhi International School, Shikargarh was truly magical in every sense.
Through STEAM, children were encouraged to become curious seekers, explore collaboratively and be natural problem solvers. It was a great learning opportunity for students, where integration of various subjects, like math, art, science and design created new understanding and experiences for them. The setup, ambience and tool kits not only provoked their curiosity.
There were multiple projects on different concepts like Ratio and Proportion with its application of Map Scale, Transformations like reflection, rotation (by the use of spinning wheel), translation (by visualisation of boat), enlargements (working of projector) which was very well explained by Grade 6 children.
Grade 7 children worked on the projects of Sequences with its application in plantation and Pi Cycle which displayed relation between pi and its angle values and also explained the second use of pi= 3.14 with respect to circle.
Grade 8 Children made and displayed the LED model of Parts of circle which was very attractive, also explained the term TESSELLATION with different designs made with Lego with its significance which was also a point of attraction for parents as it was a new term for them.
Grade 9 and higher secondary children displayed the working model of Circle Theorem, Pythagoras theorem, Unit circle and many more. Many creative reflection corners displayed many other projects made by children across the grades. Big Giant wheel of questions was the high spot of interest from PYP children to the parents, faculty and the judges.
Math Department is putting their core efforts in explaining the concepts to the children with more efficient and improvised methods. This will create the environment where students can perform better.
Prior knowledge check is must in every topic. Revised all the quadrilaterals and its properties with video. Learners then got to know the generalized name “POLYGONS”. They learned about line of symmetry, rotational symmetry. They did activity on the same where learners chose random letters, customized shapes and polygons and presented their line of symmetry and order of rotational symmetry.
Children explained parts of circle using project as flip class activity.
We displayed different shapes on graph to reflect them along x-axis-axis using activity. Visualization makes it easier to understand transformation especially for grade 6 children. We folded the graph along diagonal mirror line and pricked the vertices of the shapes which was reflected on other side of mirror line.
Learners learned the significance of Geometry. They learned about different angles, parallel lines and angles in them, midpoint theorem in triangle.
Learners also learnt the extended use of graph in linear programming to get the optimized solution of any problem.
Conceptual worksheets are also given within the schedule so that they can effectively use their time and their calculation skills will grow stronger day by day.
Survey Stock Market
Grade 6, 7 - 30 Surveys
In this month where the market is volatile, inflation is on peak in the US market.
Learners had done a great exciting job full of learning and joy ‘STOCK MARKET SURVEY’.
In this survey learners are able to collect data from individuals, their family members, teachers and neighbors.
Questions were related to the stock market with some general basic information like-Analysis of Saving habits, Investment Patterns and Financial Preferences etc.