Back to School Parent Newsletter
2020 ~ COVID style
We are Happy to be Back for Face -to-Face (F2F) Learning at MPS!
We are also asking all parents to please check your child's temperature and health each morning before sending them to school. Keep your child home if they are not feeling well. (*There will be NO perfect attendance awards this year.) We are encouraging all students to stay home if they don't feel well. Learning can be accessed online with your child's teacher if they stay home and are sick for prolonged days this year.
We are heading into unknown territory. Please give each other grace as we maneuver this school year together. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Our purpose and mission are still the same as before ~ we will continue to educate your child while doing everything we can to keep them safe and healthy!
Here's to a happy and healthy School Year!
Mrs. Hiltner, Principal
Manvel School Health & Safety Plan:
Manvel School Parent Sign Up for school-wide REMIND App:
Back to School Message and Bedtime Story from Mrs. Hiltner
Save the Date!
Monday, August 24th ~ School Starts!
Monday, September 7th ~ No School (Labor Day)
Thursday, September 10th ~ Donuts with Grownups for Kindergarten families outside at MPS, 8:30-9:30 a.m. on playground slab
Monday, September 14th ~ 6:00 p.m. Public Tax Meeting; School Board meeting to follow; 6th grade presenting; ZOOM link will be provided
Wednesday, September 16th ~ One hour Late Start ~ buses and school will run 1 hour late.
Friday, September 18th ~ School Pictures with Lifetouch
Friday, September 25th ~ Flu Shots in the afternoon for interested students and staff
New Math Curriculum at MPS
MPS has added a Sensory Hallway to our school this year! Special thanks to Nicole Stevens for her talent cutting the decals
Hugo's Helps Campaign
Students are asked to wear a mask on the bus and when social distancing guidelines cannot be followed, like in a crowded hallway. In the classroom, we have put precautions in place so students may take their masks off for a majority of their day
Thanks to everyone who came to Open House! Special thanks to PTO for purchasing two masks for every child and staff member at MPS!
There is still time to get your postcard colored to get entered into prize drawings! Postcards can be found in the bag from PTO with student masks. If you were unable to attend open house, your child will get theirs on the first day of school!
Thanks to Coach Fruetel (girls basketball) and Coach Barandi (flag skills) for kicking off the fall sports season at MPS!
Meet our NEW Full-time Counselor, Mrs. Ketterl (clink link below)
Welcome to our New Staff at Manvel School!
Manvel Public School
Our Mission: Empower Every Student, Every Day
Our Vision: Inspiring 21st Century Learners to Influence 22nd Century Successes
Email: melissa.hiltner@manvelk8.com
Website: https://www.manvel.k12.nd.us/
Location: 801 Oldham Avenue, Manvel, ND, USA
Phone: 701-696-2212
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/manvelmustangs/
Twitter: @melissahiltner