Columbus Connections

Columbus Connections
October 27, 2023
Welcome to our weekly newsletter for Columbus Elementary families! Every Friday we will share good news, important information, and of course our STAR STUDENTS with you.
Halloween Costume Guidelines
If you choose to have your child wear a costume to school on Tuesday, October 31, 2023, please adhere to the following guidelines:
Children should not wear masks, or have any items on their costume of a violent nature such as guns, weapons, swords, knives, toy accessories, etc.
Costumes should not contain depictions of blood and gore.
Clown costumes are not permitted as well.
Costumes should be age-appropriate and consistent with the Columbus Elementary School dress code.
Costumes should not disrupt the educational environment or prevent students from fully participating in classes.
We look forward to a safe and enjoyable Halloween for the children.
Bring a Vet to School Event
We are still seeking Veterans to participate in our annual event of November 9th. Please complete the link below if you know a Veteran who would like to participate.
Week in Review
This week has been a great week at Columbus. I would like to thank the PTA for sponsoring the amazing author visit today. Lauren Tarshis the author of the “I Survived Series” had two wonderful assembly programs with all of the students at Columbus. In addition to hearing about her amazing work, students had the opportunity to ask questions about her books and life. Our student council also had the opportunity to conduct an in-depth interview. Every student received a signed copy of a book to take home. I would like to also thank Kristin Finno our Library/Media Specialist for coordinating the program. The PTA Community Connection Committee provided some exciting decorations in and around the building. Our fifth graders also started working on a science investigation this week as part of the new state science exam. Please see some pictures below in the around Columbus section.
Important Dates
Wednesday, November 1st
- Parent/Teacher Conferences -11:15 am Dismissal
Tuesday, November 7th
- Superintendent's Conference Day -11:55 am Dismissal
Friday, November 10th
- Veterans Day- School Closed
Star Students
⭐ Week of October 23rd ⭐
Luke Nealon - Noticed the class needed to be cleaned up at dismissal and helped before leaving.
Elizabeth Baez - Invited a boy who was having difficulty to play at recess.
Pelagia Ferst - Students were given a Starburst for reading quietly during special and one student didn’t get one because she was out of the room. Pelagia later noticed she was sad and gave her starburst to her classmate.
Ella Amy - She was encouraging to a classmate that was worried about picture day and made him feel much better.
Ava Della Vecchia - She is always helpful in the classroom and to other students. She recently packed a backpack for someone who was out of the room.
Grace D’Orazio - A 3rd grader lost his bracelet at recess and she offered to make him a new one. She did not know this student but wanted to make him feel better.
Jack Nicaj - He asked a classmate who was sitting alone to sit with him.
Cassidy Norman
Daniela Giannone - Both girls were very responsible at recess when they helped clean up recess equipment.
Isabella DiNardi
Kendall Rivera- Both girls shared their swings with students who have difficulty waiting in line.
Gabriella Smith - She helped a student pack up when it was time to leave.
Hunter Roy - During library a student wanted a book that Hunter had and he gave it to his classmate instead of checking it out for himself.
Around Columbus
5th Grade Science Investigation
5th Grade Science Investigation
5th Grade Science Investigation
District Information Links
PTA Corner
Student Attendance
If your child is going to be absent, please use School Dismissal Manager to report their absence. As always if you have any health-related questions you can call the Nurse's Office, at 769-8537.
Visiting the Building
Please be prepared to show your photo ID whenever you visit the building. You will not be able to enter without it. Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.
Cell Phones and Wearable Smart Devices
Please be advised Columbus students should not have personal communication devices with them during the school day. If they choose to bring a device to school, it should remain in their backpack. They are responsible for the device. If a child is wearing a GPS tracking device for safety purposes, we ask that it be placed on the teacher's desk during instructional time. They will be allowed to wear it during lunch and recess.
Such devices include, but are not limited to:
Cell phones
Wearable devices/smart wearables/tablets that are capable of recording/viewing audio, photographic, or video content
Wearable devices/smartwatches/tablets that are capable of sending/receiving text, audio, or video messages
580 Columbus Avenue
(914) 769-8538
Daily School Hours 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.