AEHS Weekly Newsletter
Monday, September 4, 2023
Good evening, Titans.
I hope everyone had a good three day weekend and a great start to the school year. We have an exciting week ahead of us with Back to School Night, Thursday, and all our athletic events starting up this week, in addition to the grade 12 student wall painting. It has only been a week, but we are in full swing.
If you missed my Welcome Back message, you can access it by clicking the link. Some of the information shared below labeled as "Repeat," came from that message. A repository of messages will also be included on the AEHS webpage at this link.
What an exciting time to be a Titan! Have an amazing week!
Mark Brown, Jr.
Reminders & Dates (NEW)
- Back to School Night: Thursday, September 7, 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
- Underclassman Portraits: Thursday and Friday September 14-15 (Grades 9-11)
- Hall of Fame Football Game - Friday, September 9 @6:30 p.m. @ AEHS
- Grade 12 Student Portraits - Saturday, September 9
- PTSA Meeting - Tuesday, September 19
- Follow the AEHS Website - Upcoming Events link to see more events that are coming up at AEHS
Back to School Night (REPEAT)
Thursday Sept. 7th, 2023
5:00pm - ELD Family Information Session - starts in the media center
6:00pm - Principal's Welcome message - starts in your students homeroom class **To hear the Welcome message in Spanish you can go to the media center or the cafeteria.
Please join us at Back to School Night for lots of community building and information, including:
- Welcome message from Principal, Mr. Mark Brown, Jr.
- Opportunities to meet all of your student's teachers
- Participate in breakout sessions [Well-Being, AP/IB, Special Education, Sign up for ParentVUE, and Visual Art Center College Session (for grade 12 VAC parents only)]
- Time to learn more and join our support organizations
- Einstein Athletic Boosters
- AEHS Hall of Fame & Alumni Association
We will also have Catalyst Hot Dog's food truck onsite for dinner! Click HERE for the evenings schedule.
PSAT - College and Career Readiness Day (NEW)
College and Career Readiness Day" will be held at all MCPS high schools on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. Students will be able to take the
Registering for the Digital PSAT
Students in grade 10 are automatically registered for the PSAT 10 (no additional action is required for these students except to attend school on test day). Grade 9 students who wish to take the PSAT 8/9 or Grade 11 or Grade 12 students who also want to take the PSAT/NMSQT must register by Monday, September 11, 2023 by completing the Google Form at this link.
Cost and Payment for the PSAT
The PSAT 10 is free to all Grade 10 students. Students in Grades 9, 11, and 12 who register for the exam will pay the following fees:
- The PSAT 8/9 exam costs $13.25 for Grade 9 students.
- The PSAT/NMSQT price is $15.25 for students in grades 11 and 12.
The exam can be paid for using your child's school cash online account. Payment is required by Monday, September 11th. If your child is in Grade 11 and you requested a fee waiver on your registration form, you will be notified via email if you qualified by Friday, September 8, 2023.
Additional details about College and Career Readiness Day (CCR Day) will be shared in the coming weeks. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
For questions, please contact Ms. Aliciamarie_J_Johnson@mcpsmd.org or Ms. Kimberly_D_Prillman@mcpsmd.org
URGENT: Remind Messages (UPDATED)
As you know, last week we sent several messages to the community using the Remind app. Overall, the communication worked well, but a few people have asked to be removed from future communication.
Please Note that there is not an option to opt out of receiving urgent messages using the Remind app. Urgent messages are only shared when a serious incident has occured at the school that requires your attention, even if no action is required on your end.
Sunday messages, for instance, will not be sent using an urgent designation. You may opt out of receiving mass communications by changing your settings in ParentVue; however, we strongly suggest that you do not opt out of receiving communications so you can stay informed about what is happening at AEHS.
To start using Remind, we encourage you to watch the Getting Started with Remind Video and review Remind's Parent Web Guide to get more specific tips on how to use Remind.
Student Absences (REPEAT)
All students must submit an excused note from a parent, guardian, or caretaker within three days of the absence so the absence can be excused. Please note that the excused note is for the absence, and does not excuse students from completing work missed. Notes should be submitted to Ms. Debra_L_Gedling@mcpsmd.org.
Student Parking (UPDATED)
Requests for parking permits has closed. Moving forward, students who do not have a permit to park on campus should not do so, this includes on campus along the curb/sidewalk new Newport Mill Park or on the blacktop near the portables. Students who do not have a parking permit should not park on campus at all during the school day.
Only students with approved parking permits will be allowed to park on campus. This means students should not attempt to park along the sidewalk near Newport Mill Park or in the back of the building. Montgomery County Park Police have asked that we inform students that Newport Mill Park should not be used for student parking. Please do not park in the park, or in the neighborhood in permitted areas.
For questions, please contact Ms. Alyson_L_Gordon@mcpmd.org, assistant principal, or Mr. Victor_M_Valerio@mcpsmd.org.
Student ID Badges (REPEAT)
All students will receive a school issued ID badge. Students will need to show their ID to receive or use school services, including purchasing lunch. Students who lose, break, or deface their ID’s will have to pay a replacement fee of $5.00 per new ID badge issued. Students entering the school building after the school day has began will need to sign in at the main office using their ID badges. Students can also access their ID badge QR codes using a smart phone and the StudentVue app.
Stronger Student: Mental Heal & Wellness App (REPEAT)
MCPS Athletics Spectator Protocol (NEW)
Hello Parents and Students ...
Our Titans are looking for another successful year in Athletics!!
Here are some important points as we start the year.
- MCPS will remain in the Tier 1 Safety Plan. This will be in place all Football games and large events – Please watch the video below for more details. Our first home game is Tuesday, September 5th against Northwest HS.–BOYS SOCCER!!!!
- Parents, you can find our Athletic Schedule and results on our Athletics website. Einsteinathletics.org
- You can also find information about Athletic Digital Tickets and Student and Adult Season Passes.
Follow us on Twitter @titans_rise or on Instagram @ Einsteinathletics
Jermaine Howell
Albert Einstein HS
Athletics Specialist
Trip to Spain and Portugal (NEW)
Interested in your child attending a remarkable and educational trip to Spain and Portugal?
The trip is set for during Spring break of 2024, March 19-26th.
Take a look at the itinerary and then hold your spot for only $50. All can be done at explorica.com/Klenk-536
For questions please reach out to Ms. Klenk at katelyn_a_klenk@mcpsmd.org.