Texas School Nurses Organization
August 2017
Mission Statement & Vision Statement
To enhance whole student wellness in support of health and learning by strengthening school nursing practice.
Student health and learning all day, every day.
This newsletter takes NASN’s Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice approach.
President's Message
Every year, I wonder why summertime goes by so fast! It had been my hope for you at the beginning of summer that you were able to practice self-care, recharging your compassion reserves. With your battery recharged, your effectiveness as a school nurse will, no doubt, increase!
I began thinking about clinic culture, much like the popular subject of school culture and decided to replace the word school with clinic in a definition that I found. Because our clinics are, after all, a unique community within our school community. Clinic culture refers to the beliefs, perceptions, relationships, attitudes, and written and unwritten rules that shape and influence every aspect of how a clinic may function. The term also encompasses more concrete issues such as the physical and emotional safety of students, the orderliness of the clinic or the degree to which a clinic embraces and celebrates racial, ethnic, linguistic, or cultural diversity.
Do you like the culture of your clinic? Is it effective? What would you change to make it better? Your clinic culture can become what you envision it to be.
Successful school nurses are health care leaders who understand that building relationships takes time, trust, and honest communication to create the purposeful culture they envision.
Creating a healthy culture on purpose may need to include taking time to
re-examine your own behaviors and habits that could negatively effect the culture of health and outcomes you are striving to create in your clinic and school community. School nurses are ideally positioned to be the best role models, educators, and advocates of health, safety, and wellness. The American Nurses Association has declared 2017 as the Year of the Healthy Nurse. ANA has many resources to help you on your journey to a healthy nurse.Sláinte (health) to you,
Lisa Sicilio, MEd, BSN, RN, NCSN
Every Student Succeeds Act
Public comments regarding the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) consolidated state plan for Texas are now being accepted by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Please click below to access the draft plan and email address to submit comments. Comments will be accepted until August 29, 2017.
August 21 Total Solar Eclipse- Protect Your Eyes!
Spinal Screening
House Bill 1076 amends Health and Safety Code Chapter 37, Abnormal Spinal Curvature for implementation during the 2018-2019 school year. Spinal screening program rules will be amended to comply with the new law and posted in the Texas Register for public comment in September 2017. Schools must follow the rules currently in effect for the 2017-2018 school year which require schools to conduct spinal screening for children in grades 6 and 9. View the current spinal screening procedure rules at www.dshs.texas.gov/spinal.
Vision Screening
School Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice 3rd Edition Now Available
- Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice
- Updated definition of school nursing
- Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model
- Workload and acuity as components of healthy work environment for school nurses
- Updated Code of Ethics for Nurses
- New Standard of Professional Performance: Culturally Congruent Practice
School Nurse Administrators: Leadership and Management
Professional Practice Documents
Position Statements
Position Statements are evidence-based papers that represent the official opinion or stance of NASN regarding an issue related to school health or school nursing. They summarize the historical, political, and/or scientific aspects regarding the issue.
Behavioral Health of Students; The School Nurse’s Role in (Adopted June 2017)
Chronic Health Conditions (Students with): The Role of the School Nurse (Revised June 2017)
Telehealth, The Role of School Nursing in (Adopted June 2017)
Back-to-School Interactive Tool Kit
Still have questions, review the What, Why & How To by Kathy Powell.
Framework For 21st Century School Nursing PracticeTM - Implementing the Core Principal: Quality Improvement
Participate in the national school nurse data collection initiative, Stand Up and Be Counted Survey, and help build critical evidence for school nursing practice while documenting your commitment to the 21st century school nursing practice standard of Quality Improvement (QI).
Responses to the Stand Up and Be Counted Survey will be based on 2016-17 school year data. The data requested is basic and the time you spend collecting and sharing your data is certain to have long-term professional payoff.
TSNO members will receive an emailed web link to the Stand Up and Be Counted Survey. Please share this link with other school nurses who may not be TSNO members. The survey link will also be on the TSNO webpage at www.txsno.org as soon as the survey is available.
Why is it important for school nurses to participate in this national and state data collection initiative?
- The role of the school nurse impacts health and academic outcomes of our students but there is limited availability of research-based data to support the value of school nurses. Resources follow data. “Without data, you (we) are just another opinion (W. Edwards Deming).”
- School nurses and their professional organizations must be able to explain the value of the school nurse role to administrators, educators, and policymakers with data.
- Stand Up and Be Counted data from across the state and national will be combined “...to allow researchers to determine which school nurse interventions are most effective and to better understand models of school nursing practice and workforce modules and their impact on student health (NASN School Nurse, January 2016. p. 49).”
TSNO Members, Lead the Way. Stand Up and Be Counted!
Please note the addition of a folder in the School Nurse Net TSNO Library of: Lice Notification Resources. This folder includes the following resources for your use:
Until further clarification of this bill is received from TEA, DSHS and/or TASB, the above guidelines can be utilized and personalized for your district and campus use. These resources were created utilizing the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as is stated in SB 1566. Additional information will follow as rules and guidelines are released. Also note these are in the Library as Word documents.
Many thanks to the School Health Issues Chair Karen Schwind, New Braunfels ISD and Committee. Especially to Macie Walker, Hays CISD and Barb Weiss, Pflugerville ISD for their assistance with this project. I hope you have a great start to the 2017-2018 school year!
Sunny Thomas Memorial Award
Please access the Guidelines and Criteria here.
Access the Application here.
TSNO Scholarships
CNE Scholarship
This scholarship is provided by funds TSNO has obtained from conference profits and other donations. TSNO has continued to budget and annually provide educational scholarships to TSNO members who are enhancing their education within school nursing. The individual scholarship amount will be up to $200. Requirements: Current active member for the previous two years, current license as nurse in state of Texas, and current full time employment in a school setting EC-12.
Education Scholarship
This scholarship is provided by funds TSNO has obtained from conference profits and other donations. TSNO has continued to budget and annually provide educational scholarships to TSNO members who are advancing their education within school nursing. The scholarship amount will be up to $1,000 annually. Requirements: Current active member for the previous two years, current license as nurse in state of Texas and current full time employment in a school setting EC-12.
NBCSN Exam Scholarship Reimbursement
This scholarship supports national certification of school nurses by providing partial reimbursement of the NBCSN Examination Fee up to $200. Requirements: Current active member for the previous two years, current license as nurse in state of Texas, current full time employment in a school setting EC-12, exam must have been taken in the current calendar year, candidate must have passed the certification exam and candidate is not seeking reimbursement from another source.
Power of the Purse is TSNO's state conference community fundraiser in which all proceeds will benefit the Star of Hope. Star of Hope began its life-changing work on July 1, 1907. They are dedicated to meeting the needs of homeless men, women and their children. Positive life changes are encouraged through structured programs which focus on spiritual growth, education, employment, life management and recovery from substance abuse.
We challenge all to donate a purse or even more! Let's fill the racks and raise money for the Star of Hope in Houston.
- Purse Donation:To make the silent auction process run smoothly, we will be collecting information electronically on your donations. Please go and "Sign up". You will have the opportunity to give a description and value of each purse. Please indicate if you are mailing or bringing to conference your donation.
Please bring your purse for donation to the conference registration desk by Thursday, Nov 9th or mail them along with your name, value and description of the purse to:
819 W. Arapaho Rd., Suite 24B, #345
Richardson, TX 75080
From Silence to Voice
This year's conference will offer a book club break-out session on the must read for nursing organizations, From Silence to Voice: What Nurses Know and Must Communicate to the Public (The Culture and Politics of Health Care Work) 3rd Edition.
From Silence to Voice helps nurses understand and overcome the self-silencing that often leads them to downplay their expertise and contributions to caring for the sick and the public's health. The authors, Bernice Buresh and Suzanne Gordon, teach nurse clinicians, nurse educators, and nurse researchers the critical skills needed to explain their work to other healthcare professionals, journalists, policymakers, and political representatives.
Grab a copy today if you wish to get a head start on the reading.
Save the Date: Texas School Nurses Organization 15th Annual Conference at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott
Nursing contact hours have been applied for through the Texas Nurses
Association, an accredited approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation
Friday, Nov 10, 2017, 08:00 AM
The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel & Convention Center, Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, TX, United States
TSNO Executive Committee
PRESIDENT Lisa Sicilio - Region 6
PRESIDENT-ELECT Lisa Formby - Region 16
TREASURER Aida Salazar - Region 19
Secretary Adalia Del Bosque - Region 1
ADVOCACY CHAIR Chanthini Thomas - Region IV
SCHOOL HEALTH ISSUES Karen Schwind - Region 13
MEMBER SERVICES Art Oaxaca Region 19
Membership Coordinator Linda Howard - Region 8
REGION PRESIDENTS Coordinator Sarah Batson - Region 17
EXHIBIT LIAISON Diane Hunt-Bullard - Region 20
Email: lsicilio.tsno@gmail.com
Website: txsno.org
Location: Richardson, Tex, United States
Phone: (979) 764-5540
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Texas.School.Nurses.Organization
Twitter: @TxSchlNurses