Takoma Park Elementary School
August 25, 2022
Childcare is available for the kindergarten (8/25/22) and first and second grade (8/31/22) back to school nights. Childcare will cost $10 per child. Childcare is for children ages 4-11. Unfortunately, the payment must be made in cash. If you are unable to pay the childcare fee there are scholarships available. Please register for childcare for the night required using the link below.
Kindergarten Back to School Night (8/25/22)
First & Second Grade Back to School Night (8/31/22)
Free Computers
Montgomery County is offering free computers for families in need. Please use the link below for more information.
School lunch is available for purchase for all students. The full price for lunch is $2.55. Please use the link below to access the menu for August and September.
Bus Routes
Bus information is linked below. We nickname our buses so that our children remember which bus they ride. This year we will have the following buses:
6119 comes in on 6123-Mouse
6123 comes in on 6124-Fish
6124 comes in on 6992-Kite
6910 comes in on 6126-Iguana
Please use the route information linked below to determine your child's bus.
Student Rights & Responsibilities
From the PTA
Hello TPES parents,
On behalf of the TPES Parent Teachers Association, it is our pleasure to welcome you to our wonderful community. We are looking forward to a great year filled with fantastic events, community building activities and, most importantly, supporting our kids and teachers so they can continue to thrive.
The primary way to make this the best year for your family and our TPES community is to join the PTA at https://tpespta.net/join/! When you join the PTA, you are not obligated to attend all of the monthly meetings (held virtually and jointly with the PBES PTA the first Tuesdays of the month) or to volunteer; you can participate as much or as little as you are able or would like, finding a perfect balance that is right for you.
The PTA is a nonprofit organization whose funds support TPES and aim to enhance the learning experience among all of the students within the school. Your purchase of a membership helps the PTA deliver these important services to the school:
scholarships for after-school programs; providing supplemental enrichment materials for classrooms; diversifying the library collection; supporting cultural arts assemblies; field trips and events that encourage diversity, equity and inclusion; teacher and staff appreciation, and much more!
There are many membership levels-- you can pick the one that works best for you and your family:
Family Membership + PTA Gift: $60
One Parent Membership: $15
Two Parent Membership: $30
Booster Donation to broaden support to families across the school: $25 to $100
Request for Donated Membership-- for those who can't pay the cost of membership right now, but want to show their support.
If you were a member last year, please consider renewing your annual PTA membership for the 2022-2023 school year! Memberships expire annually, and so if you were a member for the 2021-2022 school year (or before), you will need to renew for 2022-2023.
Please visit the TPES PTA Membership page to join, and for more information: PTA Membership – Takoma Park Elementary School PTA (tpespta.net). Also, the TPES PTA listserv has really helpful information and reminders- to join go to https://groups.io/register to first register and then search for Takoma Park Elementary School and click on Join The Group.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Thank you in advance!
Estelle Jean
TPES PTA Vice President, Membership