This Week at BLE
Important Details for the Week of 4/10 - 4/14
School Schedule
Late Start Monday: 10:35 am - 3:45 pm
School starts at 10:35 am on Mondays. Please drop off your students off no earlier than 10:20 am on Mondays. Bus routes run 90 minutes later on Mondays.
Tuesday through Friday Schedule: 9:00 am - 3:45 pm
Classes begin at 9:00 am. Please drop your students off no earlier than 8:45 am.
Spirit Days
- On Mondays we wear College or Local High School Spirit Wear
- On Fridays we wear Viking or Blue Spirit Gear
Character Trait of the Month for April
Upcoming Dates to Remember
11 Class Picture Day
12 Jog-a-thon Kickoff
19 PTA Family Night Out
24 Viking Pride Assembly and NEHS Spirit Day
24 Jog-a-thon Run
28 Jog-a-thon pledges due
Tuesday, April 11th is Class Picture Day!
Important to Remember
- All students are photographed for class pictures.
- Only students who prepay for individual spring pictures online are photographed on picture day.
- Online ordering closes at 8:00am on picture day!
Save the Date: Upcoming Testing Dates in May
SBA Assessment for 3rd, 4th and 5th Graders
3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Families,
Please mark your calendars on the following dates:
May 9-11
May 16-18
May 23
Your students will be participating in state testing on these dates. Please try to schedule appointments and other planned absences around these dates if possible.
Save the Date: BLE Music Events in May
Kindergarten Registration
Do you know a child who will be five years old on or before Aug. 31? Maybe it's your neighbor, friend or even your own child. Now’s the time to enroll kindergarten students for the 2023-24 school year. The sooner you enroll, the better we can keep you informed.
Kindergarten kickoff video
To learn more about kindergarten in the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District, watch this video for an overview of kindergarten, the registration process and forms, resources, transition events and kindergarten readiness.
School orientations
To help welcome new kinders and their families, each of our elementary schools will host a Kindergarten Roundup. Prior to kinder screening, Roundup provides students/families an opportunity to physically tour school and meet important people as well as get pertinent information regarding registration. Find the date and time for each school’s orientation.
New immunization requirements
New requirements are in effect for students in preschool and kindergarten who are four years old or older on Sept. 1. Learn about the requirements, documentation, exceptions and more.
Enrollment into the District is online. Visit our enrollment page for details on the three-step registration process. Hard copy registration packets are available at our schools.
For more information, go to