Bison Stampede
Rosemont Weekly Newsletter
01/17/2024 ENGLISH
Our Vision
At Rosemont, our vision is to be an exemplary campus with established leaders that exemplify a commitment to academic excellence and educating the whole child.
Lower Campus
1919 Stevens Forest Drive
Dallas, TX 75208
Upper Campus
911 N Morocco Ave
Dallas, TX 75211
(972) 749-5000
Campus Front Office
From Your Principals
Ms. Benningfield, Lower Campus (PK - 3)
Dear families,
What a chilly start to the New Semester! I hope you and your family stayed safe and warm over our long weekend. Despite the cold, our bisonare off to a great start! In our first week, our bison were engaged in reading, writing, and speaking in all classrooms. They’ve shown tremendous progress this year which we are excited to share with you all at parent conferences over the next few weeks. This is a great opportunity for families to set goals with our little bison and encourage a growth mindset. We look forward to your support as we continue to work in partnership to help every bison succeed.
Ms. Munves, Upper Campus (4 - 8)
Welcome back (again) Bison Families! I hope you were all able to stay warm and enjoyed the extra time at home during our extended break. We have a very short week on campus, but lots of things happening. Please be reminded that tomorrow, Thursday, January 18 is both STEM night on Lower Campus and MS Magnet Open House on Upper Campus. We hope you'll be able to stop by each event. For the MS Magnet Open House, you can expect to hear from our team promptly at 5:15PM and 6:00PM. Other time will be dedicated to speaking with teachers/students and learning about our extra curricular activities. If you were unable to attend the Fall events and can not attend tomorrow, please reach out to me directly and let me know how we can be of assistance with your application process. Thank you!
Campus Events
Uniform Policy
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Parent Resource Link
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Campus Safety Drill Support for Families
At the start of each semester, we practice safety drills with students so that all staff members and students can be as prepared as possible for any emergency. These drills include fire drills, lockdown drills, and severe weather drills. We will be conducting safety drills within the next two weeks. The handout below features the calming techniques we use with our little bison to help our students remain calm. Thank you for supporting our efforts to ensure all of our students are safe.
Kinder Round Up
Free Dress Day for $1
Rosemont Upper Open House
Stem Night
100th Day of School (PK - 3 ONLY)
Stem Expo
Group Pic Is Coming!
February 6th Group Picture Day is Coming! Students are required to wear uniform.
Clubs and Extracurriculars
About Us:
Twitter: LC- RosemontLower UC- RosemontUC