The Titan Times: Week 20
The River Place Elementary (RPE) Campus Newsletter
- Message from Principal Sharp
- Mark Your Calendars and Links to District and Lunch Calendars
- Titan Community News
- Counselor's Corner
- Leander ISD Opportunities
- Growing a Titan Mindset and Connection Every Day!
Titan Families,
I hope you are doing fabulous on your winter break with family and friends. As you start to reflect on the 2022 calendar year and think about the 2023 calendar year, I encourage you to celebrate what went well, alongside areas you aim to strive in as a family and a member of our campus. Here are a few points I have had so far regarding our campus and my family life.
An area of celebration on our campus is how safely and quickly we involved our families back into our campus life to serve, visit, and fellowship. Also, our staff has joyfully worked on growing relationships, serving our community and on campus committees, and engaging in professional learning communities to grow their leadership and instructional practices. This effort has empowered our students learning by reaching the whole child. An area our staff will reflect on when we return is how to ensure we are maximizing our partnerships and time to truly grow and celebrate our students, families, and each other in this journey of showing progress.
My family and I are celebrating how well we have managed to maintain a family night at least once or twice a week; even if it was at a restaurant for a brief meal before heading to the next commitment. A goal my family and I are discussing is how to grow our reading habits alongside our children's reading lives. My son is in 2nd grade and my daughter is in Kindergarten, and as developing readers, they are growing reading and writing habits at school and at home. Though we do not have an immediate answer to how we will strive and thrive as a family supporting each other's literate lives, it's been an eye opening discussion hearing how we each reflect on and consider reading a habit in our home.
I hope reading a few of these reflection points will inspire you on your journey, and I wish you all the best as you launch these discussions and reflection points at home. May you finish out your 2022 calendar year with a thankful and prepared heart. I am looking forward to hearing about your dreams and aspirations for the new year as we welcome back students on January 3rd.
Take care and be well,
Dr. Amy Sharp
Proud RPE Principal
- Winter Break- No school for students and our staff reports back to campus on January 2nd.
- 3rd: Students return to campus, 5th Grade Run Club, & the 3rd Nine Weeks Grading Period begins.
- 4th: 3rd Grade Run Club
- 5th: 4th Grade Run Club
- 6th: Titan Time in the MPR
- 9th: Kinder Run Club
- 10th: 2nd Grade Run Club
- 12th: 1st Grade Run Club
- 13th: Titan Time in the MPR
- 16th: MLK Day- NO SCHOOL
Counselor's Corner
River Place Elementary Titan Community
Here are our Titan Community Communication Tools-
- River Place Elementary School Website
- Twitter Account
- PTA Facebook Page
- Remind App for River Place Insiders
Location: 6500 Sitio Del Rio Blvd, Austin, TX 78730, USA
Phone: 512-570-6911
Twitter: @RiverPlaceTitan