Panui Newsletter
Rāmere Friday 24th February Hui-Tanguru 2023 (T1:W4/10)
Our Tumuaki / Principal
Parent Assistants: Should you have some time when you can regularly (once a week) come into the school and assist in our classrooms we'd love to have you. It could be with hearing children read, putting books away, or helping with a maths group. Contact your child's teacher to set up a timetable. You will need to be police vetted and sign off our Parent Involvement in the Classroom form.
Admin Remodel: We have finally had the finishing touches to our Administration Remodel completed. This includes a smart TV screen and whiteboard term planner put up in the new Learning Support Coordinators room and new heavy-duty carpet at the end of the admin hallway. It's great to have this project complete.
Paid Union Meetings: Paid Union Meetings (PUMs), as part of the negotiations associated with updating teacher employment agreements, are coming up for our teaching staff on Wednesday the 1st of March in the afternoon. We would encourage parents to pick children up from 12.30 pm. Please ring the office should your child be remaining behind. After School Care will continue on this day and buses run at the usual afternoon time (not earlier).
LMV Zone Athletics: All the best to all our students in the up-and-coming LMV Athletics next Tuesday 28th February at the Menzies College grounds. Thank you to the staff who have been working with the children to help them get ready for Tuesday and thank you in advance to those parents who will help on Tuesday. A big thank you to Andrea Russell (Office Manager) and Laura McVicar (Assistant Principal) for their work with this.
Resilience: Growing resilience in our children sets them up for life. Resilience (the ability to face tough situations and get through) is so important in our complex world. We don't just get endowed with resilience at a certain age. Rather, it grows through our deliberate and conscious acts as parents.
Here's the five-step technique that will grow resilience in your child.
- Listen - When children come to you with their problems genuinely listen to what they have to say so that they feel heard and, in so doing, know they are loved.
- Reflective Questioning - Ask powerful reflective questions that get your child to search their feelings and reactions. For example, How did that make you feel?; What did those feelings cause you to do?; Did that work by improving it, or did it make it worse? Good questioning will help your child grow in their understanding of themselves.
- Empower - Provide your child with the skills to face the challenge they are in, journeying with them in it. These skills come with values-based advice that de-escalates the issue because children often think that two wrongs will make it right. Someone calls them a name so they respond back the same. A revenge response simply perpetuates the situation and never solves it. Children need a circuit breaker and that is us. We empower our children to a mature response. This could be simply walking away and doing something different, ignoring it completely (this can be very powerful), or talking it out with the person in a calm manner.
- Step Back - This, for us parents, is probably one of the hardest to do as we want to micromanage, protect, rescue and fight our children's battles for them. In doing that we bring our feelings into it and stop being parents growing our children. When we step back (having already listened, provided reflective questions and empowered) we say to our children 'We believe in you and you've got this'. This grows resilience. When we step in and interfere we are saying 'We don't think you are strong enough or capable enough to cope'. This stifles resilience. Sending the right message is so important.
- Be Patient - Children may need a number of 'resilience growth situations' in order to grow their capacity to overcome situations. Seldom do they get it right the first time. But with practice and our support, they will get there and become powerful mature adults that can venture into the world with confidence.
Acknowledging - Team Edendale
- Liz Scott: Liz has been working with us as a teaching assistant since 2020. In those three years, she has proven herself to be a valuable team player that supports the children, teachers and classroom programme. Currently, a lot of what Liz is doing is targeted towards the needs of students in Team Tui. Having a reliable person like Liz, who is flexible and adaptable to the ever-changing nature of a classroom is so helpful to the teachers. Thanks Liz for your contributions that directly benefit the children who attend Edendale Primary School.
Principal's Term One Challenge - Where Our Dreams Begin
This term, in partnership with our Social Worker in Schools programme, we want to support and kick-start your dream with dream-starter encouragement funds.
Write a short extract of up to 100 words about what your dream is and why, and then how you would use the funds to grow that dream.
Entry Outlines
- Entries are open to students enrolled at Edendale Primary School.
- The entries are due by Friday 31st March.
- 100-word limit.
- There will be three winners who will win a $100 voucher towards the purchase of an item or items that will grow their dream.
- Please note that entries and photos of entrants will be used in promotional media.
Our Events Coming Up
Term One - 2023
Week 5 (of 10)
- Monday 27th February 7.30pm - Home and School AGM and General Meeting in Staffroom
- Tuesday 28th February - LMV Zone Athletics Day
Week 6 (of 10)
- Monday 6th March - Wednesday 8th March - Senior Camp at Camp Columba
- Thursday 9th March - LMV Zone Athletics - Postponement Day
Week 7 (of 10)
- Wednesday 15th March - Kamahi Reserve Visit
Week 8 (of 10)
- Saturday 18th March - Car Boot Sale
Our Kura News and Information
Paid Union Meetings - 1st March: On the afternoon of Wednesday the 1st of March the teaching staff are heading to a Paid Union Meeting (PUM).
We encourage children to be picked up from 12.30pm on that day.
Supervision will be provided to those children that remain behind, and After School Care and the after school buses will still run that day. Please let the office know if your child will be remaining at school that afternoon.
Car Pick-Ups- Come In: We instruct children to remain inside the school grounds after school and that parents need to come in and collect children from inside the school. We do not want children waiting on the footpath and crossing our roads unsupervised.
This is because our road, even more so at 3.00 pm - 3.20 pm, is very busy, with parked cars obstructing a clear view for pedestrians, and we need children to be supervised when hopping into cars or crossing the road.
School Fair and Carboot Sale: Our popular School Fair and Carboot Sale returns this year!
If you are crafty, clever in the kitchen, have pinecones or firewood, or have been having a clear out of surplus toys, books, clothes, or household items that you want to sell, bring along your car and join in the fun!
The class teams here at school are all busy creating products to sell on our school market tables too!
See the advert poster below for details on times and other features.
Student Council Compassion Fundraiser - NZ Red Cross
Today our Student Council sold ice-blocks to raise funds for the NZ Red Cross relief fund for victims of Cyclone Gabrielle in the North Island.
They have raised $344, from ice-block sales as well as the extra donations that many people made.
Thank you to all who contributed to the cause; it is greatly appreciated.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kiwi
Team Kiwi’s MVP for displaying Manaakitanga - Respect is Jonty McKinnel.
Jonty has started the year off right with a friendly greeting and a smile on his face each morning when he arrives at school. He arrives on time and gets himself ready for the day by putting his home partnership book out on his desk and having his pencil case ready.
Jonty is a respectful and kind student, who uses his manners and always says thank you. He speaks politely to his peers and the teachers and lends a hand where needed.
Jonty can be relied upon to be doing the right things at the right times. He listens to and follows instructions and is always ready to move on to the next task.
Jonty, you have made a great start to Team Kiwi. We look forward to having a great year with you.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Tui
This week's Team Tui MVP for the value Manaakitanga - Respect is Alazay Ruwhiu.
Alazay is the first one every morning to greet me with a smile and a cheerful ‘good morning’ or a story to tell. Alazay starts the day the way she means to go about her day, by having everything ready to learn.
Alazay has already been a big help and role model to the younger children this year in Team Tui. She follows the school rules and consistently demonstrates our values to the highest standard. Alazay has a growth mindset towards her learning and the way she goes about her work. Alazay listens carefully to instructions and acts on them to the best of her ability. If she does not understand something she will ask for help.
Alazay always plays fair and treats others the way she likes to be treated, both in the classroom and out in the playground.
Alazay, you have blown me away with your dedication to your learning and it’s only the start of the year. I’m excited to see the wonderful things you will achieve this year. Ka pai!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kahu
Team Kahu’s MVP for displaying Manaakitanga - Respect is Amelia Hodge-Thomas.
Amelia displays a quiet presence in the classroom and is a self-managed learner. She is a young lady that demonstrates our school values in the classroom and out in the playground. Amelia completes her responsibilities and duties each day and shows she is ready for learning.
Amelia is a kind and well-mannered individual. She is respectful towards her peers and teachers. Amelia listens to and follows instructions as well as taking part in class discussions by sharing her ideas. Amelia is eager to learn and always tries her best with learning tasks.
Our quote this week by Dr Suess says, “Only you can control your future”. Amelia is showing that she is taking control of her future and is taking the necessary steps to improve in her learning and be the best that she can be.
You have made a wonderful start to the year, Amelia, and I look forward to seeing your continued progress.
Our Team for this Week - Team Kereru
Team Kereru has had a great start to the year. We have started the year with 23 students, with a mix of Year 4's & 5’s. The children have settled in well and it is the end of Week 4 already.
Last week we had Jodie from Sports Southland come and teach the class ‘End Ball’. The class were learning about fairness and how we can incorporate that into physical education. It was great to see the children engaged in the game. We also had Jack from Active Southland spend about 30 minutes with the children to teach them cricket. There was a lot of teamwork happening and the children had fun trying to get each other out so their team could win!
Team Kereru is making cardboard boats to see if they can float in the pool! This activity is based on teamwork and thinking outside of the box. The only criteria the children had was that they could only use cardboard and they had to sit on something. There has been lots of tape involved so I think a lot of groups are using the strategy of taping the bottom of their boats so they don’t sink. It is going to be very interesting to see if the boats will float or sink.
In reading we have been doing plays and the children presented them in groups in front of the class last week.
For writing, we have been focusing on descriptive writing. First of all, we looked at a short film called “Burrow”. The film is about a bunny wanting to build his home underground. But he comes across other rodents and animals underground that have a bigger or more extravagant home. Events start happening that impact all the animals but in the end we see the bunny’s home being built. From this video, the children planned out their dream underground home, and there was a range of different types of homes and rooms in the class. Some children had 10+ rooms, others only had 3 or 4 rooms. The children had to then write a descriptive piece of writing based on their plan.
We have a few events coming up like our Zone Athletics and Senior Camp so it is going to be a busy term for Team Kereru.
Miss Sarah Botting
Team Kereru Room Five Teacher
Writer of the Week - Chloe Martyn (Team Kereru)
Hello and welcome to my luxurious underground mansion! Here we have a movie theatre, spa, library - you name it!
If you’re a gamer, there is a room filled with any device imaginable.
If you like reading there’s a GIANT library filled with all types of books from magazines to comics.
If you like swimming, there’s a GIGANTIC swimming pool from shallow to deep. The pool is located out in the backyard.
If you like to sleep (like me) there are 5 very cosy king-sized beds.
There is also a folding tv and a view of the neighbours. Don’t worry, the neighbours are very friendly.
In the movie theatre, every single movie in the world is available and yes, also the ones that haven’t come out yet.
There is a toy room with toys and You Tube merchandise.
Oh, and have I told you about the vehicle room yet? The room has a hoverboard, scooter, bike, skateboard, roller skates, roller-blades, and a car.
This mansion includes a bathroom with a blinding gold toilet and a spa covered with a bunch of beautiful pink petals.
If you’re into dancing, there is a party room with a disco ball, decorations and a LOT more.
Finally last but definitely not least a kitchen with an air fryer, stove, fridge and microwave.
Our Kaitiaki School Board
Term One - First Meeting Report: The School Board met on Tuesday for their AGM (which always the first meeting in the year apart from a School Board election year) and first (of eight) General Meetings for 2023.
At the AGM the following positions were confirmed for this year.
- Presiding Member: Jacob Smyth
- Deputy Presiding Member: Sarah Cupido
- Secretary: Sarah Cupido
Here is an overview of the General Meeting.
- The Principal presented the Senior Leadership Report which had contributions from the Deputy Principal and Assistant Principal.
- The Deputy Principal tabled the Positive Behaviour for Learning Term Four 2022 report.
- Final confirmation was agreed to in regards to the Senior Camp to Camp Columba with the associated Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) documentation presented.
- The Term Four Community of Learning (COL) Kahui Ako newsletter was presented keeping the School Board up to date with all the support and contributions that the COL is adding to and for our school.
- The 2022 Home and School President's report was tabled keeping the School Board up to date with the valuable contributions that the Home and School make to the life and vitality of our school.
Our Home and School
Next Meeting - Term One 2023: The Term One 2023 meeting of the Home and School, also an AGM, is scheduled for Monday 27th of February at 7.30 pm in the school staffroom.
Our Community - News
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool