Soule Elementary's Cowboy Connect
December 2023
Important Upcoming Dates:
- December 7: 1st and 4th Grade Music Programs
- December 14: Dec. Silly Store Order Form/Money Due
- December 15: 3rd-5th Holiday Meal
- December 18-21: Holiday Spirit Week
- December 22 - January 8: Winter Break
1st and 4th Grade Music Programs
1st graders- arrive at 5:40pm for 6:00pm show!
4th graders- arrive at 6:40pm for 7:00pm show!
Both wear jeans and a red or white top!
December Silly Store Form and Money Due 12/14!
Spirit Week
Monday, 12/18- Wear Flannel
Tuesday, 12/19- Wear Red & Green
Wednesday, 12/20- Wear a Holiday Sweater and/or Hat
Thursday, 12/21- Wear Pajamas
Friday, 12/22- NO SCHOOL
Holidays Around the World
Each class will choose a country to study and do activities planned around that culture's Holiday! Many classes are working with their Book Buddy classroom (K-2 room paired with a 3-5 room). Be sure to ask your student(s) soon on which country they are learning about! Listen to a Holiday story below in English and Spanish!
Holiday Meal
RSVPS were already due and turned in with money. Thank you! Reminder of times below.
K-2 will have a special Valentine's Day Meal in February!