The Bedford Buccaneer
February 5, 2024
Wednesday, February 7th-Well-Balanced Student Presentation-6:30pm-BHS LGI
Thursday-February 8th-50 Years of METCO Celebration- 6:30-9:00pm-BHS Cafeteria
Monday, February 12th-Catherine Steiner-Adair, author of The Big Disconnect-6:30pm-BHS Auditorium
Tuesday, February 13th-School Council meeting- 2:30-3:30pm
Monday, February 19th-Friday, February 23rd-No School-Winter Vacation
Tuesday, March 12th- School Council meeting-2:30-3:30pm
Friday, March 15th-No School-Staff Professional Day
Tuesday, March 26th-Wednesday, March 27th-Delayed Opening-ELA MCAS
Tuesday, April 9th- School Council meeting-2:30-3:30pm
Monday, April 15th-Friday, April 19th-No School-Spring Vacation
Tuesday, May 14th- School Council meeting-2:30-3:30pm
Monday, May 20th -Last day for Seniors
Tuesday, May 21st-Wednesday, May 22nd-Delayed Opening-Math MCAS
Tuesday, May 21st-Friday, May 24th-Senior Finals
Monday, May 27th-No School-Memorial Day
Thursday, June 6th- Graduation-Tsongas Center
Friday, June 14th-**Tentative Last Day of School**-If no snow days
Wednesday, June 19th-No School-Juneteenth Holiday
BHS Rotating Day Calendar 2023-2024
Support the American Cancer Society and Bedford Relay For Life
Support the American Cancer Society and Bedford Relay For Life by getting Blaze Pizza this Tuesday, 2/6 from 5-9pm!
Use the online promo code of 1230A to support the cause, or show this flyer in the Burlington location. 20% of proceeds will be donated to Bedford RFL.
Class of 2027 Candy Grams Fundraiser
BEF Denim and Diamonds Bash
Welcome to the 2024 BEF Denim and Diamonds Bash! We can’t wait to share an evening of fun and festivity with our friends and supporters. There will be music, dancing, delicious bites, a cash bar, our amazing silent auction, and more. All proceeds from this event – the biggest party of the year for Bedford’s schools – go towards funding creative and innovative grant programs at all four schools. Individual tickets are $55 through Thursday, 3/7 and will go up at the door to $65.
You can also choose to be a “Deep Pocket Donor” for $250. This ticket level includes two individual tickets, a special memento, and entry into a raffle for one prize exclusive to these donors. The deadline to be a Deep Pocket Donor is Sunday, 3/3. It pays to plan ahead, so get your tickets today!
Names for tickets are automatically sent to the BEF, just check in at the door on 3/9! Let’s make this the best Bash yet! Click the link below for all ticket options, and we’ll see you there!
The Relay For Life coin drive
The Winter Coin Drive is underway! Bring in any spare change to your advisory’s purple coin box to help your advisory secure a top-3 finish and prize! All money goes towards cancer patient care and research.
Best of luck!
-BHS Relay Committee
Well-Balanced Student Presentation
Presenter: Jon Kleinman, Challenge Success
Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Where: Bedford High School, Large Group Instruction Room
Open to all K-12 Parents and Guardians
Please RSVP here
Do you want the children and teens in your home and schools to be healthier and more engaged, but are unsure where to start? This interactive workshop shares data from more than 375,000 students on topics including homework, sleep, cheating, engagement and more, teasing out insights and concrete strategies you can use at school and at home.
Our research shows that far too many students are struggling with their well-being, experience a lack of belonging and engagement with learning, and are overwhelmed by constant pressure in and out of school. Instead of figuring out who they are and what they care about, students (and their families) are often consumed by external pressures such as assessments, test scores, extracurriculars, family obligations, college admissions, and future careers, putting their well-being at risk.
Real, lasting change requires the whole school community — educators, families, and students — to both identify challenges and drive solutions. This workshop will provide you with a deeper understanding of what children and adolescents are experiencing at school and home and you will leave ready to take action with a set of research-based, equity-centered strategies to reduce pressure and stress for the youth in your community.
Jon Kleiman, M.A., is a School and District Partnership Manager. Jon’s chief mission is helping organizations and individuals challenge the status quo. In his role as a School & District Partnership Manager with Challenge Success, Jon’s worked with dozens of schools over the past several years in reimagining how schools might better support the needs and growth of its students. Previously, Jon worked at a university helping students to engage in “vocational wayfinding.” Jon lives in Portland, Maine with his wife and three kids.
50 Years of METCO Celebration
50 Years of METCO Celebration
Join the Bedford METCO program & the Parents Diversity Council for soul food and spoken word performances for a 50 Years of METCO Celebration on February 8th from 6:30-9:00pm at the Bedford High School Cafeteria.
Bedford Dollars For Scholars
Trivia Night
Register NOW for the CSF of Bedford Dollars for Scholars IN- PERSON Trivia Night Sat Feb 10th 7-10 pm
Get your team ready and join us for some Trivia Fun, Cash Bar, and Raffles on Saturday Feb 10! The CSF Dollars for Scholars Trivia event will be held IN PERSON this year at the Bedford American Legion, brought to you by Sporcle Trivia. Doors open at 6:30 pm, with the Trivia kicking off at 7pm. Teams of 6-10 players (maximum of 10 players per team), $300 per team*. The maximum attendance is 15 teams, so RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW! Prizes will be awarded to the 1st and 2nd place teams. Proceeds go to support scholarships for Bedford/Hanscom graduates who plan to continue their education. Team Captains please register your team HERE, or visit our website: http://www.bedfordma.dollarsforscholars.org
*We are offering a limited number of spots for individuals/couples who would like to participate and would enjoy making new friends by being placed on a trivia team. Please contact Tara Goss at tara@goss-family.net to register.
Presentation and Q&A with Catherine Steiner-Adair
Presentation and Q&A with Catherine Steiner-Adair
Presenter: Catherine Steiner-Adair, author of The Big Disconnect
Date: Monday, February 12th
Time: 6:30pm
Where: BHS auditorium
The presentation with Q&A will run approximately 90 minutes.
School Council
School Council Website
Meeting dates-Time is from 2:30-3:30pm unless noted
Feb 13
Mar 12
Apr 9 (2:30-4:00)
May 14 (2:30-4:00)
Counseling Corner
Class of 2024
There have been significant issues with the 2024-2025 FASFA. MEFA recently released a podcast that is worth a listen: Keeping Up with the FAFSA's Current Roadblocks
On Wednesday, February 21, 2024 from 4 PM - 5 PM they will be hosting a webinar: Navigating the Challenges and Delays of the New FAFSA
CLICK HERE - For more information and to RSVP
Mid-Year Transcripts and Letters
Term 2 grades were posted on Friday, February 2, 2024. Please make sure you view them as we are in the process of submitting mid-year transcripts (T1 and T2 grades) to your colleges. You do not need to request them, we will send them out automatically.
In addition, letters regarding mid year updates have been emailed. Information about transcripts and next steps are included in the letter for your review. Please reach out if you have any questions or did not receive an email from Ms. Duran.
Class of 2025
Counselors met with Juniors during FLEX last week regarding post-secondary planning options. We encourage all juniors to make appointments through each counselor’s unique youcanbookme.com site to discuss their plans. For your convenience, there are QR codes by the counseling door that will take you directly to each counselor’s calendar. Parents and caregivers are welcome to join.
Parents/Caregivers for the Class of 2025, thank you for joining us on Thursday, February 1st (at BHS and on Base). We hope you found the information helpful. While we know this process can be overwhelming we are here to support you and the students through it all. The presentation along with a transcript of the Q+A will be on the BHS counseling website later in the week.
Course Selection Information
Academic Advising for the 2024-2025 school year will begin the week of February 12, 2024. Counselors will meet with students in small groups and individually to discuss their courses for the next school year. The schedule will go as follows:
Class of 2025: February 12th - February 16th
Class of 2026: February 26th - March 1st
Class of 2027: March 4th - 8th
Please stay tuned for more information.
Student Information
Midyear Assembly
Please click here to see the 9-11th grade presentation from the mid year assembly
Please click here to see the 12th grade presentation from the mid year assembly
The BHS Lookout
The Lookout Student Newspaper is excited to share our January Newsletter with you. Please take our poll and check out our recent articles on the track, basketball, and rifle teams, as well as what is currently grinding our gears!
Buccaneer's Book Library
Buccaneer's Books Library Newsletter January 2024
BPS Performing Arts Department
BPS Performing Arts Department calendar
Seal of Biliteracy
Please click here to read the letter from World Language Department about the seal of Biliteracy.
Women of Science
This year's Women of Science competition is officially being held on Saturday, March 23rd. Women of Science is a competition that involves about thirty teams of junior and senior high school women competing in three science related events and a general knowledge station event. All events involve knowledge based in the areas of biology, chemistry, engineering, environmental science, math, and physics. Teams compete as a group of 3 in each of the four events.
The idea of creating a competition for female students only is guided by the interest to have more women enter science related fields. We are hoping that the day will celebrate women in science and spawn interest in science related fields.
If you would like to be considered to be on a team a competitor in this competition, please fill out the attached application before the end of the day on Monday the 29th. Please keep in mind, the competition is rigorous and will require significant amounts of time before the competition with your team members to prepare.
Also, please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
-Mr. Stief
Extracurricular Club-Student Meetings
List of Clubs and Activities
Student Opportunities
Boston Children's Hospital Youth Summer Internship program
The applications for the 2024 Boston Children's Hospital Youth Summer Internship program are open. Application Link: https://sjobs.brassring.com/TGNewUI/Search/Home/Home?partnerid=368&siteid=5839#home
Applicants should include a resume with work experiences and/or community services or leadership programs they've completed or are participating in.
Bedford Utility Box Project
You may have noticed the utility boxes in town that are being transformed into vibrant painted canvases with designs and illustrations on them. If you are interested in creating a design for one, and even painting your own imagery, you can submit a design to this year's contest.
Please click here for more information.
Nurse's Office
When calling the absence line please state if your student is ill or not ill.
Absence Line: (781)918-4561
or select #1 from the main menu of (781)275-1700
Information Regarding Health Screenings in February
Hearing/Vision Screening & Height/Weight/BMI Screening for 10th Graders
During February, 10th grade students will have hearing and vision screening done in the health office. Parents will be notified if further evaluation is necessary by their physician. Height, weight and BMI will be checked at the same time.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health requires the annual height and weight screening protocols to include the calculation of a Body Mass Index (BMI) and percentile for grades 1,4,7, and 10. Each child’s height and weight will be used to calculate their BMI. The results will be kept confidential in each student’s school health record.
BMI is a “weight for height for age” index that can be a useful tool in early identification of possible health risk factors among children and youth. Please feel free to contact Annmarie_Vaughan@bedfordps.org with any questions you may have about the BMI screening and if you prefer to have your student opt out of the screening. -Thank you
AP Exams
Please note that there is one month remaining for partial refunds for AP Exam cancelations. This policy has changed from prior years so please be mindful as the AP Exams approach.
Starting March 1st, 2024, there will be no refunds for any canceled exams.
To cancel your exam at any time, please log into your Total Registration portal to request a cancelation. Please feel free to reach out to me directly should you have any questions.
Class of 2024
Athletics Infomation
Link to the Athletics Webpage
Link to Schedules
Link to Athletics Handbook
Link to Baseline test at home instructions
Spring Sports Registration is Open!
Instructions are below
Follow Athletics on social media
Twitter: @BedfordBucs
Instagram: @bedfordathletics
Student Item Drop Off Location
To minimize visitors entering the building this year we have moved the student item drop off location to the vestibule located by the main doors. Please ring the bell and we will let you in. We encourage you to try to meet your student after school for the items but in the event that does not work please leave items on the table right inside the vestibule.
The high school is not responsible for electronics, money, keys, sports equipment, etc. left at the table. Students can check for the item dropped off in between classes and at lunch.
If your student forgot their school iPad please bring that into the main office.
BHSPA Grants for the BHS Community
As part of our mission to contribute to different initiatives, programs, and events that impact the students, faculty, staff, and supporting the community at BHS, the BHSPA has many events that we regularly fund and support. We also invite faculty, student groups, and individuals to submit grant requests for special projects, programs, and tools that will have a positive impact on the BHSPA community. If you have an idea to propose, please download, fill out the application and follow the instructions.
Bedford SEPAC (Special Education Parental Advisory Council)
Come and discuss special education programming in Bedford and how we can best support our children.
Thurs, Feb 15, 2024 at 7:30 PM
Thurs, Mar 14, 2024 at 7:30 PM
Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 7:30 PM with guest Marianne Vines
Thurs, May 16, 2024 at 7:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 417 227 5285
Passcode: 333333
Bedford SEPAC (special education parent advisory council) is a volunteer group of parents/caregivers that work to provide networking and support for Bedford parents/caregivers of children receiving special education services. In conjunction, they work closely with the school administration on special education needs and concerns. All are welcome!
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BEDFORDMASEPAC/
Webpage: Bedfordsepac.com
How Do I...
Get dismissed? Please bring a note to the main office in the morning. (or call 781-918-4561) Students will be given a dismissal pass to show the teacher and head right out of class at the dismissal time. This helps us to reduce the number of class disruptions.
Get a locker? Your Advisor will supply you with a lock. You will select a locker, then your Advisor will record your locker number and combination just in case you forget it. It happens!
Get a Parking Sticker? The Parking Sticker application may be found here.
Get my Aspen ID? If you need your ID or are having trouble logging in please contact tech_support@bedfordps.org
Find my lost items? The lost and found bin can be found in the student office.
Pick up a dropped off item? We encourage you to try to meet your student after school for the items but in the event that does not work please leave items on the table right inside the vestibule. (Parents/Guardians, please label item your dropping with name) Please note; we do not interrupt classes for drop offs. Students can check for the item dropped off in between classes and at lunch.
Bedford High School Parent/Guardian & Student Sign off Agreement Form here
Find out more about grading and courses? You may find this and many other helpful pieces of information in your Program of Studies found here
The 2023-24 Bus Routes have been posted on the Transportation Web Page
Know who to contact for help? (please see page 6)
Bedford High School
Bedford High School Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 7:45am - 2:24pm
Wednesday 7:45 am - 12:55 pm
9 Mudge Way, Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: 781-275-1700
Absence Line: 781-918-4561
Fax: 781-275-6664