The Patriot Post
News & Events at Freedom MS - Week of November 12th, 2023
Welcome / Bienvenidos
Freedom Families,
We extend our sincere gratitude to all the families who participated in the Parent-Teacher conferences and engaged in discussions with our staff regarding the academic progress of our Patriots. It is wonderful to note that this year we witnessed a commendable 45% attendance rate at the conferences, reflecting a positive level of involvement.
We aspire to see this number grow in the future, creating more collaborative opportunities to work alongside our families in the progress of our students.
Throughout the week, our Patriots demonstrated their commitment both within and beyond the classroom.
Members of our National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) seized the opportunity to contribute to the community by visiting the Greater Chicago Food Depository, where they actively participated in packaging food for donations.
Additionally, our Freedom Choir enjoyed a wonderful experience attending the musical "Chicago" at Morton West, where they even had the pleasure of recognizing some former Patriots performing on stage.
Our Student Council united to decorate our Freedom tree at Brookfield Zoo, with the decorations and ornaments crafted by Freedom students themselves. Pictures of all these events are below.
Have a great week!
The Freedom Staff
Enrique Ojeda – Principal –
Brian Conant- Assistant Principal -
Familias de Freedom,
Extendemos nuestra más sincera gratitud a todas las familias que participaron en las reuniones de padres y profesores y que entablaron conversaciones con nuestro personal sobre el progreso académico de nuestros Patriots. Es maravilloso observar que este año hemos sido testigos de un encomiable 45% de asistencia a las conferencias, lo que refleja un nivel positivo de participación.Aspiramos a ver crecer este número en el futuro, creando más oportunidades de colaboración para trabajar junto a nuestras familias en el progreso de nuestros alumnos.
A lo largo de la semana, nuestros Patriots demostraron su compromiso tanto dentro como fuera del aula.
Los miembros de nuestra National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) aprovecharon la oportunidad de contribuir a la comunidad visitando el Greater Chicago Food Depository, donde participaron activamente en el envasado de alimentos para donaciones.
Además, nuestro Coro de Libertad disfrutó de una experiencia maravillosa asistiendo al musical "Chicago" en Morton West, donde incluso tuvieron el placer de reconocer a algunos ex Patriotas actuando en el escenario.
Nuestro Consejo Estudiantil se unió para decorar nuestro árbol de la Libertad en el zoológico de Brookfield, con las decoraciones y adornos hechos a mano por los propios estudiantes de la Libertad. Fotos de todos estos eventos están por debajo.
El personal de Freedom
Enrique Ojeda – Director –
Brian Conant- Subdirector
Upcoming Important Dates / Próximas fechas importantes
11/13- Veterans Day Assembly
11/22-11/24- Thanksgiving Holiday(No School)
12/22-1/5-Winter Break (No School)
13/11- Asamblea del Día de los Veteranos
11/22-11/24- Día de Acción de Gracias (No hay clases)
12/22-1/5-Vacaciones de invierno (no hay clases)
NJHS -Greater Chicago Food Depository
Dual Language Podcast
When we finished the informational reading unit, they started an informational writing unit. Our biliteracy coach, Christina Diaz, helped us develop this unit. The goal was for students to do research on a topic, gather evidence from different sources, and use that evidence to write a script for a podcast. Some students worked with a partner while other worked individually. Each group chose a topic, did research, gathered information, and then wrote out their script. Students were given a template for their script and they added their information. Then, they worked on recording the script, adding audio and effects. Students recorded an informational podcast to educate people about a topic that they chose. It was a great learning experience and opportunity to use their talents to present something to a larger audience. The students did a great job. Now the podcasts are available for everyone to hear on Spotify. :) Congratulations Patriots! The students who recorded these podcasts are now Mr. Zaragoza’s 7th grade students.
Los estudiantes trabajaron en un podcast informativo el año pasado. En Dual Language Language Arts, habíamos estado leyendo artículos de no ficción de la revista- EL SOL en español y los estudiantes estaban aprendiendo sobre diferentes temas que afectan a diferentes países. Leímos sobre muchos temas como la inmigración, el calentamiento global, el cambio climático, las especies en peligro de extinción, la tecnología y muchos otros.
Cuando terminamos la unidad de lectura informativa, empezaron una unidad de escritura informativa. Nuestra profesora de alfabetización bilingüe, Christina Diaz, nos ayudó a desarrollar esta unidad. El objetivo era que los alumnos investigaran sobre un tema, recopilaran pruebas de diferentes fuentes y las utilizaran para escribir un guión para un podcast. Algunos alumnos trabajaron con un compañero, mientras que otros lo hicieron individualmente. Cada grupo eligió un tema, investigó, recopiló información y escribió su guión. Los alumnos recibieron una plantilla para su guión y añadieron su información. A continuación, trabajaron en la grabación del guión, añadiendo audio y efectos. Los alumnos grabaron un podcast informativo para educar a la gente sobre el tema que eligieron. Fue una gran experiencia de aprendizaje y la oportunidad de utilizar su talento para presentar algo a un público más amplio. Los alumnos hicieron un gran trabajo. Ahora los podcasts están disponibles para todo el mundo en Spotify. :) ¡Enhorabuena Patriots! Los estudiantes que grabaron estos podcasts son ahora estudiantes de 7 º grado del Sr. Zaragoza.
Morton West Production of Chicago
Student Council Tree at Brookfield Zoo
Student of the Month-6th Grade Mariana Lopez
Student of the Month-7th Grade-Isaac Gonzalez
Student of the Month-8th Grade-Jaliyah Williams
Students of the Month-Exploratory
8th Grade: Kaleb Holguin
- Physical Education (P.E.): Kaleb is a great role model for P.E. He is dressed and ready for P.E. since day one, and is always ready to give his very best. He is a great peer to all of the students in P.E. because he is willing to help others and partner with any and all students. Finally, Kaleb is never shy when I ask for a student volunteer to demonstrate a new skill.
- Social Justice: Kaleb is a great student in Social Justice. He shows up to class on time and ready to learn. He never needs a reminder from me to stay on task.
7th Grade: Naomi Sanchez
Music: Naomi is an amazing student! She is always ready to participate and learn throughout class. When she needs help she will always come and seek help, she is also very helpful to other students who are struggling in class. She leads by example and is always kind to her fellow classmates.
Physical Education (P.E.): Naomi is a great student in P.E. She is always excited to be in class, and is always prepared for P.E. in full uniform. If I ever need a volunteer to help with an example to model for students, she is always willing to help. Most important, she is always kind to her peers and is willing to help with peer mentoring.
6th Grade: Isa Ramirez-Lopez
STEAM: Isa is a wonderful student who did an excellent job in the first quarter of STEAM. Isa was a leader in her group creating our Ankle Foot Orthosis. She was a leader on our Girls JV Basketball team. Plus, when she finished her STEAM class puzzle cube project early, Isa took it upon herself to go around the room and help others as well! Great Job being a Student-Athlete Isa!
Family Liaison/Enlace Familiar
Hello Freedom Families,
My name is Axel Zaragoza. I'm the Family Liaison and I teach 7th grade Dual here at Freedom Middle School. My role is to be your connection and I will help
Here's a presentation with more details.
Things to look out for in the meantime.
I will send a document for event sign ups so that you can assist our Patriots.
Hola Familias de Freedom,
Mi nombre es Axel Zaragoza. Soy el Enlace Familiar y enseño 7mo grado Dual aquí en Freedom Middle School. Mi papel es ser su conexión y ayudar a
a los padres/tutores a obtener la información y asistencia que necesitan para a apoyar a sus hijos en casa y para asegurar el éxito de sus hijos en la escuela.
Aquí hay una presentación con más detalles.
Cosas a tener en cuenta mientras tanto.
Enviaré un documento para las inscripciones a los eventos para que puedan asistir a nuestros Patriotas.
Parent Question of the Week/Pregunta de los padres de la semana
What is the meaning of Veterans Day? ¿Qué significa el Día de los Veteranos?
Whats Happening in Science! Qué está pasando en ciencia
This week 7th grade students wrapped up their Tsunami warning system and have begun our rock transformations unit! Students are learning how rocks form differently and in different locations.
Whats Happening in SS! Qué está pasando en SS
6th grade is currently working on the geographical challenges of Mesopotamia. We followed that up with the traits required to be considered a civilization.
8th grade social studies students are continuing unit 3 where we are covering key events and what life was like during the 1920s. We will be discussing the importance and lasting impact of the Roaring 20s era.
Students also began a project called The Great Thanksgiving Listen, where students will be conducting an interview with a family member.
Whats Happening in Math! Qué está pasando en matemáticas
After some Halloween themed review days 6th grade took the Unit 3 Quiz this week. We are continuing to use ratio tables to solve problems and find unit rate. Students will be introduced to using “friendly” benchmark percentages to find ratios at the end of the week.
6th grade Aimes has been working on the Fractions and Decimals unit this past week and will continue working on it as well next week. Students took their first assessment in the unit last week. Students also will be working on their innovative project making a song about what they have learned in this unit.
7th grade math continued our unit dealing with geometry and circles. Students have been working with perimeter and area of complex shapes that include circles. We will be testing hopefully before parent teacher conferences.
7th grade Aimes has been working on their Writing and Solving Equations and Inequalities this past week and will continue working on it as well next week. Students took their first assessment on the unit this past week. Students will be working on their innovative project making a song about what they have learned in this unit.
8th grade AIMES math students are working on their stats unit and took their first quiz this past week. Students will be working to learn all the nifty functions that the desmos graphing calculator has to offer.
Whats Happening in ELA! Qué está pasando en lectura!
This week, 6th grade students began planning their Narrative Writing unit by completing a plot diagram for their story. Once their plot diagram was completed, they chose a “hook” to begin writing the opening to their story.
This week, the 7th grade students are working on crafting engaging narrative expositions. They will practice with small group activities before applying the learned skills to their own writing.
This week, The 8th grade has finished the outsiders novel and they are working on their outsiders theme essay. They have to collect evidence to prove their theme and explain how it relates to the theme.
This week, the 6th grade AIMES students read their personal narratives out loud to their classmates! Some students also created book covers for a 6th Grade Personal Narrative Anthology. CLICK HERE to find your child’s narrative in the anthology!
This week, the 7th grade AIMES students read their short stories out loud to their classmates! Some students also created book covers for a 7th Grade Short Story Anthology. CLICK HERE to find your child’s story in the anthology!
This week, the 8th grade AIMES students read their short stories out loud to their classmates! Some students also created book covers for an 8th Grade Short Story Anthology. CLICK HERE to find your child’s story in the anthology!
Whats Happening in Exploratory! Qué está pasando en exploratory
This week in ART:
6th Grade - Students will be starting a symmetrical design project using Shape, Form, Space, Line, Value, and Color .
7th Grade -Students will continue working on their designs for the “Symmetrical Card Design” project. They will be creating a 12x18 playing card using symmetry. This project will include Shape, Form, Space, Line, Value, Texture, Color and Text.
8th Grade - We will be starting a new project creating a “stained glass window” out of black paper and color tissue paper. This project will focus on the Positive and Negative Space but will also include the elements , Shape, Line, and color.
This week in BAND:
6th Grade- Students started to get their instruments this week! We made lots of great first sounds and can’t wait for everyone to get their instruments!
7th/8th Grade- Students did a fantastic job at Sounds of the Stadium last week. Our next step will be beginning tetrachords and preparing for our next performance.
This week in CHOIR:
Students will be focusing on artistry in their music this coming week. We will discuss dynamics and how the composer intended the piece to sound. All students will focus on refining their repertoire for their winter concert.
This week in HEALTH:
6th Grade - Corazon will be in the school for the next two weeks to discuss sexual education and puberty
7th Grade - Corazon will be in the school for the next two weeks to discuss sexual education and puberty
8th Grade Corazon will be in the school for the next two weeks to discuss sexual education and puberty
This week in MUSIC:
6th Grade - Start of the new quarter! Students will learn about the classroom expectations and be given their class syllabus. All students will need a notebook for class! The syllabus will be due (11/6 - A day and 11/7 - B-day)
7th Grade - Start of the new quarter! Students will learn about the classroom expectations and be given their class syllabus. All students will need a notebook for class! The syllabus will be due (11/6 - A day and 11/7 - B-day)
8th Grade -Students will have completed their final playing assessments on the Ukulele. They will learn “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz and “ Can’t Help Falling in Love with You” by Elvis. Each student will play before me during this playing assessment and get instant feedback.
The Physical Education (P.E.) department is starting its 2nd Quarter units that include basketball, handball, volleyball, and fitness. We will begin with skills and drills and finish each unit with game play.
This week in SOCIAL JUSTICE:
7th Grade: This week in 7th Grade Social Justice, we are making identity maps.
8th Grade: This week in 8th Grade Social Justice, we are starting a project called “Activism Everywhere” where we look at social justice in culture. We have looked at murals in Pilsen, Amanda Gorman’s poetry, and Janet Jackson’s music video for “Rhythm Nation”. We look at social justice news on the last day of the week. This week’s news piece was about the first female college football player who is not a kicker.
This week in SPANISH (7th-8th Grades)/WORLD CULTURES (6th Grade):
6th Grade: Students will compare and contrast two cultures of their choice and complete Way of Life Comparison Chart.
7th Grade: Students will learn how to write sentences using the verb “tener.”
8th Grade: Students will learn how to use weather expressions.
This week in STEAM:
6th Grade: Introduction to Design & Modeling! The new 2nd Quarter students will learn about designing and building an Ankle Foot Orthosis for children with Cerebral Palsy.
7th Grade: Introduction to Energy. Students will learn about “power strip” surge protectors and how they save our expensive devices from getting damaged. Plus, exploring our homes for “Vampire Energy”, devices that are plugged in, but not “on” that still consume energy!
8th Grade: Introduction to Mars….plans from NASA, 2nd Quarter project overviews, new group arrangements, and testing of rocket kits (when it is nice outside).
Student Ambassadors - Anthony & Lentz
Student Council - Rubich
NJHS - Bomba
Band- J. Clark
Choir - Cervantes
Chess- Roberson
Guitar Club - Cervantes
Spring Musical - Cervantes
Robotics - Auld
Anime - Zaragoza
GSA - Lentz
Rock Climbing- Smith
Yearbook- Malina and Avina
Fall Sports/Deportes de otoño
Todd Lentz( Coach
Rob Martinez( JV Coach
Cross Country
Thomas Clark(
Kevan Reilly( Supervisor
Girls Basketball
Brian Wilms( Coach
Erik Spiess( Varsity Coach
Athletic program/ programa atlético
If you child has decided to participate in the Freedom Middle School Athletic program, they will need a signed permission slip, sports physical and a paid $25.00 Athletic fee.
Estimado padre/tutor:
Si su hijo(a) ha decidido participar en el programa atlético de la Escuela Intermedia Freedom, necesitará una hoja de permiso firmada, un examen físico deportivo y el pago de una cuota atlética de $25.00.
Athletic Eligibility/Elegibilidad Atlética
Student athletes will be responsible for completing an eligibility form for sports. The procedure for this is below.
Eligibility: Students must remain eligible each week to continue participating. Eligibility is based on behavior and academics. Students will not be allowed to participate in games or practices the following week if ineligible. They may return to play if they meet the eligibility requirements on their next eligibility form.
Forms: Students must complete the eligibility form every Wednesday and return it to the folder by Friday morning. If a student is deemed ineligible based on the form they should continue to support their team but are unable to participate.
ISS/OSS: If a student receives an ISS, they are ineligible for the next game (1 game) but can continue to practice. If a student receives an OSS, they are ineligible for 1 week and are not allowed to participate in games or practices for that week. If a student receives 2 OSS in the course of a sports season, they will be removed from the team.
Los estudiantes atletas serán responsables de completar un formulario de elegibilidad para los deportes. El procedimiento para esto es abajo.
Requisitos: Los estudiantes deben permanecer elegibles cada semana para continuar participando. La elegibilidad se basa en el comportamiento y los estudios. Los estudiantes no podrán participar en juegos o prácticas la semana siguiente si no son elegibles. Podrán volver a jugar si cumplen con los requisitos de elegibilidad en su siguiente formulario de elegibilidad.
Formularios: Los estudiantes deben completar el formulario de elegibilidad cada miércoles y devolverlo a la carpeta antes del viernes por la mañana. Si un estudiante es considerado inelegible basado en el formulario ellos deben continuar apoyando a su equipo pero no pueden participar.
ISS/OSS: Si un estudiante recibe una ISS, no es elegible para el siguiente partido (1 juego) pero puede seguir practicando. Si un estudiante recibe una OSS, estará inelegible por 1 semana y no podrá participar en juegos o prácticas por esa semana. Si un alumno recibe 2 OSS en el transcurso de una temporada deportiva, será expulsado del equipo.
P.E. Uniforms/ Uniforme de educación física
Los estudiantes comenzarán a usar P.E. uniformes el 29 de agosto .Los uniformes de educación física están a la venta en la Oficina de Freedom.
- PE Shirt/Camisa de educación física - $10
- PE Shorts/Pantalones cortos de educación física- $15
- Sweatshirt with no hood/Sudadera sin capucha - $20
- Sweatpants/Pantalones deportivos- $20
Student Schedule / Horario estudiantil
Report Bullying / Informar el acoso
Utilice la aplicación Stop!t para denunciar el acoso de forma anónima. Los estudiantes pueden usarlo para informar los comportamientos que ven en persona o en línea.
Freedom Middle School
Location: 3016 Ridgeland Avenue, Berwyn, IL, United States
Phone: 708-795-5800
Twitter: @freedomD100