Anderson Weekly News! 10/24/22
What's Your Superpower?
Dates to Remember
- Wed. Oct. 26th Early Release 2:10 PM
- Wed. Oct. 26th PTO Dine Out Fundraiser at Boston Market
- Fri. Oct. 28 Halloween Parade and Classroom parties
- Thur. Nov. 3rd PTO Meeting 7:00PM
- Mon. Nov. 7th NO SCHOOL (School Improvement Day)
- Tues. Nov 8th NO SCHOOL (Election Day)
- Tues. Nov. 8th PTO Dine out Fundraiser at Mod Pizza in Elgin
- Fri. Nov. 11th Veterans Day Assembly (See below for more info)
- Wed. Nov. 16th Report Cards Available on HAC
- Mon. Nov. 21st - Nov 27th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
- Wed. Nov. 30th PTO Dine out Fundraiser at The Burger Joint Geneva
Trunk or Treat Event - And the Winners Are...
Thank you to the Anderson PTO who put on this great event this past weekend.
A lot of fun was had with the spooky trail and music, games, and walking thru the trunk or treats the area with all the decorated trunks to view.
To see dozens of picturs from the event, be sure to follow us on Facebook. Click Here
1st Place
2nd Place
Toilet Paper and Paper Towel Tubes Needed
Boston Market Dine Out Fundraiser
Enjoy delicious home style meal while giving back to our community. Dine out at Boston Market in Elgin on Wednesday, October 26th from 12-8. Mention our fundraiser when ordering. Ordering online for pickup or curbside? Use promo code”FUNDRAISER” (to make your online order count towards your fundraising efforts. Make sure you see 1¢ discount as confirmation)
Halloween Costume Parade and Classroom Parties
On Friday, Oct. 28th, (2:00-2:20 PM) Anderson will have a Costume Parade to celebrate all things fall and fun! If your child wants to wear a costume in our parade, they are welcome to bring a simple costume to school. Their teacher will give them time before the parade begins to change into the costume. Please keep all costumes simple enough that your child can put them on themselves. (Please no violent-themed costumes. No Blood/Guts... Remember we have younger students)
Parents/guardians, Grandparents are welcome to come to view the parade. The parade route will make its way outside to the back of the school. We will have cones set up marking the route.
Each classroom will celebrate all the hard work they have done since the start of school by having a party on Friday, Oct. 28th. (Approx: 2:20-2:50 PM). Each grade level and teacher may need parents helpers to plan, host, or simply help in the classroom for the party. See info from your child's teacher regarding their plans for the class party. We highly recommend that all students take their "normal" transportation home. This keeps our dismissal process smooth and safe for all kids.
Also, just a reminder, that all volunteers also need to bring a current driver's license or state ID in order to comply with the D303 Security Check before they enter the building.
Friendly Reminders from the School Office
Anderson families - We love to see students show up prepared and ready for the day each morning.
Due to the number of tardies we are having most mornings at Anderson, we want to remind our Anderson families how important it is to have the students at school on time and ready for learning. Students lose valuable instruction time at the very beginning of the day and it can be disruptive to have so many students arriving late. Thank you so much for your help in getting the students to school in the mornings on time.
We would love to honor the Veterans in your family
Anderson will be observing Veterans Day on Friday, November 11th. We invite our veterans to come to Anderson at 8:30 am to enjoy a school assembly and a small reception afterward with their families. We need your help! We would love to invite as many veterans as we can. Please complete this FORM if you have a veteran family member who can attend. We look forward to honoring their service.
Please fill out one form for each veteran attending. You can also call the main office at (331) 228-3300 to RSVP.
We know that not all the veterans in your family are able to attend our assembly. We would still like to give your child an opportunity to share about and honor the veterans they know. Please click HERE, print, and fill out the "Anderson Veteran of Honor" sheet. We will be proudly displaying these in our hallway and showcasing them at our assembly.
(Don't have a printer... no worries... we will be sending home copies with each student)
Big Hearts of Fox Valley Holiday Toy Drive Runs from October 10th thru November 7th.
Anderson School has already received a lot of toys in the first week!
Continue to bring in new and unwrapped toys to help D303 families in need.
You can drop off toys during school hours.
Listen Learn Return - Electronic Survey
Each survey, or exchange, will focus on a single question, be distributed one at a time, and be open for one week before we launch the next exchange. The timeline is as follows:
- Exchange 1: Challenges | October 24-31
- Exchange 2: Growth | October 31 - November 7
- Exchange 3: Pride | November 7-14
You can find more information about ThoughtExchange by clicking the link.
Community Events:
All Kindergartner and 1st Grade Girls and their parent/guardian are invited to come see what Daisy Scouts are all about at this meeting for this NEW GIRL SCOUT TROOP!
First Meeting for this new troop will be Monday, October 17th at 5:00 at River Bend Park Pavilion.
For more information please contact Julie Ford (630-217-9924) or Laura Francz (630-802-1469)
Anderson Girl Scout Troops 206 and 1963
Adult Learning Classes
Anderson Elementary School
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300