Mickle Messenger
Weekly Family Updates
Week of September 4, 2023
A Message From Mrs. Barousse
I hope you all had a fantastic summer with your families and friends and took the time to enjoy your summer. We have been busy preparing for the start of the new school year and we look forward to the students’ return on September 7!
This year, we welcome Mrs. Diana Muse (Grade 4 teacher), Ms. Leah Steward (BSI teacher), Mr. Scott Schriver (Art teacher), Mrs. Colleen Bowen (Health Room Assistant), Mrs. Barbara Panek (Supervisory Aide), and Mr. Steven Dubeau (Custodian) to our Samuel Mickle School staff. Please join me in welcoming them to our school community.
We welcome Mr. Andrew Mettler, Mickle Assistant Principal, to East Greenwich Township Schools. Mr. Mettler will officially start on September 1, but has been participating in summer committee work and New Teacher Orientation to learn more about our district goals and initiatives. Mr. Mettler is looking forward to working with you and your child this upcoming school year!
We congratulate several staff members in their new roles: Mrs. Dannielle Benedetto (World Cultures Teacher), Ms. Jessica Cirone (Grade 3 teacher), Mrs. Caitlin Sweeney (Grade 3 special education), Ms. Bleigh Gamber (Grade 3 special education), Mr. Eric Elliott (Grade 4 teacher), Ms. Rebecca Cruice (Grade 4 special education), Ms. Tara Knell (Grade 4 and 5 special education), Mr. John Palladino (Grade 4 and 5 special education), and Mrs. Somer Robostello (CST Secretary).
Mickle Information:
Thursday, September 7th is an early dismissal day for students (12:55 PM). Lunch will NOT be served, but students will have snack time with items for sale by the cafeteria. Friday, September 8th will be a full day for students.
On the first three days of school (September 7, 8, 11), our third grade students will proceed directly to the gym, where they will be met by staff to assist them in locating their homeroom teacher. The staff will help the students become familiar with the arrival procedures, and students will proceed directly to their homerooms on Tuesday, September 12th.
Please take a moment to review pertinent information found in our East Greenwich Parent Handbook. Click here for a copy of the 2023-2024 Parent Handbook: https://www.eastgreenwich.k12.nj.us/cms/lib/NJ01912656/Centricity/Domain/4/2023-2024%20Parent%20Handbook%20-%20final%20version%208.23.23.pdf
Please be sure to complete the Samuel Mickle Daily Dismissal Procedure Form so we know how you want your child to be dismissed each day. This information will be shared with teachers prior to the first day of school.
A monthly paper calendar and lunch menu will be sent home with students on the first day of each month. The calendar lists important events and activities at Samuel Mickle School. This information can also be found on the school website and in the weekly newsletter.
As always, please let me know if you or your child need anything throughout the school year. We are here for your families and look forward to a safe, productive, and fun year of learning!
Thought for the Week
"One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world." - Malala Yousafzai
Home & School Association Happenings
The first Home & School meeting will be held virtually on September 12th at 7:00 p.m.
We are looking for Volunteers for Next Year!
We could not do all of these amazing events without our volunteers!
Have an idea or event? Want to get involved?
Fill out this form Interest in H&S Volunteering or
send us an email: Homeandschool@eastgreenwich.k12.nj.us
EG Spirit Wear
Please click here to visit the East Greenwich Spirit Wear Store.
Character Education and SEL
September Fun Facts
Did You Know....
September was originally the seventh month of the year.
September derives its name from the Latin word “septem,” which means “seven”. This is because, in the original Roman calendar, September was actually the seventh month of the year. It was only later that the calendar was adjusted to include the months of January and February.
September is the only month not named after a Roman deity.
As mentioned, September comes from the Latin word “septem”. The other months in the Gregorian calendar are named after Roman gods and goddesses. Just to name a few: January (Janus, the god of beginnings and transitions), March (Mars, the god of war), July (Julius Caesar), and August (Augustus Caesar).
September is National Chicken Month.
September is the only month with the same number of letters in its name as the number of the month (9). That’s right – “September” has nine letters, just like the number of the month (9). It’s a fun little fact that sets this month apart from all the others.
Samuel Mickle School
Website: https://www.eastgreenwich.k12.nj.us/Domain/9
Location: 559 Kings Highway, Mickleton, NJ, USA
Phone: (856) 423-0412
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EGHornets/