Phoenix Flyer
Special Edition - Bylaw Changes
Fronteras Spanish Immersion Charter School
Bylaw Changes
Fronteras charter renewal is underway. Our hope is to submit the renewal application to the school district for their review, at the end of this month. Part of the renewal process is to update charter by-laws. The charter renewal committee submitted proposed changes. These proposed changes must be posted for a 2 week public posting of the proposed changes. The proposed bylaw changes are posted in this special edition newsletter and on our school Facebook page. The APC board will hold a special meeting on Friday, May 21st to vote on the proposed changes. All are welcome to attend this meeting. The zoom link will be shared prior to the meeting.
What are the purpose of bylaws? The bylaws of a corporation specify the numerous methods that affect the company's operations. A corporation's bylaws can contain provisions relating to the ways it conducts its affairs, the duties of its directors and the responsibilities of its officers and employees.