CMIT South Elementary School
Week of November 27, 2022

Friday, May 12, 2023
Principal's Desk
As Teacher Appreciation Week comes to a close, we would like to THANK all of our teachers for their unwavering dedication and commitment to our scholars. No matter the situation, circumstance, or task, our Tiger-rific teachers all rise to the occasion. It takes each and every one of you to make this school a success. Please continue to show up and spread GREATNESS! Thanks to our extraordinary PTO, Administration, and various Tiger families that celebrated our teachers and staff this week. I definitely know our staff felt appreciated. Thank You!
Also, at the last PTO meeting for this school year, PTO presented Administration with a check in the amount of $25,000 to purchase bleachers for the gymnasium. THANK YOU to our AMAZING Tiger community for bringing this vision to life! Words cannot express the excitement we have! 👏🏼
MCAP testing is completed and we are shifting to DIBELS reading testing for K-2, NWEA Map Testing for grades K-5, and iReady testing for all grades. Assessments provide educators and families with the information to see how students are mastering skills in comparison to their own performance and their peers in our building, locally in the district, statewide, and nationally. This information will not only inform us as educators at the school regarding the interventions we need to plan but hopefully as a family how you can also support your Tiger in struggling areas. The end of the school year is fast approaching and we have a lot of activities planned for our scholars. Please take note of the deadline dates and activities listed below.
School safety and organization are still paramount in order for CMIT South Elementary to deliver high-quality instruction. Please consistently remind students of the expectations in all parts of the school. Every adult in our building is responsible for holding scholars accountable and every scholar is expected to meet the highest expectations for behavior K-5. Thank you families for continuing to work collaboratively so we can guide our students to success.
Have a terrific weekend, and Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers!
Mr. Ronald A. Miller, Jr.
Chesapeake Math & IT Academy South Elementary
Weekly Updates
CMIT South Elementary’s May Themes
Character Theme: Perseverance
STEM Theme: Greenhouses
“A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge, and wisdom in the pupils.”- Ever Garrison
Please take note of these May and June calendar reminders:
Thursday, May 18, 2023 - Career Day
Friday, May 19, 2023 - Sneaker Ball (3rd -5th grades) @ 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 3rd Qtr Honor Roll Assembly
Monday, May 29, 2023 - School Closed -Memorial Day
Thursday, June 1, 2023- Field Day
- Monday, June 5, 2023- Kindergarten Promotion
- Wednesday, June 7, 2023 - 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony @ 9 a.m.
Monday, June 12, 2023- 2-Hr. Early Dismissal for Students
Tuesday, June 13, 2023- Last Day for Students and End of Fourth Quarter 2-Hr. Early Dismissal for Students
PGCPS Student Art Exhibit
Please come and support our artists at the PGCPS South County Student Art Exhibition. The scholars' work will be on display Thursday, May 11th, 9 a.m. - Thursday, May 25th, 7 p.m. For further information, please contact elizabeth.stuart@pgcps.org
Let's congratulate our featured Tiger artists...
Kyle Whitmyer
Kayleigh Lawrence
Ovie Salubi
Laliah Kelly
Harper Clerkley
Mobarak Ali Mohamed
Kori Mitchell
Career Day Info!!! https://forms.gle/ePdq2VXXEDAHAFE56
Spring Immunization Clinics
PGCPS will host free immunization clinics for students entering kindergarten or seventh grade in the fall. All clinics are open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
MAY 20
Thurgood Marshall Middle School
4909 Brinkley Road, Temple Hills
2023-2024 School Year
The Board of Education approved the 2023-2024 school calendar during their March 23 meeting. The first day of school will be on August 28, and winter break has been extended through January 2, 2024.
Summer Programs
Summer is just around the corner and programs are beginning to open up for registration. As we learn about more programs, we will add them to the newsletter. Please click on the following programs to view and/or register your child:
Details on the 2023 Summer Learning Program are now available. Register early!
Prince George’s County Department of Parks and Recreation
Summer Camp and Summer Programs Booklets were mailed out last week to residents. You can also view camps and programs at the following link or in person at PG Parks facilities.
Prince George’s County Department of Parks and Rec Summer Programs
Kettering Largo Mitchellville Boys & Girls Club is working to establish a lacrosse program. A flyer for our upcoming clinic is attached. If you have any questions please see the link attached below.
Marlboro Boys & Girls Club is working to establish a lacrosse program. Please see the link attached below.
Get an Academic Boost with Tutoring
Accelerate learning and build academic confidence with these free tutoring opportunities!
Tutoring provided by CMIT South
CMIT South Elementary will have tutoring offered by 12th-grade seniors from CMIT South Middle/High school for 3-5 grade students. More information coming soon.
Connect with an online tutor in less than 30 seconds, 24/7 for help with a single problem or a lesson! Tutors are highly qualified from the best universities and are ready to assist students.
Carnegie Learning Math
On-demand math tutoring for students in grades 3-12. Log in through the CLEVER tutoring app.
Carnegie Learning Math
On-demand math tutoring for students in grades 3-12. Log in through the CLEVER tutoring app.
Want to send a Shout Out to a Teacher/Staff Member?
Do you want to say thank you or SHOUT-OUT a teacher or staff member for their great job? Complete and submit the SHOUT-OUT Google Form link and it will be shared with the faculty at an upcoming meeting and/or morning announcements.
Remember: masks remain a tool to reduce the spread of illness and vaccinations continue to be the best defense against COVID-19. When children are sick, please keep them home.
Portable Electronic Policy (Administrative Procedure 5132).
Grade Level Updates
Grade Level Blurb
Hello families! With the school year coming to an end, please ensure that you are sending refillable water bottles to school. The weather is much warmer and they are very thirsty throughout the day. Also, we will be sending home workbooks, supplies, extra clothes, and other items in the upcoming weeks as we prepare to pack up and clean the classroom.
We have several assessments coming up for the next few weeks. Your scholar’s teachers will reach out with the dates. Please make sure they are well rested, fed a healthy breakfast, and that they are arriving to school on time.
Thank you!
Reading Updates
UNIT 5: Outside My Door
Essential Question- What can we learn from the weather?
WEEK 1- Weather Around the World- How have people learned to live in bad weather
Phonological awareness: Segment and blend phonemes and syllables; manipulate syllables
Phonics: Review and reinforce words for Cc, Tt and Vv, Short and long Oo
Sight words: be, saw, our
Spelling words found in our weekly readings: cat, hat, not, tap, be, saw
Vocabulary: rainy, windy, effect, measure, prepare, extreme
Learning Goals
- I can read informational text
- I can use words to tell about informational
- I can write a nonfiction text
Listening Comprehension
Making inferences
Comparing texts
Supplemental Reading Programs- Students will spend time working on IXL, Lexia or iReady to gain academic support in a variety of English/Language Arts skills
Math Updates
UNIT 11: Count number to 100
Understand that counting patterns can be seen on a hundred chart
Good math thinkers find patterns to solve problems
Use patterns to count to 30 and 50
Skip count by tens to 100
Vocabulary: columns, ones, pattern, tens, decade, hundred chart
Science Updates
TOPIC 6: Environment
Lesson 4: People Can Protect the Environment
New uses for old things
Making something that is useful
Ways to help the environment/Earth
Vocabulary: recycle, reuse, reduce
Social Studies Updates
Chapter 6: Learning about the Past
Lesson 2 - People in History
Discuss how important people who helped the country in the past
Vocabulary words: past, history, explorer, volunteer
Health Updates
Unit 9 Lesson 2: Feeling Great about Keeping Clean
Explain why you feel better when you are clean
Show that you respect yourself and others by following rules to keep clean
Vocabulary: hygiene, care, body
1st Grade
Reading Updates
Students will continue to read biographies and work on oral and written comprehension.
Please have students complete the homework packet. They should also continue to read each day for at least 20 minutes.
Math Updates
Science Updates
Students will be reviewing plants by exploring reading books on plants.
Social Studies Updates
Reviewing and reteaching of previous curriculum content.
2nd Grade
Grade Level Blurb
Hello Second Grade Families! Our team has just a few updates and reminders for the coming week.
- Students will participate in an in-school field trip on Monday, May 22nd with Eco Adventures.
- Students will participate in a field trip to Skate Zone on Thursday, May 25th. All money and permission slips for this field trip were DUE Friday, May 12th.
- DIBELS testing and iReady testing will begin this upcoming week. Please ensure your scholars are arriving to school daily and on-time. Please also ensure a good night's rest in preparation for testing.
Please continue to check SchoolMax for up-to-date grades.
Students should be completing 4 spelling assignments and 5 DreamBox lessons weekly for homework.
Please remember to check interventions for completion. Students working on iReady should have at least 4 lessons per week. Students working on Lexia should have between 8-12 units done per week as determined by the program and discussed with their teacher.
Reading Updates
Our spelling words this week follow the syllable pattern of VCCCV. Examples of this pattern include: children (chil/dren), pumpkin (pump/kin), hundred (hun/dred).
Math Updates
Students have started topic 13, shapes and their attributes. In this topic, students are learning about the attributes of 2-dimensional shapes, cubes, and how to partition shapes into equal shares.
Please be sure to complete the optional homework packet for practice and review the supplementary resources available on CANVAS.
Science Updates
Social Studies Updates
As we close out the school year, students will focus primarily on character education and the skills necessary to finish second grade and begin third grade!
Health Updates
Our health unit this month is "Babies... And How You Grew." Students are learning about how they have grown and changed over time, from new babies to children. They are exploring why families are important to the growing process. They are also reviewing how food contributes to growing.
3rd Grade
Grade Level Blurb
Hi everyone! We have successfully COMPLETED our MCAP testing in 3rd grade! We are SO PROUD of our students and their hard work and focus throughout the week and we are happy to be finished!
We still have a few tests to complete in the next few weeks, and then we will be wrapping up the year! Monday for Ms. McDonagh’s and Ms. Fleet’s class, students will take the DIBELS test with Ms. McDonagh one on one. Mrs. Mathews will be choosing a day to test her students for DIBELS shortly. On Tuesday, students will take the MAP Math assessment and Wednesday, students will take the MAP Reading assessment for the Spring term. Then we will have the IReady Diagnostic the following week which will conclude all testing! Yay!
Next week we will also have career day on Thursday, so if you haven’t signed up and would like to, please do ASAP!
Let’s stay on track of our assignments as we move through each unit! Please make sure you are using our weekly assignments breakdown page to always see what homework assignments are due each night. Here is the link for those who need it: https://sites.google.com/pgcps.org/3rdgradeclasssite22-23/assignments.
Please make sure students have the supplies they need for school each day (pencils, scissors, colors, etc.)! Also, make sure you are sending students to school with proper jackets for the cold weather.
Let’s finish out the LAST QUARTER of third grade as strong as possible!
4th Grade
Grade Level Blurb
Sections 41 & 42 Update
Reading: This week we began reading our novel “Flora and Ulysses” by Kate Dicamillo. In this novel we will read about a cynical girl who happens upon an amazing squirrel and they have adventures. The purpose of a Novel Study is for students to read a story in its entirety to see how characters grow and change and how their actions affect the plot of the story. This week students preview the vocabulary words given in the first section of the novel. We also worked on the skills of character traits, context clues, and book genres.
Next Week: We will continue in our novel “Flora and Ulysses.” Students will work on skills of causes and effect and connections. When making connections, students find a way to relate to the character or subject matter to something in their lives. Students will also be taking the i-Ready diagnostic on Monday. This is a reading based assessment that will happen during the reading block. Students will also have a spelling quiz on Thursday May 18, 2023. The words have been posted in Reading Canvas under the homework tab.
Social Studies: This week we brought a close to Chapter 5 by exploring immigration. Students read about reasons why immigrants would come to America and what life was like when they arrived in America. Students had an opportunity to also explore the contributions of immigrants to America and the growth of the industry that came from many in the Northeast.
Next Week: Students will engage in Asian American Pacific Islander Month by completing an in class project in which they will gather information about a given person. We will begin working in Chapter 6. This chapter will explore the Southeast region of America. We will launch the chapter by watching videos and building background knowledge about the area. We will begin with exploring the landforms and bodies of water that can be found in this region.
Math: This week our students have begun Topic 11: Represent and Interpret Data on Line Plot. We have learned to read and interpret data using line plots, represent data using line plots, and interpret data in line plots to solve problems. We will take our Topic 11 Unit Assessment once MAP testing ends.
Science: This week students discovered how rocks and soil form, identified the properties of minerals, and analyzed minerals and classified them by their properties.
Health: This week in Topic 7 scholars have discovered the effects alcohol and drugs have on the body and how to overcome temptation/peer pressure of drug use and abuse. All health activities are assigned at the beginning of the week and due on Friday. Because of this, retakes and late submissions are no longer accepted and all grades are final.
Sections 43 & 44 Update
Reading: In reading this week, we first met the author of the new novel we will be reading! Students learned about Kate DiCamillo and what made her become an author. Thursday we started our novel “Flora and Ulysses”. Flora is a natural-born cynic. Ulysses is a squirrel that has been sucked up into a vacuum. Together they become friends and will go on many adventures together. This week we read chapters 1-15. Students focused on character traits, genre, and context clues.
Math: This week students reviewed adding and subtracting fractions with like and unlike denominators. We also began learning about adding and subtracting mixed numbers with like denominators (9-6,9-7) and multiplying fractions (10-1)
Science: This week students began Topic 4 Earth’s Features, in this topic we will explore Maps and Data, Patterns of Earth’s Features, Rocks, Minerals and Soil, Weathering and Erosion. Students 1st task for Topic 4 is to create a map of the school including school features like; classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, cafeteria, gym, etc…
Social Studies: This week we talked about the growth in the Northeast region and how the Northeast region has changed. Growth changes include the growth in cities by industries and how they have now shaped the Northeast.
5th Grade
5th Grade Promotion Update
Baby Photos Needed by Friday, May 19, 2023...
To be used for a slideshow show at our 5th grade Moving Up Ceremony
*All photos need to be sent digitally via the form below - NO HARD COPIES! Only one baby photo, please.
- Use the highest quality picture possible. If your picture is blurry it may not be used.
- Please name the photo file with your child's first and last name.
- Please fill out the Google form below to have your Child's baby photo displayed during the 5th grade Moving Up Ceremony
The following Moving Up Ceremony parent letter was sent home with the 5th-grade scholars Monday, May 1, 2023:
CMIT South Elementary will host our 5th-grade Moving-Up Ceremony. The Moving-Up ceremony will be held Wednesday, June 7, 2023, in the gymnasium. We will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m.We ask that all participants arrive at the Media room by 8:00 a.m. The attire colors for the scholars will be black and white. In honor of our fellow scholar Jackson Buckner, our current scholars will be pinned with a blue ribbon.
Scholars will be allowed two (2) tickets. Tickets will be distributed Monday, June 5, 2023. If guests do not have their tickets, they will not be permitted to the ceremony. The gymnasium door near the ramp will open at 8:30 a.m. Also, a Zoom link will be sent out a day prior for family members that aren't able to attend to view.
All guests for the 5th grade Moving-Up Ceremony please park in the rear parking lot by backing into an available space until all spaces have been filled. If no spaces are available, you can use the satellite parking at the CMIT South Middle High School and walk over.
The PTO is excited to kick off personal ad sales for the 5th Grade Moving-Up Ceremony. Please submit print-ready ads in .pdf, .jpg, or .png formats only. Personal ads only. Business ads will not be accepted. The PTO will accept paid ads until Friday, May 19, 2023. Purchase an ad for your tiger today at www.cmitsouthespto.org. Submit your paid receipt and ad to pto@cmitsouthes.org. Please contact the PTO with any questions: e: pto@cmitsouthes.org| p: 202.810.2250 (phone or text).
Ad Specifications + Pricing
Quarter Page Ad (size: 3.75" w x 4.75" h) | $25.00
Half Page Ad (size: 7.75"w x 4.75"h) | $50.00
Horizontal Ad's only. Vertical Half Page Ads will not be accepted.
Full Page Ad (size: 8.25" w X 10.75" h) | $75.00
Inside Cover Ad (size: 8.25" w X 10.75" h)| $100.00
We are looking forward to a successful and joyous occasion.
Please click the following link for a copy of the letter:
An Update from PE
Students are focusing on working together in a team environment.
Students are playing games as a team trying to accomplish a goal together.
Mr. Parham
• Hours: 8:00 a.m to 2:25 p.m
• Grades: K-5
• Uniform: Yes
• Before After School Enrichment: Yes
• School Colors: Hunter Green, Navy Blue
• School Mascot: Tigers
• School Website: http://www.cmitsouthes.org
For more information
CMITs offer high tech, STEAM education to all our Prince George’s County students grades K-5!
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT Elementary School will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for elementary school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.