Washington High School
October 2021 Newsletter
Pennsylvania Youth Survey
Our school is taking part in the 2021 Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS) sponsored by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, and the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs. The survey will ask questions about the behaviors of students in the 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grades, including questions about school climate, violence, depression, bullying, and substance abuse.
The information we receive will assist us and our community partners in working to prevent adolescent drug use and other problem behaviors. We want to ensure that all parents and caregivers are notified that the survey is being conducted and provide you with as much information about the survey as possible. As a parent or caregiver, you have the right to prohibit your child’s participation. The following facts about the survey will help you make an informed decision about your child’s participation.
- Participation in this survey is completely voluntary. Students will be instructed by their proctor that they can skip any questions they do not understand or choose not to answer. If they have any questions or concerns after taking this survey, they are instructed to talk with their school counselor or a trusted adult.
- The survey is designed to protect each student’s privacy. It is anonymous and confidential. Students will not put their names on the survey, and no student will ever have their individual responses reported.
- The survey is well tested, having been administered to over 1,000,000 Pennsylvania students since the 1990’s. The information collected has proved invaluable to prevention planners in selecting programming to promote healthy youth development.
You can request a list of the survey questions by visiting this link: https://www.episcenter.psu.edu/index.php/paysquestion. For more information about the survey, including a list of Frequently Asked Questions, please visit www.pays.pa.gov then click on “2021.”
The survey will be administered during the school day on November 15, 2021 and will take one class period to complete. If you do not want your child to participate, please submit your request to Keith Walters at waltersk@prexie.us.
Thank you for your help in our efforts to keep our schools drug free and safe for learning. If you have any questions, please contact Keith Walters at (724) 223-5082.
Pres Prep
Prexie Center
The Prexie Center will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 3-8pm (in the Washington High School Media Center) and is open to all junior and senior high students. Students can come play games, sign up for classes/groups/events, or just hang out.
Our mission is to meet the social, emotional and physical needs of Washington students. We will also encourage our students to get involved in the extra-curricular activities already offered within the district.
What’s happening at The Prexie Center?
Games: Play a game of pool, air hockey, ping pong, board games, or Nintendo Switch.
Prexie Market: The pantry will be filled with food, snacks, and personal products.
School Store The store will be filled with Prexie products and goodies. Students whom are interested in Entrepreneurship will run the store alongside our team members.
Study Tables: Can’t attend after school tutoring? We will provide academic support in the evenings.
Prexie Suds: Washers, dryers, and detergent will be made available to you.
Showers: Come see our team members and a secure locker will be provided for you along with towels, wash cloths, and soap.
Auto Repair: Students interested in auto mechanics will learn how to repair cars. ** Your name will be placed in a box each time you attend. At the end of the year a name will be drawn for the lucky winner of the car.
Small Groups: Connect, grow, and have fun. Check the schedule posted for various small groups in The Prexie Center.
Movie Nights: Free movies and popcorn will be held in the LGI. Dates and times will be posted in The Prexie Center.
Keeping It Warm: Learn how to make a hat, scarf, or even a blanket.
Celebrity Chef Night: We will be learning to cook and bake your favorites. ** Angelo’s will be our first chef who will teach us how to cook spaghetti and meatballs.
Exercise & Strength Training Classes: A sign-up sheet will be in The Prexie Center. A time will be provided when not in use by the athletic department.
End of Year Presque Isle Trip: All Juniors and Seniors who meet attendance and academic requirements will go to the beaches of Presque Isle, Erie on Monday, June 13, 2022. The day will be filled with food, games, and fun in the sun.
Additional Classes & Events: Fashion & Makeup, Thrift Shopping, Music, Recordings, Crafting, Paint & Snacks, Dance, Cheer Club, Prexie Bank, Etiquette Course, Self-defense, Intramural Competitions, Various Contests, and so much more!
Upcoming College Rep Visits
Carlow College – Nov 2
Pitt Greensburg Application Session - Nov 3 @1pm
Thiel Application Session - Nov 4 @ 9:30am
Wittenberg University – Nov 9
Clarion & Slippery Rock - Nov 11
W&J College - Nov 15
Military Rep Visits
Air Force – Nov 9
Pitt Army ROTC - Nov 17
Financial Aid Night Info
College Campus Visits/Tours
West Virginia University: Senior students have to opportunity to visit/tour WVU on November 18 th from 8:30am-2:30pm. Students wishing to tour WVU please sign up in the Guidance Office.
West Liberty University: Junior students have to opportunity to visit/tour WVU on November 12 th from 8:30am-2:30pm. Students wishing to tour West Liberty please sign up in the Guidance Office.
Upcoming Scholarship Deadlines
Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
Criteria: Be in grades 5-12 as of November 5, be a legal resident of any U.S. state or Washington, D.C., have engaged in a volunteer activity that occurred during the 12 months prior to the date of the application.
Award: State honorees receive $1,000 scholarship, national honorees receive an additional $5,000 scholarship, and a $5,000 grant from The Prudential Foundation for a nonprofit charitable organization of their choice.
Deadline: November 10, 2021
Most Valuable Student Scholarship - Elks National Foundation
Criteria: High School Seniors who are citizens of the US
Award: Ranging from $1,000 to $12,500
Deadline: November 15, 2021
Criteria: Graduating senior, GPA of 3.5 or better, minimum SAT total of 1200 or ACT composite of 26, Demonstrate unmet financial need.
Award: Up to $40,000 per year to attend a four-year accredited undergraduate school
Deadline: November 18, 2021
Student Ambassadors Program Scholarship
Criteria: Graduating senior with volunteer time
Award: $500
Deadline: November 29, 2021
Criteria: High school seniors
Award: $1,000
Deadline: November 30, 2021
Criteria: Graduating senior in good standing with NHS Award: Varies
Deadline: December 1, 2021 @1pm
Criteria: High school seniors must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0
Award: Range from $1,000 to $50,000
Deadline: December 15, 2021
Criteria: Be United States citizens or legal residents living or claiming residency in one of the 50 United States, Washington, D.C. or Puerto Rico, demonstrate ambition and self-drive as evidenced by outstanding achievement in school, community or work-related activities Award: $2,500, $10,000 or $25,000 scholarship
Deadline: December 17, 2021 @ 3pm
Washington High School Important Dates
Friday, Nov 5th: In-Service Day (NO SCHOOL for students)
Monday, Nov 8th: Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Appointments available from 12:15 – 7:15 pm
- Please contact your student’s teacher or call the high school office to schedule
Tuesday, Nov 2nd: “Youth MOVE PA”
- Suicide Prevention Training for Students. 3:30-6:00 pm
- See Ms. Hofrichter or Ms. Ott for details
Wednesday, November 3rd: COVID Vaccines and Boosters
- 3:00-5:00 pm. Wash High Gym
- Open to community members and students
Wednesday, November 3rd: Smile Dental
- If you would like to make an appointment, please contact Nurse Brand
Wednesday, November 24 – Monday, November 29: Fall Break (NO SCHOOL)
11th Grade
Copy of student physicals is needed by Nurse Brand.
Please contact Nurse Brand at 724-223-5087
12th Grade
November 4th: Cap/Gown order and payment (made out to JOSTENS) DUE
November 19th: Senior bundle form and payment (made out to WSD) DUE
- Questions regarding cap/gown orders or Senior bundles, please contact Ms. Ryburn
December 2nd: Class of 2022 Senior Pictures 9:00-12:30
Meet with your counselor
Students can request to meet with High School counselors by simply scanning the Counseling Department QR code and filling out a brief form. Once the form has been completed a counselor will reach out to set a time and date to meet.
School Counselor (M-Z)
Mr. Keith Walters
School Counselor (A-L)
Contact Information
Website: https://www.washington.k12.pa.us/index.php
Location: 311 Allison Avenue, Washington, PA, USA
Phone: (724)223-5080