The Dolphin Whistle
April 22 , 2020 Issue 30
MESSAGE FROM PRINCIPAL LAMBERT - Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected
Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone for coming to the school to pick up your child's workbooks! We had 99% of our families pick up their materials.
Distance Learning began this week and students are expected to complete the assignments posted, watch the recorded lessons, and participate in the live Zoom lessons and class meetings.
The weekly schedule is posted by Monday morning each week. There are 3 ways to access this weekly schedule of assignments:
1. Each teacher posts the weekly schedule in Google Classroom.
2. The weekly schedules are also posted on the Castro website. On the main page of the website there is a Distance Learning icon and the Dashboard with a link to each class's weekly schedule can be found there.
3. In addition, each Monday I will send the link to the Dashboard of weekly schedules to you via School Messenger. Check your email each Monday morning.
These are 3 ways to access the same important information of the assignments and lessons that are expected for your child each week.
We all miss the children and families! Check out the video below of some of the teachers and staff from Castro.
As always, please contact me via email, phone, or text if you have any questions or need anything. (831) 206-9522.
Warm Regards,
Theresa Lambert
Principal Mariano Castro Elementary
We miss you!
Here's a video of some of the Castro teachers and staff, missing your from our homes.
CastroNeed help with Zoom?
Call Ms. Calderon or Mr. Alcazar.
Kristen Calderon (408) 404-8166 Roberto Alcazar (408) 780-8615
Spirit Day!! Friday, May 1st is HAT DAY
Free Assembly Opportunity
Check out the dates and times for this assembly students can watch from home!
Chromebook Problems
If you are having issues with Chromebooks issued by the school district, please contact Technology at 650-526-3252 or
If your personal device breaks and you are unable to get another, please contact Ms. Lambert, Mrs. Calderon, Mr. Alcazar, or your teacher and we will do our best to get a device to you.
Art and Music Lessons Starting Next Week
Wifi available in the Mistral parking lot
Incoming middle school parents: Prepare to select electives for 2020-21
Use your PowerSchool Parent Portal Access to select Electives for 2020-21
Beginning April 29, 2020, parents will be able to log on to the PowerSchool Parent Portal to select their fifth- to seventh-graders’ elective choices for 2020-21. You will receive an email when the course catalogs are posted on April 24.
Please make sure you have access to the PowerSchool Parent Portal now by logging on to You will use the PowerSchool Parent Portal for elective selection, grades, assignments and attendance monitoring, and for downloading state test results.
If you have difficulty signing in, please contact your school office.
2020 Census Paper Questionnaires are on their way to Californians!
Please encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to complete it too. It’s something everyone can do while practicing social distancing at home to make a difference today, tomorrow and the next 10 years.