Celina Primary School
Where the Learning Adventure Begins
August 19, 2022
Wonderful Celina Primary School Parents,
We did it! Our first full week of school was amazing. ABC Bootcamp is going great. We will be focusing on one letter a day for the next 26 days. Also, we started our Mindful Monday social-emotional lessons this week. Students are learning all about their brains and ways to manage strong emotions.
Ms. Juneau, our school counselor, visited each class and led a lesson about her role as a school counselor. All our students met Riley (our bunny puppet). Please read the information below about having Coffee with the Counselor. We aim to have one virtual parent meeting with the counselor each month.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Nancy Alvarez - Principal
Celina Primary School
Campus Site-Based Bobcat Council
We want to encourage parents, community members, and business owners to participate in these councils to help guide the direction of our fast growing school district. If you are interested, please complete the form below by August 26th. If selected, you will be contacted via email by September 1st.
We want to thank you in advance for your participation and commitment to Celina ISD.
Breakfast and Lunch
Lunch Visitors
Check-in at the front office and obtain a visitor sticker.
Please sit at the designated visitor tables.
You may only share and provide food for your child.
Only your child may sit with you.
Lunch visitors may not walk students to class, go inside classrooms, student restrooms, or other areas in the building.
Taking pictures or video of students is prohibited. 📵
Breakfast and Lunch Accounts
If you need assistance pleae contact Ms. Leonore Schoen at LeonoreSchoen@celinaisd.com.
Important Dates
22 - Lunch Visitors Begin
5 - No School - Staff/Student Holiday
6 - Coffee with the Counselor 9 AM
7 - College Awareness Day (wear your college swag)
8 - Back to School Dance 5-6 PM
20 - Kindergarten Community Field Trip
23 - Color Run Pledges Due
30 - Fall Pictures
Fall School Pictures
Counselor Corner
Happy Friday Bobcat Families!
Well, we have finished our first whole week of the school year. We are so proud of our little Bobcats and all they have learned so quickly. Students not only have to learn academics but they also have to learn the routines and basics of “school life” as well. I have seen them practice waiting in line for lunch, waiting for a turn in class or waiting for a turn to go to the restroom.They have also learned to sit and listen to a story, raise their hand to share, and put their materials back where they belong. It is a lot when you are little but I have seen them improve a little more each day. Please take note of efforts to wait patiently, pick up toys, or listen respectfully at home and praise their efforts.
I also had the opportunity to visit classes this week and introduce myself to students. We read “Rabbit Listened” by Cory Doerrfeld because that is what a counselor does: listen. It is a great book to introduce the importance of calming down when we are upset in order to engage our brain and make good choices. Oh did I mention we are learning about our brains, too? Our Amazing Brain is another excellent book for additional reading at home.
Finally, please keep September 6th, 9:00 AM open for our very first Coffee with the Counselor Zoom meeting. If you need help navigating kindergarten routines, too, this is a great resource. Have an awesome weekend!
Ms. Jeanne’s book picks of the week:
Drop-off Safety
Note From Nurse Peery
24 Hour Rule
In an effort to diminish the spread of illness, Celina ISD follows the 24 Hour Rule. Students must be free from fever, diarrhea, and vomiting for 24 hours without medication prior to returning to school. Please understand that these rules are in place to reduce the spread of illness and cut down on student absences.
Please contact Nurse Peery if your child has been diagnosed with the flu, COVID, chicken pox at (469) 742-9104 Ext. 2104 or WendyPeery@celinaisd.com.
Thank you in advance for your support with this.
Medication Administration
As a reminder, any and all medication administered to students while on campus must be provided to Nurse Wendy in the original bottle/container along with written consent from a parent/guardian. We will only accept the district's Medication Authorization Form as written consent for administration of any medication. This form can be found here: https://www.celinaisd.com/wp-documents/Health-Services/Medication_Auth.pdf and can be emailed to Nurse Peery directly at wendypeery@celinaisd.com. Students may not possess any medication while on campus.
CISD Generalized Illness and COVID-19 Protocol
Celina Primary School PTA
Join me in wecloming our Celina Primary School PTA VP Ms. Abigail Frank. Ms. Frank can be contacted via email at: PTA.CelinaPrimary@gmail.com.
To join the PTA please follow this link: https://forms.gle/16tSNGMTAA3m26Xg6
Please follow the Celina Primary PTA Facebook page for updates: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100055239624276
Website: https://sites.google.com/celinaisd.com/celina-primary-school-info/home
Phone: 4697429104
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CelinaISDPS
Twitter: @CelinaISDPS
Website: https://sites.google.com/celinaisd.com/celina-primary-school-info/counselor
Phone: 4697429104
Contact Us
Celina Primary School exists to serve all PreK and Kindergarten students in Celina ISD.
Celina Primary School Front Office: (469) 742-9104
Cafeteria: (469) 742-9104 x 2125
Bus Company: (469) 742-9114
Counselor (469) 742-9104 x 2110
Email: NancyAlvarez@celinaisd.com
Website: https://www.celinaisd.com/news/
Location: 507 E Malone St, Celina, TX, United States
Phone: (469) 742-9104
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CelinaISDPS/
Twitter: @CelinaISDPS