@HSD Health Update
September 17, 2021
Updated Daily Health Questionnaire
- HSD's Daily Health Questionnaires for students and staff have been revised as of 9/17/21.
- The updates address individuals that are fully vaccinated.
- We continue to work on an additional update on the student questionnaire to ensure a "stay at home" notice does not pop up incorrectly.
- This questionnaire is expected to be completed daily, even if your student stays home from school.
- Please be sure to reach out to your school's nurse with any questions or clarifications.
Updated Virtual Instruction for Students Excluded From School
Teachers will make every effort by teaching staff to provide students with missed work due to COVID protocols to avoid falling behind in classes. Please note that students are strongly discouraged from participating in live streams when ill. When a student must be excluded due to COVID-related issues*, the District’s plan to support the continuity of instruction will be as follows:
- Within one school day of notification, teachers will provide the student written coursework (e.g., posting assignments in Google Classroom/Canvas).
- Within two school days of notification, the teachers will provide the student with virtual instruction.
*Exclusion for COVID related issues includes:
Checking off a COVID-like symptom on the daily questionnaire
COVID positive diagnosis
Receiving an exclusion notice HSD
HSD COVID+ Dashboard
HSD Vax Dashboard*
COVID-19 Activity Level Report (week ending 9/11)
HSD and Travel Protocols
- As of May 17, 2021, New Jersey’s travel advisory is no longer in effect.
- As of September 2021, HSD does not impose any health or safety protocols associated with travel.
- This may be revised based on changes in NJDOH guidance and/or local health information.
HSD/Adler's Pharmacy In-District COVID Vaccination Clinic
- The Pfizer vaccine will be administered.
- This event is for those who received their first shot on 9/1, those in need of their first dose, and those in need of the third booster shot - only for those getting their first or booster doses - You MUST pre-register at Adler's Pharmacy website.
- Then click the image at the bottom of the page, "COVID-19 Vaccine Information." Next, click "Haddonfield Memorial High School, and follow the registration prompts/questions. Once registered, you will receive a follow-up notice from Adler before September 22.
- This is being held in the HMHS Cafeteria. Please enter HMHS at the Sylvan Lake entrance. The main entrance to the school will not be accessible.
- This opportunity is open to any individual eligible to receive the COVID vaccine.
- HSD STAFF ONLY: We are planning an In-District COVID-19 booster clinic for HSD staff and their families, tentatively scheduled for November 2 from 3-5 PM
Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021, 04:00 PM
Haddonfield Memorial High School - B Building, Sylvan Lake Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ, USA
Haddonfield School District
Email: gpriolo@haddonfield.k12.nj.us
Website: https://haddonfieldschools.org/
Location: 1 Lincoln Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ, USA
Phone: 856-429-7510
Facebook: facebook.com/HaddonfieldSchoolDistrict/
Twitter: @HaddonSchools