Eagle News
23-24 SY
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Back to School To Do Check List:
The Back to School Packet will be available in ParentVUE on Tuesday, August 8, and should be completed by Friday, September 15. If you do not complete the back to school packet, you will not receive access to any student information via studentvue or parentvue prior to the start of school; including student schedules and bus information.
Student Immunizations due by August 17th. Ensure that your student is up to date with their vaccinations to attend school. Please be informed that students who do not have their required vaccination requirements will not be permitted to start school on Monday, August 21, 2023. Please click on this link for additional informationhttps://www.pwcs.edu/departments/student_services/registration__new_students_and_transfers_/immunization_requirements/deadline.
Please visit the school and nutrition application site https://www.pwcsnutrition.com/ and complete the 23-24SY meal application. All applications can help support services in and around our school and community as well as a host of benefits that support all of our students.
Back to School Supplies: Beyond the traditional school supplies, all students at Freedom High School will be receiving a laptop with cloud storage. Particular subjects may require additional supplies specific to each course. Teachers will share those supply lists the first week of school. Click here for a list of suggested school supplies items https://pwcps-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/brownrf_pwcs_edu/EQ4x4_-y_IdNg1EOaCJhr_sBZgy5-nJ5y6ZBYqZJV6Rt3g?e=ESEPIu *** August 11 (9a-3p) and August 12 (9a - 12p) Prince Williams County Community Event will be hosted at Freedom High School and Unity Reed; FREE BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLIES will be available****
- 8/11/2023 Class of 2024 Senior Breakfast: Click here to register your senior : https://forms.office.com/r/K6znLQyzeb
- 8/17/2023 Freshman and New Student Orientation: click here so we know you'll be joining us: thttps://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=bZqwF-SVHk2F4xzg1N5_wRoJySe8J2dGmvwRIQ6IsVJUQ1FCTjdFM1pOQUMxSDRZRkpCSDhTNU9TOS4 and click here if you require an interpreter https://forms.office.com/r/AQBuzm8X1a
- 8/21/2023 First day of School | 1st period 7:25 am
8/30/2023 Back to School Night | 6 pm – 8 pm
Student Parking Pass
Students who plan to drive to school:
Parking decals will be available for purchase during all lunch shifts starting August 21,2023. The cost is $100.00 cash or money orders payable to Freedom HS are accepted only, (No checks).
Students are to submit a completed parking application form that can be obtained from clicking on the link below, $100.00 and present a valid driver's license. Enforcement of the parking lot will begin August 28, 2023. Violators will be towed at owners' expense. For questions, contact Ms. Cabell in security at cabellad@pwcs.edu. .