MBA Tech Tips
Important Updates and Helpful Information Issue 7
Tech Tips
Your tech team would like to provide up-to-date and timely tech tips, updates, and information that will hopefully make your job much easier. If you have questions or training needs you'd like to share with us please fill out the form at the end of the newsletter. We are here to support you.
Thank you, MBA Tech Team
Recently, there have been some issues with students kicking other students out of Teams class meetings. You can change your meeting options so this cannot happen. There are two ways to change your meeting options. The first is through the calendar event. Go into your calendar and open the event. See the picture below.
Click on the 3 horizontal dots (ellipsis) next to "copy link" and then choose Meeting Options.
This screen will open in another browser window. You will go to the dropdown for "Who can present?"
You will want to choose"Specific People" if you have a co-teacher or another adult presenting with you and choose them. Otherwise, choose "Only me" and students will not be presenters anymore. They will not be able to kick other students out of the meeting.
You also can change your meeting options within the meeting.
In your meeting click on the horizontal dots (ellipsis) and choose Meeting options again.
You will have the same options as above. You want to set it to specific people to include other teachers or only me if you are the only teacher in the meeting.
There has been a Course Availability Date Enchancements Enforcement change in Course Settings. The Participation Menu inclues an option to select course dates by term or course. The benefit is that this change offers clarification for how student participation is managed for a course. When the instructor views the Participation section in the Course Settings page, the Participation section displays a menu that defaults to Term dates for new courses. This option sets student course participation to the start and end dates defined for the term.
If preferred, instructors can change course participation to the Course Option, where course participation is limited to the course start and end dates, whcih can be added in the course. Course dates override term dates, however, section dates that exist in the course override course dates.
Course dates default to midnight. If the course is set to end at midnight, the page displays a warning icon. The Particpation option is retained when the Course Settings page is updated.
Click on the images to enlarge them to see the old and new interfaces.
Tools and Accommodations Update
Additional tools and accommodations options have been added to EA (enchanced accommodations) Formative and Benchmark asseessments. These additional tools and accommodations include draw, sticky notes, notepad, rulers, and protractors. This update allows teachers and administrators to provide a personalized assessmetn experience for studetns to accurately demonstrate understanding of a concept or mastery of a standard.
Access them through the tracker hover over the blue "waffle" (3 horizontal lines) click tools and accommodatinos.
For Formative assessments, teachers can set tracker level defaults for tools and accommodations and view updates to the assess modal.
Tools and accommodations for Benchmark assessments must be added by an administrator.
In addition to using the expanded tool sets, users can enable Respondus LockDown browser in EA Formative assessments.
When a district enables the LockDown browser at implementation or through a CSM request, users will be able to enable the use of Respondus for EA formative assessments.
While taking an assessment, students can access the tools and accommodations available to them.
Read this article for specifics on students can use each tool.
Enjoy this while you read these tech tips!
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