Whelan Weekend Update
December 16, 2022
Friday, December 16, 2022
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Drop-off Circle Reminder!
4th and 5th Grade Arrival and Dismissal Location Update
- 4th grade will continue to have Arrival and Dismissal at the back Gym door.
- 5th grade will have Arrival and Dismissal at Door 19, which is 100 yds further East on Sargent Street. (see pic above) - Please ask your 5th Graders to wait ON THE SIDEWALK until a Whelan Staff Member opens the Door in the Morning!
Monday - Ugly Sweater Day
Wednesday - Grinch/Green Day
Friday - Pajama Day
Spirit Week next week!
Monday – "Ugly" Sweater Day (1st)
Tuesday – Winter Colors (silver, blue, white, etc.) (3rd)
Wednesday – Grinch/Green Day (2nd)
Thursday – Cozy Day (4th)
Friday – PJ Day
December Morning Meeting!!!
Winter Concert & Art Show!
We're excited to share dates that we've set for a Whelan Winter Concert AND Art Show!
- Tuesday, February 8th - Grades K & 1
- Wednesday, February 9th - Grades 2, 3 & 4
We will share more information - including times (these WILL be during the school day, though) and formats - in the coming weeks!
Grade 5 will have a more comprehensive Concert and Art Show connected to their Moving-On ceremony in the Spring!
Whelan Community Connection - Supporting Kids' Digital Lives - Take 2!
Turnout for our December Community Connection about Supporting Kids' Digital Lives was a bit underwhelming (we had 1 family member), so we are going to revisit the topic in January, and want to try offering an afternoon time instead!
Please come visit with us in the Whelan cafeteria on Tuesday, January 10th from 4-4:45. Jill Herwig, RPS's Director of Comprehensive Health and Wellness will join us in leading attendees in conversations about their kids' Digital Experiences, and we will share resources for families to use to support those experiences!
PTA Winter Wonderland - December 15th!!!
The PTA Winter Wonderland Event last night was a HUGE SUCCESS! Thank you so much to everybody who volunteered, donated and - most importantly - came to participate!!!!
Uniform Requests
Please use this Uniform Request Form if you are looking for gently-used uniforms for your Whelan students. We will do our best to fill requests as they come in, and will notify families when your requests are ready.
Whelan Uniform Ordering
We are also working with Old School Apparel to add a "Spirit Wear" section to their Whelan-specific online shop - stay tuned for more information about what that could look like!
Important Upcoming Dates
Friday, December 23rd - EARLY RELEASE
Monday, December 26th - Friday, December 30th - NO SCHOOL
Monday, January 2nd - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, January 10th - Whelan Community Connection - 4-4:45pm
Wednesday, January 25th - EARLY RELEASE - Dismissal at 11:30
Wednesday, January 25th - Whelan PTA "Get Air" Event - 12-8:00pm
*the full RPS calendar can be found here*
*Important Whelan dates are also posted on our school website at whe.reverek12.org*
A.C. Whelan Elementary School
Email: apelletier@reverek12.org
Website: whe.reverek12.org
Location: 107 Newhall Street, Revere, MA, USA
Phone: 781.388.7510
Twitter: @WhelanPrincipal