Pirate Pawprint
August 25, 2023
Students Practicing PBIS Expectations
A Note From Mrs. Jackson
Dear Families,
We have had a wonderful start to the school year! We appreciate your patience with arrival and dismissal as everyone learns how to navigate our parking lot. I have included important reminders below. Next week we will be enforcing all our arrival and dismissal expectations. Our #1 goal is to keep everyone safe!!
Chelsea Jackson
Morning Arrival
- All cars turn east to the east side (left) to drop off
- If preschoolers cannot unbuckle & unload independently, please park and walk your child to the PK doors.
- If your preschooler CAN unbuckle & unload interpedently, they can come in either the PK doors (if they unload down there), or in the front doors. We will have staff to assist at both locations.
- All other students need to walk up the ramp and enter through the front doors.
- It is strongly discouraged to walk K-2 students into the building. This creates unnecessary congestion in our parking lot. If you need to come into the building, please park and use the crosswalk.
- Always use the crosswalk. Do not cross between cars or buses.
- Students are counted tardy at 7:50.
Afternoon Dismissal
- Buses always dismiss first. They pull into our parking lot around 2:35. You cannot block buses from entering our lot.
- If you arrive prior to buses entering our lot, you must park along the back row. You will need to back into a spot so you can easily pull forward.
- If all spots are full, you need to park at the BTEC lot and wait for all 11 buses to exit before pulling down to HCP.
- Put your turn signal on and Mrs. Bishop will direct you into the lot.
- Have your yellow car tag displayed and staff will call for your child to be ready in the loading zone.
Hannah Cole Primary School
Email: chelsea.jackson@bpksk12.net
Website: https://www.hcp.bpsk12.net
Location: 1700 West Ashley Road, Boonville, MO, USA
Phone: 660-882-2744
Facebook: facebook.com/HCPPTO