Weekly Newsletter
Immaculate Conception + St. Joseph School
January 11, 2024
Members of our Leader in Me Student Lighthouse Teams, other student leaders and staff were present at the new Gilbertville emergency services building ground breaking ceremony.
No Waterloo Buses January 12
No Waterloo busing January 12. This is only for those that ride on the Waterloo bus routes.
From Mrs. Johnson...
My third graders recently participated in Monat Wealth Management's "Pay It Forward" program. Each student was allotted $25 and had the freedom to decide whom to "Pay It Forward" to with this money.
Students had to describe why they chose their recipients. Some of the places that will be receiving these donations are The 1854 Ice Cream Shop, The University of Iowa Children's Hospital, and The Keep our Oceans Clean Campaign.
This was a wonderful opportunity to spread kindness and gratitude to many different organizations. The forms will be compiled and put into a spiral booklet. When I receive it, each student will read their form to the class. This way each student can learn who was chosen and why.
Thank you to Monat Wealth Management for your generosity and for providing this experience for the third graders here at Immaculate Conception.
COF Bowling
Sunday, January 14, the Catholic Order of Foresters Youth members can open bowl for free, which includes shoes, at Cadillac Lanes located at 650 Laporte Rd Waterloo. Each COF youth can bowl up to 1 1/2 hours starting at 12:30 ending by 2 PM. Doors open at noon. Adults & friends can bowl the same time frame, which includes shoes for $10. See Donna Delagardelle to sign up or call Donna at 319 239-9945 with questions.
Nurse's Corner
Do you know the dangers of energy drinks?
Youth Group 5th-8th Grade
On Wednesday, January 24, the Confirmation class will be hosting a Youth Group Night specifically for grades 5-12. Youth group gives kids an opportunity to grow in faith with their peers outside of school as well as have fun in the process. We will meet in the HS in room 102. Join us for some fun and faith-filled activities.
If your child plans to attend please fill out the link below.
Rescheduled from December
Make planes to attend a fun night.
529 Plan Information for Paying K-12 Tuition
As we are in the midst of end-of-year tax planning, it is a good time to remember that you can set up 529 plans for K-12 tuition. This flyer from Iowa ACE provides more information on this tax savings strategy.
Parish News and Information
Sat 4 PM, Sun 8 & 10 AM, M-W-F 7:45 AM
Sat 5:30 PM, Tue 6 PM, Thur 8 AM
Tell your friends to come see what it's like to be part of the Bosco family!
Waterloo Buses
Waterloo buses will not be available the afternoons of January 19 and April 19. They will run as normal each of these mornings. Parents will have to make arrangements to get their students home from school those afternoons. This is only for those that ride on the Waterloo bus routes.
Youth Choir Dates for January and February
Sunday, January 21
Sunday, February 4
Sunday, February 18
- January 15: No School, Teacher PD Day
- January 17: First Semester ends
- January 19: No Waterloo Busing in the Afternoon
- January 24: Youth Group
With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential
- Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His church,
- Academically by igniting learning, leadership and life skills,
- Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and
- Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the light of Christ in the world.
Preparing students to be the Light of Christ in the World!
Submit newsletter articles to icsjnewsletter@boscocatholic.org by 3 PM on Wednesdays.
Website: boscocatholic.org
Facebook boscocatholic.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 256, Gilbertville, IA 50634
Immaculate Conception K-8
311 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
St Joseph Center PS/PK
6916 Lafayette Rd
Raymond, Iowa 50667