May 29, 2018
Technology Tools in the Spotlight!
Canvas: Grade Book Graphs
Did you know that by default, Canvas allows your students to see where they fall on all course assignments and compare their score with other students scores in the course? You can disable this feature if you have a small class or you do not want your students to see the grade distribution. Learn more at
Are you looking to create a step-by-step procedure guide for your students? Or perhaps have your students create a step-by-step guide based on their learning experiences? If you answered yes, check out SnapGuide. It allows you to create step-by-step how-to guides for any topic that you want by integrating pictures, video, and text into a visually appealing procedural guide that helps others to complete a specific task. Learn more at Tool submitted by Nathan G.
Stop Motion videos can be time-consuming to make but not with Jelly Cam. The free software allows you to put a series of images together to create a stop-motion video. This tool would be great to use for step by step procedure videos. Once you have added your images, you can add audio or music then export it to YouTube for easy sharing. Check it out at Tech tool submitted by Jessica S.
Share your favorite technology tool to be featured in EDTech Tools!
Archived Issues
1. COPH Intranet- The archives are located in the quick connect section of the home page. Note: you must have access to the COPH intranet and be in the MCPH building to access archives.
2. Anyone can access the archived issues on Pinterest. You will need to open a free account if you do not have one using Facebook or an email address.