Intermediate Extracurricular Guide
2022-2023 Intermediate Clubs and Activities Handbook
Getting involved in Intermediate School extracurricular clubs and activities
We are excited to share our 2022-2023 Intermediate School Clubs and Activities Handbook! The correlation between involvement in extracurricular activities and improved student achievement is supported by many years of educational research. Students who are involved in extracurricular activities tend to have better grades, show better social-emotional development, and feel more connected to their school community. Simply put, involvement in afterschool activities is one of the best things you can do to improve your success in school!
We encourage you to explore the clubs and afterschool activities we offer our Intermediate Spartans by reading the descriptions in this handbook. Each description also includes the meeting pattern and staff member(s) along with their contact information. If you have any questions about how to get more involved in afterschool activities, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Michelle Bucenec
School Counselor
Gene Hoskins
Principal School Counselor
Gaming Club - Advisor Ms. Miller
Intermediate Gaming Club is a club for gamers of all kinds-- video, board, and card games. It's a space for students to engage in healthy competition as well as collaboration as they play their favorite popular games, such as Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8, and Minecraft. Students can bring their own handheld consoles, Switch controllers, Chromebooks. phones with games on them, and decks, OR they can play ours. We meet once per month by homeroom teacher during activity period in Ms. Miller's room, 150, in the JSHS.
Meeting Dates: select Tuesdays and Wednesdays once per month during activity period.
For more information on Gaming Club, please email cmiller@soduscsd.org.
Garden Club - Advisor Mrs. O'Donnell
Gardening Club:
Gardening Club will meet with the purpose of learning about plants, trees, and flowers. We will study habitats and our relationships with nature. Young gardeners will have an opportunity to learn about topics such as propagating plants, butterflies, maple sugaring, flora, and much more. Members will also be involved in planning our activities based on personal interests and curiosities!
Gardening Club will meet once per month and will be in room .
Meeting Dates: 11/29, 12/13, 1/10, 2/7, 3/14, 4/11,5/9, 6/6
For more information on Garden Club, please email Mrs. O'Donnell at eodonnell@soduscsd.org.
Literacy Club - Advisor Ms. Philbrick
Do you like reading or telling stories through writing? Literacy Club is for you! Literacy Club will meet with the purpose of celebrating, enjoying, and reading new books. Students will share their favorite books and discover the never-ending worlds behind the pages. We will also be creating our own creative writing stories and work through the publishing process together.
Literacy Club will meet once per month and will be in Ms. Philbrick's room.
Meeting Dates: 11/8, 12/7, 1/11, 2/8, 3/7, 4/11, 5/18, and 6/1.
For more information on Literacy Club, please email Ms. Philbrick at kphilbrick@soduscsd.org
Reptile Club - Advisor Mrs. Molnar
The goals/purpose of Intermediate Reptile Club is to educate students on caring for and handling exotic reptiles, explore the habitats and origins of the reptiles, and to expose students to animals/reptiles they may have never had the chance to see, touch, and hold in real life.
No one will be forced to touch or experience any animal/reptile they are fearful of. Students can observe and learn about these amazing animals and see that many of them, though they look scary, are very friendly.
Meetings: Meetings will be once a month on Wednesdays beginning Wednesday, October 27 in Mrs. Molnar's classroom.
For more information on Reptile Club, please email Mrs. Molnar at rmolnar@soduscsd.org.
Science Club - Advisor Mr. Hale
This year the science club is back in person! I am so excited to welcome back all the interested scientists. My hope for this year is to meet once a month on Wednesdays in room 310 in the intermediate school. The goals of this club are to engage our minds to think about scientific ideas, generate hypotheses, test our experiments, and try to understand the world around us. Some of the activities I hope to complete this year are volcanoes, density jars, moon dough, studying the cells of eggs, fingerprint science, and many other STEAM activities. I am always open as well to the ever-curious minds of my fellow scientists and encourage them to bring new and fun ideas to me! I hope to see you there!
Meeting dates: 11/10, 12/15, 1/19, 2/16, 3/16, 4/20, 5/18, and 6/8.
For more information on Science Club, please contact Mr. Hale at jhale@soduscsd.org.
Ski Club - Advisor Mrs. Cincinello
For more information on Ski Club, please email Mrs. Cincinello at tcincinello@soduscsd.org.
Student Council - Advisors Mrs. Brunswick and Mrs. Bucenec
Intermediate School Student Council (ISSC) - Finding the voices of young people and changing the world for the better. Our group of dedicated and hard-working advocates represent every homeroom in our school. The responsibility of a Council Representative is to share events, activities, and changes happening within our school with their homeroom, as well as bring questions, concerns, and ideas to the Council. Student Council portrays the core values of Respect, Responsibility, and Kindness. Every member plays an integral part of setting the culture of our school by being the voice of the student body.
Each month of the school year, we have something going on - Activity Nights, Movie Night, 6th Grade Semi-Formal, Spartan-ation Sale, etc. We also hold events to raise money for the club and local community interests. For example, we hold a Spirit Wear Sale, a Together We Can Food Drive, and collect Pop Tabs. We also sponsor events and activities such as Spirit Days, Campus Clean up, and Celebration Assemblies.
ISSC meets 1-2 Wednesdays a month, during the 10th period after typical school hours. There are plenty of opportunities for leadership and helping out around our school. We typically participate in a Youth Leadership Forum each year. If you are a “mover and a shaker,” have ideas for improving our school, want to join in creating a safe, fun, and innovative place to learn - then Student Council might be for you! The call for applicants goes out in September, with elections held in October. Students receive a list of meetings and events for the year, as well as reminders on morning announcements, because member attendance is crucial to our success.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
For more information on Student Council, please contact Mrs. Brunswick at mbrunswick@soduscsd.org or Mrs. Bucenec at mbucenec@soduscsd.org.
21st Century Extended School Day Program - Grant Director- Mrs. Fanning & Lead Teacher- Mrs. Sanford
21st Century Extended School Day Program
The Sodus Intermediate School is pleased to offer a free program for students outside of the regular school day, called 21st Century. The program is funded through the Extended School Day grant.
Program Schedule
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Students must be registered to attend.
For more information contact:
Sandy Sanford, Lead Teacher
Valerie Fanning
Director of Grants
Some activities connected with our Extended Day Program that take place during 10th period (2:15 PM - 2:55 PM) include:
- Martial Arts - Sodus martial arts program meets weekly on Wednesdays in the intermediate gym. Sensei Spencer teaches our students focus, discipline, listening and other valuable life skills while having fun. If you would like to join our martial arts club, please contact Val Fanning at vfanning@soduscsd.org
- Jr. Spartans Mentoring - Mr. Rose is our district's community advocate and mentoring coordinator. On Fridays Mr. Rose hosts Jr. Spartans mentoring during 10th period at our intermediate school. This time is dedicated to building relationships, social skills development, and building resiliency. For more information, please contact Mr. Rose at erose@soduscsd.org.
- 4H Club - We have partnered with Cornell Cooperative Extension to offer 4H programming. 4H members are learning about agriculture, science, engineering and technology. 4H club meets 10th period on Tuesdays in the intermediate school art room. For more information regarding 4H programming, contact Val Fanning at vfanning@soduscsd.org.
Students must be registered to attend.
For more information contact:
Sandy Sanford, Lead Teacher
Valerie Fanning
Director of Grants