House of Motivation
September 2023

Important Dates
LPAC Committee
Navo is in need of an LPAC (Language Proficiency Assessment Committee) Parent Volunteer Member. The parent must have a child who is currently still considered ESL but does not have to be a participant in the ESL program. Meetings are held a few times a year, and no prior experience is needed to be part of this committee. If you are interested in possibly helping us with this during the 23-24 school year, please email Ronna Perez at rperez3@dentonisd.org. Thank you for your consideration.
“Greetings, Navo families. We are so excited to get started with the year in science, and we are looking forward to a great year. Your student has been learning about lab safety and the scientific method. Next week, we’ll be getting into atomic structure and starting our first unit of content: chemistry. I was so grateful to have the opportunity to meet so many of you at our open house. Please reach out at cgolden@dentonisd.org with any questions, and I look forward to getting to know your student better and better as the year progresses. Talk to you soon. Take care of each other.”
In our first unit we will trace the development of the British colonies in America, examining the culture and traditions colonizers brought with them. We will also explore how those traditions combined with geography benefited some and harmed others.
ELAR: 8.5(E)-Make connections personal experiences, ideas in other texts, and society.
Types of Conflict:
1. Person vs. Self
2. Person vs. Person
3. Person vs. Society
4. Person vs. Nature
Personal Narrative (Conflict)
Students will be going to the library regularly.
Please encourage your child to read every night for at least 20-30 minutes.
Supplies needed daily: notebook, paper, sharpened pencils or mechanical pencils, colored pencils or pens, highlighter, and notebook paper, and folder.
If you have any questions, please contact your child's ELAR teacher.
Ms. Petit- dpetit@dentonisd.org
Mrs. Rivera-vrivera@dentonisd.org
Thank you for your support.
8th Math
Students are learning how to represent and use numbers in a variety of forms in order to build a greater understanding of the number system. Students will classify, approximate, and order real numbers.
Students are learning how to solve one-variable equations using distributive property and solving equations with variables on both sides of the equation.
What is AVID and how can my student benefit from it? Please click on image to learn more.