Principal's Update
January 5, 2024
Upcoming Dates
School hours: 7:55am-2:15pm
Saturday & Sunday 6 & 7 | Bottle Drop Weekend 10-4
Wednesday 10 | Early Release @ 1:15
Thursday 11 | DNO @ Panda Express
Thursday 11 | PAC Meeting @ 5:30
Monday 15 | Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
Wednesday 17 | Early Release @ 1:15
Friday 19 | Spirit Friday
Friday 19 | PAC Bingo Night
Wednesday 24 | Early Release @ 1:15
Saturday & Sunday 27 & 28 | Bottle Drop Weekend 10-4
Wednesday 31 | Early Release @ 1:15
Around the School Spotlight
On Tuesday, our staff engaged in professional development that centered around relationships & our PLC work.
In August, we brainstormed ways we could be intentional about building and maintaining positive relationships with our students, families and one another. On Tuesday, we revisited our ideas from August, identified areas we were doing well and areas we wanted to continue to improve. We feel that Hawks View is a pretty special place and it is our hope that you feel it too!
Each Wednesday, when students are released early, our teams spend that extra hour in collaborative work (PLCs) that focuses on instructional practices to elevate student learning and growth. During our professional development this week, grade level teams reviewed a recent set of class data, made decisions based on the data and thoughtfully planned for next steps. Our teams worked so hard during this time and will continue this work during future early release days. We are appreciative of this dedicated time each Wednesday!
Just a reminder that the bell to start class rings at 7:55 a.m. Any student not in their classroom at 7:55 a.m. is considered tardy and must have a slip from the office in order to enter the classroom. Students entering the classroom late causes a disruption to the learning environment for everyone. If you are dropping your child off in the morning, please leave enough time for them to get from the parking lot to their classroom before 7:55 a.m.
We also ask that you please use extra caution in the parking lots at school: drive slowly, watch for pedestrians and follow the school's traffic pattern in the lot at all times. The small parking lot is NOT a student drop-off/pick-up area.
To keep traffic flowing, please do not get out of your vehicle in the car line during drop off or pick up. Follow signage and pull forward as far as possible before letting your child(ren) out of your vehicle. If you need to get out for any reason, we ask that you pull into a nearby parking spot and unload that way.
When to Keep Students Home
With the flu season in full force, we ask that you please keep your students home if they are ill. Below you will find our guidelines for students returning to school after illness. Thank you in advance for your help in keeping our school a safe and healthy place to learn!
Emergency Information-Communications
In the event of emergencies, inclement weather, or urgent alerts (such as bus route delays) the Sherwood School District will utilize one or more of the following communication methods to provide information and updates to families and staff:
School Messenger – This is an automated system that will sends district or school level alerts, newsletters, or announcements to the parent/guardian information on file with the school. School Messenger information is shared via email or text message, depending on the urgency of the information. If your email address or phone number have changed, please update your contact information with your child’s school office as soon as possible. If you have unsubscribed from these email messages in the past but would like to be re-enrolled, please contact for assistance.
District Website – All high-priority alerts will be posted to the main SSD website (look for a red or green alert bar at the top of the page).
District Social Media – The District is on Facebook at or on Twitter at
FlashAlert – All emergency alerts and inclement weather closures/delays will be broadcast via FlashAlert. This is a free subscription service that alerts users via text or app notifications. Sign up at or by downloading the FlashAlert app on your smartphone. If you have signed up for FlashAlert previously, please sign in to make sure your subscription is current. If you are not subscribed to our channel, you can search for “Sherwood Sch. Dist.” to sign up for our district’s alerts.
Please visit our District website for more emergency information.
Health Room Clothing
If your student has borrowed any clothing from our health room, please launder and return to the office so that we have it available for other students to use. As you clean out closets and drawers, please keep us in mind if you are donating gently used clothing. Our health room is currently in need of pants for boys and girls, small and medium sizes. Thank you for your support.
2024 Early Learning Fair - January 20, 2024
Come spend some time with us exploring the many child care, enrichment and pre-school options available in Sherwood! The fair will be held at the Sherwood School District Office Multi Purpose room, 9am - 11am. For more information, see the flyer.
Champions - Enroll for Mornings!
Multicultural Night
The Sherwood Multicultural Club is planning another outstanding event in March. If you are interested in performing from your culture (songs, dances, etc.), or if you are interested in volunteering during this event, please see the flyer here to sign up. Sign up due date is January 30, 2024.
PAC Corner
Dinner Night Out @ Panda Express in Sherwood
Thursday, January 11th, 10:00-9:30. 20% of sales will be donated to Hawks View PAC. Please click here for more information.
PAC Family Bingo Night!
Join us for Family Bingo Night on January 19th, 6:00-7:30! Flyer with more information is here.
Bulletin Board Help
Anyone interested in adopting a bulletin board? Help needed designing, executing, and installing bulletin boards come this new year. Please email for inquiries.
Book Bonanza
PAC is accepting book donations for the Book Bonanza. There will be a donation cart located outside the office.
Voices for the Performing Arts - Auditions for Grades 4-8 Being Held On Jan 9
Is your student interested have a passion for being on stage? Voices for the Performing Arts will be holding auditions on January 9 for students in grades 4-8 to participate in an upcoming play.
To audition:
Complete this registration form by Monday, January 8.
Prepare a monologue that is approximately one-minute long. It’s okay if it’s a little shorter. But do your best to find one that is around one-minute. If you are not sure how to get a monologue, you can find monologues for kids here and here.
Your monologue should be memorized if possible. During your audition, we will be looking for Stage Presence (comfortable and confident onstage), Voice (volume, diction, tone, pitch), and Character (telling the story).
Please sign up for an audition time slot here.
Schedule of Participation:
Auditions will be held January 9, 3:45-5:45pm at the Sherwood Middle School Auditorium.
Callbacks will be held January 11, 3:45-5:45pm at the Sherwood Middle School Auditorium.
Rehearsals and Production Week - January 16-March 2 - Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays 3:45-5:45pm
At the January 11 callbacks students will be given small sections of the script to read together. Students will be notified if they need to attend the callbacks -- please note that while not all students will be called back, everyone who auditions gets a role! Monologues and callbacks will be used to determine who is the best fit for each character.
For more information about the Voices for the Performing Arts Foundation and their performances, please visit
Helpful Links
Hawks View Elementary
Location: 21970 SW Sherwood Blvd
Phone: (503) 825-5400