White Marsh Elementary School
2022 - 2023
Week of January 9 - 13, 2023
A Week
Greetings, White Marsh Families!
We had a great first week back- the Bears returned with a bang! They are working hard, and continue to show a Strong and Mighty work ethic!
This week will be a full week of school. Tuesday is our very first Dress for Success Day! See more information below! Our Joe Corbi's Fundraiser continues this week. Students should have received the flyer last week in Wednesday folders. A reminder that all orders should be submitted online, and the last day for orders is January 20. At this time, the delivery date is set for Feb 6. More information will follow, but orders will need to be picked up that afternoon between 4 - 6 pm.
It's hard to believe, but we are almost at the mid-point of the school year! The second marking period ends on January 27, 2023. Please make sure your student does not have any missing assignments.
Introducing...Dress for Success Day!
Some of our staff will Dress for Success on these days, too. We can't wait to see our Bears even more Ready to Learn, Respectful, and Responsible!
The first Dress for Success Day is Tuesday- January 10. This week! We are excited for this! If you want to mark your calendars, future Dress For Success Days are:
February 7
March 14
April 18
May 16
Dress for Success!!
Wear a Coat!
PTA News
Please consider joining the PTA; the membership form is here.
Upcoming Events:
Jan 16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Schools Closed
Jan 27 Professional Day, No School for Students
Jan 27 End of 2nd Marking Period
Feb 7 Dress for Success Day!
Feb 7 PTA Meeting, 6:30 pm
Feb 7 Report Cards Distributed
Feb 6-10 PTA Pencil Grams Sale
Feb 10 2 hr. Early Dismissal
The following are general reminders:
Attendance Letters
Absences can be reported with a note sent in to the Main Office, or by clicking the link on our website. Please refer to the SMCPS Student Handbook for more information about Attendance.
In an effort to communicate with parents and keep you informed about student absences, we send home letters every marking period to those students with 5 or more absences. We understand that a variety of illnesses continue to surround us, and appreciate your communication with Nurse Parrish, teachers, and the Main Office about your children's health.
From the Music Room
A Week: Wednesday and Friday
B Week: Wednesday and Thursday
Volunteering at WMES
A reminder that all Volunteers (including Field Trip Chaperones) must be approved through SMCPS. Beginning this year, this will be an annual requirement. At WMES, those volunteers being asked to support students and teachers in the building will be required to complete a site based training session.
Any volunteer with an interest in supporting classroom activities, Field Day, Book Fair, copying/laminating for teachers must attend the WMES Volunteer Training Session prior to working with students. Please note- participation in the Training Session does not ensure that you will be needed to support an individual classroom. Teachers will reach out to you if school based volunteers are needed.
Future training dates are less than 30 minutes long, and have been added to the WMES event calendar.
Acceptable Use Policy
ALL students in SMCPS must have a completed Acceptable Use Agreement on file for School Year 2022-2023.
Elementary (PreK-5th) Link: https://bit.ly/22022-2023_Elementary_AUPForm
Chronic Absenteeism
Chronic Absenteeism: Students are chronically absent when absent 10% or more of the school days while enrolled at that school. For example, a student who is registered to attend a school for 30 days and who is absent 3 of those 30 days is considered chronically absent.
WMES will follow up with chronically absent students through the Pupil Services Team, Pupil Personnel Worker, and the Department of Student Services. In order to reduce the number of our students with Chronic Absenteeism, incentives to encourage good attendance include participation in the Bear Crawl, Running Club, and School Dance.
Schoology for Parents
Proper Care of Electronic Devices
Text Alerts
SMCPS Text Alerts are a great way to get information quickly. They are not sent often, and usually only in the event of an unexpected school delay or closure. On occasion, WMES will send a text alert about a late bus, substitute bus, or school event. Click the link for information about registering for text alerts.
Mrs. Julia Steele, Principal
Email: jwsteele@smcps.org
Website: schools.smcps.org/wmes
Location: 29090 Thompson Corner Road, Mechanicsville, MD, USA
Phone: (301)472-4600
Twitter: @wmes_smpcs