Band Blast
Quote/Thought of the Week
Shoutout to all of our kids auditioning for All District this Saturday! I have been able to hear everyone's solos. They sound great!
General Things to Know!
- All District Auditions (UPDATED)
Due to weather concerns, All District Auditions will now take place on Saturday, January 27, AT DAVIE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL! As a reminder, this is a requirement to earn Honors Credit.
CALL TIME IS 8:00 AM in the band room. - MPA Retreat
MPA Retreat is a REQUIRED and GRADED event. This is when we pay to bring in professionals on every instrument and 3 full ensemble clinicians to help us refine our MPA music. This will take place on Saturday, February 10 from 11:30-4:00 PM. Please eat lunch before coming to DCHS. - MPA Preview Concert
MPA Preview Concert will take place on Thursday, March 7 at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $7 and the concert will be located in the DCHS Auditorium. - MPA
Music Performance Assessment (MPA) is the state wide assessment for our bands. We go to Lenoir Rhyne University and perform for a panel of judges, who will then give us a rating. These performances will take place in a window of time. The window is March 13-15. More information will be provided in the next few weeks. - Marching Band Uniforms and Instruments
All marching band uniforms and instruments should be turned in by now. This is so that we can get all of them cleaned and repaired.
Updates from the Booster President and Student Leaders
Updates from Ann Wilson (President)
1. We are in need of Coke products, Cheerwine, and Bottled Water donations for All District Concessions. If you know managers at local businesses or you are willing to donate, please let us know.
2. We are putting together a committee (4-5 people) to plan our first annual "Davie Band Day" benefit concert fundraiser on Saturday, April 27th. We are in need of students and parents for event planning and for reaching out to large businesses for sponsorships. Please email Ann if you are willing to participate on this committee.
If you are willing to with these things, please reach out to Ann Wilson (Band Booster President) at
Updates from Bonnie Taylor (Band Captain) and Cole Fender (Business Manager)
Come back soon.
Marching Band Information
Uniform, Shoes, Shako, School Owned Marching Instrument Check In
All uniforms, shoes, and shakos should be turned in this week. We will go through and make sure that each uniform has been returned. If your child has not turned in their items, please have them do so by tomorrow.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are several opportunities to help out during the year. Please see our Signup Genius!