SPS Weekly Newsletter
September 22nd, 2023
In This Edition of the SPS Weekly Newsletter...
We are excited to share the latest edition of the SPS Weekly Newsletter with our families, students, staff, and community members! A new edition will be sent each Friday when school is in session, sharing updates, previewing upcoming events, and showcasing the amazing work being done in our schools. This week, we feature Dr. Baeta's weekly message, "Start with Hello Week" at the OMS, twin sisters at SHS who were honored for their academic excellence, kindness spreading in our schools, info about the new elementary school building project, and more!
From the Desk of the Superintendent
MCAS results are in and we are reviewing all of our data. In general we continue to move forward as a district and will not need any state assistance as per the accountability system.
CONGRATULATIONS to the students, faculty, staff, and administration connected to the Hansen Elementary School. The Hansen was noted as 1 of 66 high performing schools in the Commonwealth of MA. More to come on this data in the future.
Our Back to School Open House Nights this week were well attended! For those unable to attend, please reach out directly to your child's teacher(s) to get information.
A few items for students and families that need attention:
First, we welcome all students to our athletic events as it is a wonderful opportunity to support SHS student-athletes. However, we must also require appropriate conduct at such events.
This past week I was at the home football game and witnessed first hand some students engaged in unreasonable behavior. Simply put, WE will not tolerate spectators not behaving appropriately at games. WE will address individuals and/or groups of students and do so with clarity and purpose. WE are asking parents/guardians to have conversations with their children about expectations while on school grounds. WE are seeking your support. For those who are doing it right - THANK YOU.
Second, appropriate behavior while on a SPS school bus is not only expected but demanded as it is a public safety issue. Please be reminded that if a student engages in inappropriate behavior while on a SPS school bus, the student may be told they no longer are able to ride the bus. Parents, please have a conversation with your child about this expectation. For those who are doing it right - THANK YOU.
Lastly, this coming week please look for the Superintendent’s Transitional Entry Plan. Your input will be part of the process.
Joseph F. Baeta, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Stoughton Public Schools
Start With Hello Week at OMS
The O'Donnell Middle School participated in "Start With Hello Week" this past week. Start with Hello Week is part of the Sandy Hook Promise and focuses on teaching students empathy and empowering them to end social isolation by making new social connections and creating a sense of belonging. Here were some of the activities and theme days at the OMS:
- Meet & Greet Monday - Students started the day greeting one another and saying hello.
- Upstander Tuesday - At lunch, students filled out upstander cards. Upstanders speak up and stand up for others.
- Wear Green Wednesday - Green is the official color of Start With Hello/the Sandy Hook Promise, as well as mental health awareness.
- Trusted Adult Thursday - Students participated in an activity during Knight Time advisory to identify a trusted adult in their life.
- Moving Forward Fri-Yay - Students signed the pledge to continue to reduce isolation throughout the year.
Take a look at some pictures of students wearing green on Wednesday and signing the pledge on Friday to close out the week.
SHS Seniors Honored by College Board's National Recognition Programs
Two Stoughton High seniors were honored by the College Board for their academic excellence. Twin sisters Zayane Lopes and Zenaya Lopes both received the National African American Recognition Award through the College Board's National Recognition Programs.
The National Recognition Programs celebrate underrepresented students who achieve high scores on College Board assessments like AP exams or the PSATs and have a GPA of at least 3.5.
Congratulations Zayane and Zenaya!
Around the District
Students at the Hansen School recently made dots that included one act of kindness they can do this month and then decorated the halls with their creations. This activity coincided with celebrating International Dot Day, which draws its inspiration from the book "The Dot" by Peter Reynolds. In "The Dot", the main character believes she can't draw and is told by her teacher to "just make a mark and see where it takes you." Hansen School students are making their mark by spreading kindness!
Wilkins School students and staff wore yellow on Friday to show they were spreading kindness. Here are some kindergarteners taking part and celebrating kindness!
Our SHS fall sports captains are pictured here Wednesday morning before departing for the Hockomock League Fall Captains Conference at Canton High School. It was a great opportunity for our captains to interact with other student-athletes and discuss leadership strategies.
Other than Monday, we had some beautiful weather this past week! A preschool class at the Jones Early Childhood Center is pictured here enjoying some time outside on the playground.
A South School student arrived to school on a Stoughton Fire engine. This special ride was a prize from the Stoughton Public Library's summer reading program.
Did you see the sunset we had last Friday? It provided an incredible backdrop for the first home football game of the season at SHS!
New Elementary School Building Project Update
This informational board was on display at our back to school nights this past week. Check it out to find out more about the new elementary school building project, including the proposed site and preferred design. You can take a closer look at it here as well (available in both English and Portuguese).
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, September 26, 2023 from 6-7pm at Stoughton High (Room A216). Learn more about SEPAC and meet Special Education Director Ed Clarke.
School Committee Meeting
- Tuesday, September 26, 2023 in the School Committee Conference Room at the District Office. The public portion of the meeting starts at 7pm. A meeting agenda can be found here.
SHS Senior Parent/Guardian Night
- Wednesday, September 27, 2023 from 6:30-8pm at Stoughton High. Information and resources will be provided to help navigate senior year.
Bilingual Parent Night
- Thursday, September 28, 2023 from 6-8pm at Stoughton High. Parents/guardians and families of our multilingual learner students will be provided information about school communication, the parent portal, extended day programming, school expectations, and many more other useful topics. There will be many interpreters present too to help with translation.
Youth Field Hockey Clinic (Grades 5-8)
We are offering a free youth field hockey clinic this fall for SPS students in grades 5-8! The program is run by the SHS field hockey coaches and takes place on the following Sundays from 11am-12pm at the Stoughton High turf field:
- September 24, 2023
- October 1, 2023
- October 15, 2023
- October 22, 2023
Registration is required in order to attend: https://students.arbitersports.com/programs/2023-black-knights-fall-youth-field-hockey-clinic
We look forward to seeing future Black Knights field hockey players!
Prescription Drug Take Back & Hazardous Waste Day
Our friends at the Stoughton OASIS Coalition shared this flyer with the SPS community:
Make Sure Your Student's Emergency Contact Info & Health Info is Up to Date
With the school year underway, we want to make sure we have accurate and updated emergency contact information and health information for your child. Please log into your PowerSchool Parent Portal account, click on the forms link in the left navigation menu and update any information that is not accurate in the two forms - Current Student Information/Emergency Form and Current Student Health Information. When you have updated the information, please click on submit at the bottom of each of the forms. If your child's information is accurate, please click on submit at the bottom of each form to indicate that you have reviewed the data and it is accurate.
Follow Us on Social Media!
For updates throughout the week, be sure to follow Stoughton Public Schools on social media: