Parent University
FACEtime Newsletter, Home Edition 8/30/21
We want to hear from you! If there is a topic you'd like us to highlight, please send your ideas to parentu@bcps.org!
Team BCPS stakeholders are asked to post photos on social media using hashtag #Back2BCPS and include messages about their favorite BCPS classes, schools, teachers, field trips, and more. Photos also can be emailed to communications@bcps.org.
Family College Night - Fall 2021
Focus & Schoology Access for Parents/Caregivers
BCPS uses two systems to let you engage with your student’s learning: Focus & Schoology.
Focus is the BCPS Student Information System, or SIS. It stores data about our students, like attendance, final grades, demographics, and report cards. BCPS has opened parent access to Focus for the 2021-2022 school year and instructions for parents to sign up can be found HERE. Once parents log in, they can see their student’s report cards and attendance. In addition, BCPS will be using Focus’s Parent Portal to distribute forms that will assist parents in keeping their information up to date.
Inside of the Parent Portal, parents will find a link to the second system, Schoology, which is BCPS’s Learning Management System, or LMS. Schoology is where parents will see their student’s class assignments and assignment grades. Parents and teachers can use Schoology to communicate back and forth. Together these two tools give parents a great view into their student’s progress in BCPS.
For additional assistance, please contact your child's school.
BCPL Panel Discussion: Where Do We Go From Here?
Our children are resilient, yet so much has changed and will continue to change. Wondering about the transition back to school, work and life for your children and how to prepare them for a successful transition? Panelists, including Jennifer Abbe, LCPC, NCC, from the BCPS Office of School Counseling, will offer guidance to help families deal with anxiety, fear and worry that some youth may experience adjusting to change.
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
7:00 - 8:00 PM
Tales of the Dead Short Story Contest
The Tales of the Dead Short Horror Story Contest is back! In conjunction with A Toast Among Ghosts on October 16, Foundation for Baltimore County Public Library once again challenges you to write your own original short horror story. There are two categories: Over 21 and Under 21. The theme this year is "Ghosts in the Graveyard." All entries should feature a ghost and a graveyard/cemetery/burial ground.
While A Toast Among Ghosts is 21+ only, writers under 21 can enter too! The Under 21 winners are invited to read their stories at a special reception at the Reisterstown Branch with a tour of the historic Reisterstown Community Cemetery on the evening of October 7 at 6 p.m. In addition, the will receive a prize package including a 2021 A Toast Among Ghosts T-shirt and a gift card.
The contest runs August 1 through September 17. Winners will be announced on October 1. See contest rules for entry.
Outdoor Story Times
Many BCPL branches are hosting outdoor storytimes for children during the months of August & September. Check out the events tab for a branch near you!
CCBC Offers GED & NEDP Opportunities
Community College of Baltimore County offers classes and programs to achieve your high school diploma in one of two ways:
· GED® test preparation classes (in-person and online opportunities)
· National External Diploma Program® (NEDP®) online program
Next Intake Session begins: September 13, 2021
Appointments close out: September 3, 2021
Schedule your appointment for an assessment by calling 443-840-3077 or 443-840-3094 or email gednedp@ccbcmd.edu.
CCBC ESOL Family Literacy - Fall 2021
What is Parent CRAFT? A free resource for residents of Maryland
Baltimore County Government offering a new Financial Navigators program
Need help registering your child?
Parents/caregivers can submit an online application through the Focus Parent Portal. Learn more about using the Focus Parent Portal by viewing an informational video. The password for the video is “Baltimore.”
After entering information online, parents/caregivers will be contacted by their child’s school to finalize enrollment. Additional assistance is available by emailing RegistrationHelp@bcps.org or contacting a school.
Special Education Resource Center
The Resource Center supports parents of children with disabilities, ages birth to 21. Its mission is to promote positive, effective partnerships within the school community. The center activities include but are not limited to the following services:
- Maintains a lending library of articles, newsletters, books, and DVDs on a wide range of special education topics such as special education law, types of disabilities, support groups and recreational opportunities.
- Seeks ways to encourage and strengthen communication between parents and school personnel
- Teams with educators to teach free workshops
- Makes community presentations to both parent groups and school staff
- Represents special education issues and concerns of parents and students with special needs
- Directs parents to available community resources
- Establishes a family-to-family support network
- Offers support to parents who need someone to talk to on an individual basis in a confidential, supportive atmosphere
- Coordinates the PTA Special Education Liaison Project
For more information or to join their newsletter list click here!
What is Parent University
Parent University is offered through the BCPS Office of Family and Community Engagement, which we affectionately call FACE! We provide tools and resources to BPCS families to support learning at home. In the past, before social-distancing, one of the ways we offered these resources was through in-person workshops hosted by community members and schools. We also have a large collection of online resources that are available as we navigate through this incredibly unique time in our lives. We hope you enjoy what we have to share.
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BCPS Office of Family & Community Engagement
Email: parentu@bcps.org
Website: https://cos.bcps.org/departments/communications/family_and_community_engagement/parent_university
Phone: 443-809-4496
Facebook: facebook.com/BCPSParentU
Twitter: @BCPSParentU