Elmdale School
May Newsletter
Principal's Message
As April draws to a close it is exciting to see spring around the corner. Seeing the students excitedly run outside for recess and enjoy the sandbox, or kick a soccer ball around, or swing on the swings, we also start noticing jackets are being left inside or being hung on the railings as the weather gets warmer.
With spring also comes lots of fun and interesting activities around Elmdale. If you stopped by 2F in April you would have seen both quail and chicken eggs warming in an incubator, and later hatching. If you come by the school over noon hour on a Tuesday or Thursday you will see the running club getting ready for the annual "Let's Run" event happening later this month in Steinbach.
Many classes are preparing for Learning Trips this spring - so don't forget to sign those permission forms (either on paper or on the Parent Portal). It's very exciting to see the students learning through experiences on their Learning Trips!
In spring we will also be doing some Fire Drills, Lock-Down Drills and Tornado Drills as part of our safety plan for the school. Notices will be sent home prior to Lock-Down and Tornado Drills.
Remember to keep an eye on the the Calendar for all the upcoming events at Elmdale!
Vince Hiebert
Principal: Elmdale School
Email: elmdale@hsd.ca
Website: elmdale.hsd.ca
Location: 160 Elmdale Street, Steinbach, MB, Canada
Phone: 2043263325
Twitter: @ElmdaleHSD
Wellness Week
During May 6-10 we will be celebrating Wellness Week at Elmdale. Mental Health Week is an annual event that takes place across Canada during the first week of May to encourage people to learn, talk, reflect and engage with others on all issues relating to mental health and well-being. At Elmdale, we hope to help students develop healthy habits that will contribute to lifelong well-being.
Each day we will be focusing on a different area of wellness:
Sunny Monday - We will focus on the benefits of being outdoors, as well as having a positive outlook.
Tell-Them Tuesday - We will think about and tell our friends and family how they enhance our lives.
Water Wednesday - We will encourage drinking water and staying hydrated.
Thankful Thursday - We will each write something on a leaf that we are grateful for and add it to a school-wide Gratitude Tree.
Fitness Friday - We will focus on the benefits of physical activity on all areas of health and well-being.
We look forward to activities planned in classrooms, in the Gym, and at recess!
For more information please see Mrs. Klassen’s blog page - www.elmdalecounsellorpage.blogspot.com
Home Reading
Click Here to watch the video - the password is elmdale
Grade 1 Assembly The 3 Little Pigs
School-Wide Chicken Dance
Staff List 2019-2020
Every year some staffing changes happen in a school. Here is the list of teachers for Elmdale for 2019-2020:
Vince Hiebert
Rose Friesen
Tara Klassen
Lit Support (Grade 1-2)
Melissa Fry
Lit Support (Grade 3-4)
Pamela Reimer
Nichelle Doerksen
Tammy Klassen
Susanne Penner
Grade 1
Lyndsey Engel
Jennifer Mutter
Connie Johnson
Grade 2
Jo-Anne Giesbrecht
Mandy Murphy
Grade 3
Gavin Barkman
Lauren Laninga
Grade 4
Mike Martens
Darnell Thiessen
Bethany Dueck
Eric Fast
Louise Redekop
Class Lists for 2019-2020
This is the final reminder that parent requests for the 2019-2020 School Year is MAY 15. Parents who would like to make a specific request for a friend or teacher placement, please remember that these should be based on academic and learning needs, and be submitted in writing to Mr. Hiebert (vhiebert@hsd.ca). All requests submitted by that date will be considered, however we cannot guarantee that all requests will be honoured. Late requests will not be considered.
A Message from PAC
PrinciPal Winners for April
City of Steinbach Summer Day Camps
"Soup's On" School Lunches
Bus Times, Routes & Address Changes
Please check our website for the bus pick up times and location near your house.
If your address has changed, please call transportation at 204-320-2347 to make sure that your children are riding the correct bus to and from school.
Elmdale School
Publisher: Mr. Hiebert
Email: elmdale@hsd.ca
Website: http://elmdale.hsd.ca/
Location: 160 Elmdale Street, Steinbach, MB, Canada
Phone: 204-326-3325
Twitter: @elmdalehsd